Friday 3 July 2020

Lunch At Restoran J.J. Fatt, Lawan Kuda, Gopeng

I woke up at about 2 am in the morning. Went to the washroom and then went back to sleep. Woke up again at about 3:30 am and was wide awake. Switched on the computer, read the emails and prepared the day's blog post.

Hubby got up at about 5:45 am and by 6:10 am, we started out on our early morning walk. We walked to the park, did 2 rounds of walking at the park, and then we walked to our regular coffee shop. We had our cup of coffee, chit chatted with our friend and then walked back home.
 Reached home at about 7:30 am.
Breakfast at home
I warmed up the remaining yam rice from the previous day's dinner.
 The yam rice tasted just as good as the previous day.
 I added lime juice to the sambal belacan.
Yam rice + sambal belacan = super delicious breakfast.
 These colourful blooms are from the same hibiscus bougainvillea plant.
 Cloudy sky at 9:05 am
Lunch with friends at Restoran J.J. Fatt, Lawan Kuda, Gopeng.
This is our first lunch outside of Ipoh since MCO was implemented.
 Stir fried paku pakis (fern) with sambal belacan.
 Fish slices (san yu or snakehead fish) with ginger slices and spring onions.
 After the meaty part has been removed, the rest of the fish used for boiling soup with wine added.
 Fresh oyster and egg omelette.
We ordered 1 plate of white rice to be shared by 2 people.
No rice for me and another friend.
After lunch, we drove over to Kedai Kopi Gemuk in Kopisan, a short distance from where we had lunch.
 2 cups of unsweetened coffee, 2 glasses of chilled barley + lemon drink and steamed glutinous rice with kaya (coconut jam).
After lunch, we went shopping at Parkson, Ipoh Parade. When we reached home, I was tired and sleepy. Took a nap till about 7 pm. Woke up to prepare dinner.
The day before, a friend gave us 2 garlic bread and
 a roast chicken (ayam golek Mak Kiah)
 The garlic bread smelled so good even after being in the fridge.
 I couldn't resist. Took a piece to eat.
Cream was applied in between the cut bread. 
 The chicken was cut into 2 parts before re-heating in the oven.
Hubby and I ate the 2 chicken legs and 2 wings.
The rest of the chicken meat was shredded and kept in the fridge for future use.

We are all parts of one body, we have the same Spirit,
and we have all been called to the same glorious future.
For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
and we all have the same God and Father who is over us all
and in us all, and living through every part of us.
(Ephesians 4:4-6, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your meals look so appetizing - haven't had my breakfast yet! The clouds look so soft, one could lay there and dream ❤︎ Thank you for colorful bougainvilleas, too - wishing a pleaant weekend.

    1. Thank you, Riitta. Have a pleasant weekend.

  2. The bun looks good, creamy in between? Really two full meals yesterday!

    1. Yes, I like the buns. Creamy but taste good.

  3. So many delicious foods! That garlic bread sandwiched with cream sounds fantastic!

    1. I ate most of the garlic bread. Normally I will remove the cream but this one is exceptional and I ate the bread with the cream.

  4. delicious lunch at Gopeng!

  5. The photos from sky, blooms very beautiful! Delicious lunch!
    Greetings Elke

  6. Uwielbiam potrawy z kurczaka i chlebek czosnkowy. Dobrego dnia:)

  7. ...I didn't sleep well last night either!

  8. Hello dear Nancy!
    Creat sky captures and lovely meals! My favorite are the garlic bread,the roast chicken and the omelette! The blooms are from the bougainvillea tree,i have one the same,in my garden!
    Have a happy Friday and a lovely weekend! Stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Happy Friday and happy weekend. Take care and stay safe.

  9. That sky is so pretty! The food looks delicious.

  10. Hello Nancy,
    Pretty skies! The meals look yummy, I would love the chicken and garlic bread! Take care, Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Beautiful morning and food looks good

  12. That was early to wake least you did something positive.
    The food looks lovely,
    I cooked a baked chicken last evening for dinner.
    Take care.

    1. We couldn't finish the chicken. Shredding the leftover to use for other recipes. Take care and stay safe.

  13. Nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  14. Oh, why were you wide awake at 3.30 am? U drank coffee before sleeping? Love your yam rice. Hhhmmm, the sambal Belacan is spicy then I cannot eat. The sang yu slices look delicious. Long time I didn't eat these kind of tai char dishes.

    1. Don't know why I woke up extra early and its not due to coffee. Its once in a while thing.

  15. Are the roast chicken and garlic bread from Aeon? Looks so familiar. So nice of your friend to give them to you.

    1. Yes, both from Aeon. Blessing from this wonderful friend.

  16. Oh my, your meals are so delicious looking. I want some of each dish.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Those flowers look like bougainvillea, not hibiscus. We grow them in Hawaii. Nice food you ate.

    1. Oh! Thanks for pointing out to me. You are right, its my mistake, it should be bougainvillea. I have corrected it.

  18. The purple Hibiscus looks so pretty, different from others I have seen. ALL the food looks yummy, and now I am hungry!

    1. Sorry, Ginny. Its my mistake, it should be purple bougainvillea and not hibiscus.

  19. You have such wonderful friends!

  20. blessings.....
    Meals, blooms and sunset.
    makes for a grand day.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  21. Thank you and have a good day.

  22. A very Asian breakfast of yam rice with sambal belacan!

    The garlic bun is interesting.. some more spread cream on it first.

    1. We finished both the yam rice and also the garlic bun.

  23. I have a hard time going to sleep. Lucky you had a nap later that day. Food looks delicious! SkyWatch Friday photograph is very nice. Glad you and your husband got to go out to eat. Illinois just allowed our restaurants to open on June 27th for inside eating. Take care, Nancy.

  24. Sometimes i am like you, once in a while cannot sleep well, wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep again. There was once i bought buy one get one free chicken legs from the supermarket too.

    1. Thankful that it is only a once in a while thing. If we are fortunate, we get some really good offers at the supermarket.


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