Saturday 25 July 2020

Noodles In Soup, Nasi Lemak & Home Made Pizzas

Our friends wanted to introduce a good place with us, so we made a breakfast appointment with them. After picking our friends from their house, we drove to Kedai Makanan Swisang, Persiaran Wira Jaya Barat 38, Desa Perwira, Ipoh.
We ordered 3 bowls of spinach noodle in soup consisting of pork rib, 2 pieces of corn, tofu puffs, leeks, gojiberries, etc. I enjoyed this noodle and drank most of the soup.
Hubby ordered this bowl of curry noodle consisting of bbq pork, roast pork, etc. This curry broth has less coconut milk and tastes sourish with the added lime juice. Those who prefer the curry broth to be "lemak" coconut milk may not like this.
We also packed 2 sets of nasi lemak for lunch.
1 set for our friend and 1 set for hubby and I.
The nasi lemak consists of blue rice (coloured with blue pea flower), crunchy fried groundnuts and anchovies, fried egg, 2 slices of cucumber, chicken curry and salted fish sambal.
Hubby and I shared the above nasi lemak for lunch.
Home made pizza dinner at a friend's house.
Our friend made pizza with store bought pizza base.
The 2 regular sized pizzas were over loaded with toppings.
We took out the 1st freshly baked pizza to cut into 4 pieces.
 The topping was overflowing, so we have to add the pineapple separately.
That evening I had 2 quarters of pizza to fix my craving for pizza.
Thanks friend for the yummy-licious home made pizza.

Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk
so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation.
Cry out for this nourishment,
not that you have had a taste of the Lord's kindness.
(1 Peter 2:2-3, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. The noodle in soup looked good. The blue coloured rice in nasi lemak was overly blue to me.

    1. I read somewhere that vinegar is added to enhance the blue colour of the blue pea.

  2. Hello dear Nancy!
    Wow! I like the spinach,noodle soup and the blue rice! So exotic food!
    The pizza with pineapple looks so yummy!
    Have a nice day and a happy new week! Stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a great week and stay safe.

  3. That blue pea rice looks really cool :-)

  4. that's what I call a loaded pizza!

  5. Wow! The soup is sure loaded with ingredients. I am sure after eating the corns and pork ribs in the soup, you will be quite full. Ah, the pizzas are at Claire's place. So did you eat one piece of each pizza since you wrote you ate two quarters or both are from the same pizza?

  6. Pizza sounds delicious....I have not had any for a while!

    1. I love pizza but seldom eat because hubby not a fan of pizza.

  7. homemade pizza looks so pineapple....sweet and yummy....

  8. I like hot and sour soup, so I might like the soup you mentioned. The pizza looks very good, too.

  9. Momemade pizza looks so delicious :)

  10. Pizzas arÄ™ very common in Poland

    1. Pizza is not cheap here. Cheaper to have homemade pizza.

  11. Not sure about that blue rice.....yellow I am used to but blue! Keep well Diane

  12. That pizza looks delicious! I've never tried blue rice before either, it looks fun!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend! :) We had a nice day yesterday at the photo studio picking out some photos after our family photo shoot last week!

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you, Mica. Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Blue rice is new to me, i would love to serve that here, people would be so surprised.

    Lovely meals, and i hope you had a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. Have a wonderful new week.

  14. Replies
    1. Have a beautiful week. Take care and stay safe.


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