Wednesday 2 September 2020

Lunch At Kafe Diamond & Dinner At Restoran Mun Ji, Menglembu

On this particular morning, we did our morning walk at the recreational park in our area because we have friends joining us.

Breaking of dawn at 6:54 am
6:55 am
6:56 am
Breakfast with friends.
3 glasses of herbal drink and 1 bowl of barley and ginkgo sweet drink.
Hubby and I shared this plate of fried rice vermicelli with egg and prawns.
Lunch with friends at Kafe Diamond, Menglembu.
I ordered this bowl of ice kacang with chocolate ice cream.
Hubby and I shared this bowl of assam laksa.
Chinese rojak and crackers for sharing.
Dinner with friends at Restoran Mun Ji, Menglembu.
Fish curry with assorted vegetables (small size).
Green Amaranth (yin choy) with 3 types of eggs.
2 types of dishes for 4 people.
Fragrant Gardenia from my garden.

And when we obey him, every path he guides us on is fragrant
with his loving-kindness and his truth.
(Psalm 25:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. The sky shots from your area recreational park seems nicer than from the Polo ground. Clear without electric cables in the way.

    1. It depends from where I am taking the pictures or where the cables are. Sometimes it is just impossible to avoid the cables.

  2. How delicious! I want some fried rice vermicelli too. Beautiful morning sky shots, Nancy.

  3. Such a beautiful sunset and flower. I like your photos so much.

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  4. I want that ice kacang with chocolate ice cream!

  5. Morning has broken. A lovely breakfast! Love the Gardenia flower.

  6. ...what a beautiful start to your day!

  7. I love that you are often meeting friends for a walk and some delicious food. I read too quickly and for a second thought one of you had ordered ice cream for breakfast, now that's a good idea!
    Have fun
    Wren x

    1. I wouldn't mind having ice cream for breakfast if the weather is warm. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. The stunning sky shots are a delight to see, thank you for sharing.

  9. This plate of fried rice vermicelli with egg and prawns looks really tasty Nancy and your flower is so beautiful. Enjoy your Wednesday.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. The morning sky shots are beautiful and foods for the day look yummy as always, breakfast looks especially good. Have a great day Nancy :)

  11. Love all the food, so tasty! How did you eat the shaved ice dessert without the ice cream ball on top toppling over?

  12. Beautiful sunrise photos and such tasty delights you and your sweety enjoyed! Have a lovely day!

  13. It's morning here and I've not had breakfast yet. I want some of all those dishes. Yummy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a beautiful day and weekend.

  14. I just love the fried vermicelli with eggs and prawns. Yummy.

  15. Hola Nancy, un placer saludarte. Preciosas fotos y sabrosos platos. Besos.

  16. What a beautiful sky you had! That would be worth getting up early, just to see that.

  17. Beautiful photos of sunrise. The ice cream dish looks tempting.

  18. Gorgeous sunrise to be a part of ... all of the food looks absolutely delicious!

  19. Beautiful skies, and there's nothing like the smell of gardenia. Now i'm hungry, too.

  20. Your food and scenery are always a welcome sight :)

    I'm so excited to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking.

    1. Thank you, Betty for hosting. Have a great weekend.

  21. A day with friends in a beautiful place. It doesn't get much better than that.

  22. El cielo se ve precioso. Besos Nancy.

  23. That sky is so magical! Looks like a painting itself! ❤

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