Thursday 16 July 2020

Savoury Sauce Fried Prawns For Dinner & Stages Of My Yellow Hibiscus

I have 2 packets of sea white shell prawns in my freezer. I took out 1 packet to cook for yesterday's dinner.
Once the prawns were thawed, I seasoned it with some sugar and kept in the fridge before cooking. First, I shallow fried the prawns. With some oil in the wok (frying pan), I fried chopped garlic, ginger strips and 1 big onion cut into wedges until fragrant. Then I add in some oyster and soy sauce and a little water. Once it started to boil, add in the prawns, spring onions and some shaoxing cooking wine, stirred and dish out. The prawns with a little gravy goes well with steamed rice.
I cook the remaining last quarter pumpkin with dried prawns and garlic. I had 2 snake long beans after clearing the old plants, so I just added them to the pumpkin dish.
Sauteed Green Amaranth (yeen choy) with garlic.
I overcooked this dish because in the midst of cooking this dish, the local council people started the mosquitoes spray outside my house. I have to quickly cover the wok (frying pan) and waited till the smell of the spray went off.
Home cooked dinner for 2 people.
Steamed rice for hubby and I ate the pumpkin in place of rice because hubby doesn't like pumpkin.
My yellow hibiscus - from a bud till it wilted.
A tight bud
Loosening of the tight bud
Unfolding of the petals
Opening up
98% fully opened yellow hibiscus
Lastly, a wilted hibiscus flower
My Water Jasmine plant full of flowers.
The flowers are of single layer petals.
Tiny weed flowers on the left and my Cockscomb flowers on the right.
Tiny red flowers of the Red Cypress Vine by the roadside.
Peregrina flowers by the roadside.

He is like a father to us,
tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him.
For he knows we are but dust and that our days are few and brief,
like grass, like flowers, blown by the wind and gone forever.
(Psalm 103:13-16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Do like your bowls, the flowers are really nice on them.
    The hibiscus , interesting to see the progress it made.

  2. wow so many delicious food, this flowers are so so nice :-)

  3. Your garden is so robust. And the homemade meal looks terrific!

  4. Very nice 3 dishes. I like to eat soft soft yin choy like your dish. Pumpkin is so tasty too. Prawns I like but lazy to peel so is placed last in the order of preference. Do you know the difference between white shell prawns with grey shell prawns? I don't and I wonder what is the difference. Which one tastes nicer.

    1. I am not very sure about the prawns but someone once told me that the grey shell prawns are farmed prawns. Don't know how far it is true. I usually buy the white shell prawns but will buy the grey ones if I can't find white ones.

  5. Thank you for the flowers photos. Flowers really brightens up our days. How did you take photos of the various stages of the yellow hibiscus? Did you place the camera there on Autotimer or use a stroboscope?

    1. I take photos of the hibiscus whenever I go in and out of my house at different times of the day. The hibiscus plant is just outside the gate.

  6. I liked the dishes and the flowers . I dont eat prawns so no idea about it

  7. Great garden 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  8. ...those prawns look great!

  9. Hello dear Nancy!
    Your dishes look delicious! I love prawns! I made today,prawns with tomato sauce and pasta!
    We have Green Amaranth here too! Your flowers are so preety! Like the Hybiscus blooms!
    Have a lovely day! Stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe too.

  10. Nice series of photos showing thevhibiscus flower.

  11. Mmm yummy looking prawns.

    It's too bad hibiscus flowers only last a day. The plant would be so beautiful if only the flowers last, oh, a week. :)

  12. Mmmm those prawns look wonderful. Keep well and safe, Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. Take care and stay safe.

  13. Oh the prawns. I love prawns. Those looks so very good.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  14. I should use my electric wok more often to make stir fried food.

  15. I probably haven´t ever seen a yellow hibiscus before

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

  16. Your Hibiscus pictures are amazing and stunning!! I LOVE how you photographed the entire life cycle of the bloom!!

  17. Your meal looks wonderful, and thank you so much for showing your hibiscus from start to finish. It is so beautiful!

  18. I've never eaten prawns.
    So beautiful flowers :)

  19. Tu comida siempre se ve estupenda. Las flores me encantan. Besitos.

  20. Dziękuję za przepis na krewetki moi bliscy bardzo je lubią.

  21. Thanks for sharing with us pics of the life cycle of the hibiscus flower, it is good and interesting to know.


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