Sunday 5 July 2020

Curry Noodle Breakfast & Chicken Porridge Dinner

Yesterday, (Saturday, 109th day MCO) we met up with our foodie friends for our first breakfast together since MCO started in March. Our venue for breakfast was Restoran Ye Sing in Taman Bandaraya. After more than 4 months under MCO, we want to fix our craving for the curry noodles.

This is the second day in a stretch we had curry noodle for breakfast after the one we had yesterday morning in Ipoh new town. Both the curry noodles are equally tasty in their own way except that one is only RM4.50 and the other is RM6.00.
All the tables can only accommodate 2 customers because of the size of their tables. So we had to sit at 2 separate tables. As usual, unsweetened black coffee (kopi-o kosing) for hubby and unsweetened coffee (kopi-c kosong) for me.
2 bowls of curry noodles - yellow noodle for hubby and flat rice noodle (koay teow) for me.
 If everything goes well, we will be meeting up for our once a week breakfast from now on.
I reheated the 2nd garlic bread given by a friend in the oven.
At about 2:30 pm, we picked up our friends for rojak (mixed fruit salad). We couldn't get the rojak and we ended up only with chilled dessert (ice kacang).
Simple home cooked dinner
From the roast chicken given by a friend, I shredded the meaty part and kept it in the fridge. First, I boiled the rice porridge with some pre-soaked preserved vegetables (dong choy). Once the porridge is ready, I added in half the portion of shredded chicken, some salt according to taste and chopped spring onions.
Nice to have a bowl of shredded chicken rice porridge with a dash of white pepper powder for dinner on a warm evening.
Saw these pretty red flowers of the Peregrina plant.
All parts of the plant are toxic. The milky sap may cause irritation or rashes to the skin. Thanks to Mun of (Eat to Live) or (Live to Eat) blog, I downloaded Google Lens app to help me identify this plant.

Lazy people irritate their employers,
like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes.
(Proverbs 10:26, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. I want some curry noodles :-) So yummy!

  2. You are most welcome! Google lens is a very useful app. Your shredded chicken porridge is tasty and easy to eat - I like. The curry noodles broth looks so very thick and rich. Did you all finish drinking the curry broth to the last drop?

    1. Most of us finished 2 thirds of the curry broth.

  3. Now that you have tried the Aeon garlic cream cheese bread and found it to be ok, maybe I will buy it to eat too next week. Aiyo, I want to eat ABC at my favourite SS2 stall but they are only open at night and I am not sure whether they are open now or not. Maybe I will make my own ABC. Have you make your own ABC ice kacang before?

    1. I have not make my own ABC ice kacang because I don't have a ice shredder machine.

  4. Cury noodles look so yummy :)

  5. yes, curry noodle so tasty...
    Love your coffee

  6. Hello dear Nancy!
    Google lens is very useful! Like the Curry noodles and the garlic bread!
    Beautiful red flowers! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a nice day and a happy week! Take care!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a nice and happy week. Take care and stay safe.

  7. The flowers are lovely, nice colour.
    Garlic bread is always good.
    Here if there are 4 people two tables are put together so all can sit together.

    1. It will depends on the owner of the eatery, whether they are willing to put the tables together to accommodate the number of people.

  8. All looks so delicious! Beautiful flower! :)

    1. Thank you, dear and have a beautiful day.

  9. All of them seems delicious 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  10. Una comida, compartida con amigos, es bastante agradable.

    Buenos alimentos para afrontar el día.


  11. ...yummy for all the senses.

  12. The food looks so good! It's nice you could go out for breakfast :)

    Hope you are having a nice weekend :) We were out at the park again today :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Hope we will be able to return to normal life soon.

  13. I thought I was crazy till I read it was the second day in a row for the curry

    1. We don't mind having curry noodles 2 days in a row.

  14. The foods look delicious!
    Pretty flowers!

  15. Wah ABC!! I miss tht so mch!

  16. Nice to socialize and have a good meal. Makes it more appetizing.

    1. It is always good to catch with friends over food.

  17. Isn't it fun to have foodie friends!

  18. The garlic bread looks delicious, and so does the curry dish.

  19. Good that you learned about the google lens app from mun. Not only can you find out abt the id of flowers and plants, you can find out the id of birds too.

  20. Having a good coffee together with a delicious meal is a blessing ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

  21. Nice-looking curry noodles. Again I judge by the amount of mint leaves!

    I have that plant but thought it was called Jatropha. Pretty flowers but often get infested by mealybugs.


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