Thursday 6 August 2020

Thursday's Mish Mash

This was Monday morning after we have finished our morning walk and our breakfast at our regular coffee shop. 
Morning sky at 7:35 am.
I took some snapshots of these hibiscus growing by the roadside on our walk home.
This is also our country's national flower.
This baby banana plant given to me by a friend is growing nicely in a big pot. It is grown more for the leaves to be used in cooking. Hopefully, it will also bear fruits.
Chives flower buds.
Lunch & Dinner
I boiled ABC soup with pork (the "armpit" part that "never see the sky") ABC soup is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and the ingredients used is usually carrot, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and etc, with some crushed white peppercorns.
Since we had an early and light breakfast, we had steamed rice and ABC soup for lunch with spicy chilly oil as condiment.
The remaining soup was re-heated and we each had a bowl of soup for dinner. There was enough meat and ingredients from the soup to fill our tummy without having to take rice or noodle.
After my son left to go back to work early Sunday morning after spending the weekend with us, it was time to wash the quilt, bed sheet, and etc. This is where I hang out my washing in the garden for quick drying.
Surprisingly, I don't seem to have the time to sew quilts after I retired. 

Linking to Good Fences.

You are free from the law,
but that doesn't mean you are free to do wrong.
Live as those who are free to do only God's will at all times.
(1 Peter 2:16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I like your quilt, Nancy! Very nicely made...

  2. I love this quit, looks so colorful!

  3. That's a colourful quilt, very nice indeed...clever lady.

  4. Your quilt is so beautiful! It is quite a time consuming activity I think. Now that you are retired, you have many more activities to enjoy!

    1. I used to spend my spare time making the quilt. Now my spare time is used for other things such as blogging and gardening and others.

  5. Hello,
    Your quilt is beautiful, very colorful. Pretty sky capture and the hibiscus blooms are lovely. It would be nice to have bananas growing, I hope your plant does well. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a great weekend. Take care and stay safe.

  6. ...I sure the colorful qilt!

  7. Oh, I so love your quilt. It is beautiful. I did not know you were a quilter...or had been as the case may be.

    1. I used to make quilts for my own family when I was still working. But now, I have too many hobbies that I don't have the time for quilts.

  8. I love your foodie posts as you know, but that quilt is most beautiful. Wow. I'm glad you got to spend the weekend with your son.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a fabulous weekend.

  9. Glad you had a nice visit with your son. The yellow hibiscus is Hawaii's state flower.

  10. Flowers in your garden look so beautiful. I like it so much.

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  11. Very colourful quilt. So pretty. Your abc soup looks delicious! Good move to drink abc soup for dinner without any rice or noodles. Were you both very full after that?

    1. Thank you, Mun. We were comfortably full after the bowl of soup.

  12. Muy bonitas y sugerentes imagenes,espero estes bien, cuidate mucho,saludos.

  13. I love all of your gorgeous photos. Looks like you have a green thumb and are a great cook too. Did you make that quilt? It's amazing! I hope you have a great day :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, I made that quilt. Have a great weekend.

  14. That’s cool and so colourful quilts I ever seen! Nice work :)

  15. I´ve never seen such beautiful and vivid hibiscuses ❤

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  16. Mish and mash and this and that, with some dish and dash and all in all a bloody good post

  17. Very nice and colourful quilt. I am like that too, just soup and rice for me is enough cos inside the soup got a lot of ingredients. Roadside also got such lovely and beautiful flowers.

  18. Pretty quilt there.

    What is 'armpit' part called?

    1. Thank you, Stacy. According to my pork seller, in Cantonese, it is called "pak kin teen" meaning never see the sky or exposed to the sun.

  19. Thanks, will check out my pork stall for these.


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