Thursday 27 August 2020

Breakfast At The Lubiantan Restaurant, Ipoh.

Last Friday was my day out with my friend to pay our bills and to take breakfast together. My friend wanted to introduce me to a new place. The name of the place is The Lubiantan Restaurant. I was told that it means roadside stall because they once had a roadside stall business. This cafe is located on the 1st floor while the ground floor is especially for durian lovers.

 Let us go for breakfast first.
Kopi C for me and Milo kaw for my friend.
Curry noodle for me. Fish and meat balls noodle for my friend.
Fish balls, tendon balls and meat balls plus noodles in clear soup @ RM 7.80
Signature Curry noodles with lots of ingredients @ RM 9.80.
The colour may be red but it is not very spicy.
I have to wait till the other customers left before I could take this picture.
Lunch is served after 11 am.
Thanks to my friend for picking up the tab for our breakfast.
For durian lovers, you can proceed to the ground floor for fresh durians or durian desserts.
The Lubiantan Restaurant,
No. 56A, Jalan Theatre, Taman Jubilee, 30000 Ipoh.
Entrance to Fruit R US.
Sitting places for those who wants to enjoy some durian desserts.
Delicious and fresh branded durians from Pahang.
Durian burnt cheese cake, durian cheese cake & durian layer cake.
We didn't stop for durian desserts because my friend is not a fan of durians.
We went opposite to buy some salted egg yolk with meat floss biscuits.
I bought 5 pieces.
I love the salted egg yolk and meat floss filling.
For lunch, I made Antong Special Golden Roast instant coffee.
This was my light lunch: Salted egg yolk with meat floss biscuit with instant coffee.

In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing
so that no one can speak a word of blame against you.
You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a
dark world full of people who are crooked and stubborn.
Shine out among them like beacon lights,
holding out to them the Word of Life.
(Philippians 2:14-16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. So interesting and different those egg & meat biscuit things look like something Tim would like

    1. Its a mixture of sweet and slightly salty taste.

  2. The brand Sin Eng Hoe has this salted egg yolk meat floss pastry. does it have lotus paste in it too to hold the egg yolk and meat floss in place?

    1. The filling has lotus paste, salted egg yolk and meat floss.

  3. Since you ate breakfast with your friend, what did your husband eat at home? The curry Mee has so much red chili oil. It has siew yuk too I can see that.

    1. No worry, hubby went to our regular coffee shop for his breakfast.

  4. I would eat fresh durian at the shop but I guess the price would be more expensive due to the air cond place. Your light lunch is like tea time. Is the salted egg meat floss pastry a savoury pastry, not sweet at all?

  5. ...a bright and inviting place.

  6. Thanks for your sharing 😊 have a lovely day 😊

  7. That looks like a nice restaurant.

  8. I m more interested on the durian cakes....looks good!

  9. So many things I haven't had the pleasure of trying yet. I wish we had places to get all of the authentic foods here. So interesting!

    1. We do enjoy lots and lots of different types of food here.

  10. A fruit stand for durains, that's where i want to go if i ever get to visit your city, to try durian at least once in my life.

  11. Looks like an interesting place to eat. I wonder why your mugs of coffee are filled to the brim. How can you drink without spilling the coffee?

    1. The coffee are not really up to the brim. Its the foam cause when they were mixing the drinks.

  12. Oh my, I've not had breakfast yet and this food is making my stomach growl. I love your foodie posts.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. Big hug. ♥

  13. A very bright restaurant, i like that jacob "every bite is goodness" white plate!

    1. That Jacob plate was a free gift given by Jacob.

  14. Looks like a good day out. Sorry I am not keeping up with blogs or comments but I will be back soon. Keep well Diane

    1. It is alright because we understand that you are having problem with the internet. Keep well and stay safe.

  15. Muy interesante todo. Feliz día.

  16. This is my kind of place! Food upstairs and dessert downstairs, pastries across the road. I have been buying the peanut candies from this brand on Shopee.

    The curry noodle looks oily with all the red.

    1. Convenient and walking distance to all the tidbits shops.


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