Thursday 12 November 2020

Pork Tripe Soup Noodle & Herbal Chicken Soup

This was when our regular coffeeshop took 2 days off. After our morning walk, we went to have breakfast at another nearby coffeeshop.

We ordered unsweetened coffee - 1 white and 1 black.
I ordered pork tripe daikon soup with noodle.
Hubby likes the wat tan hor (flat rice noodle in thick egg gravy) in this place.
After this filling and satisfying breakfast, we walked home (about 600m).
At midday, I was sitting in front of my computer when all of a sudden, a very loud boom was heard.
I went out to the front of my house to check. It was a sunny day with some dark cloud.
But it was all dark behind our house and that was where the loud boom came from. It was a loud thunder and was followed by rumbling thunder.
Home cooked dinner on a rainy evening.
I boiled herbal chicken soup. I used 4 whole chicken legs and a packet of dried herbs.
I boiled the soup early so that I can send some soup to our friend in the coffee shop.
 I sauteed this green veggie, given to us by the same friend. Most times, after returning from the wholesale market or wet market, she will have something for us.

So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns
as to whether someone is a good servant or not.
When the Lord comes, he will turn on the light so that everyone can
see exactly what each one of us is really like, deep down in our hearts.
Then everyone will know why we have been doing the Lord's work.
At that time God will give to each one whatever praise is coming to him.
(1 Corinthians 4:5, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Love all the food. My fav is the chicken sweet

  2. Cute photos! I'd like to try the dishes ) Thank you very much!

  3. Those sauteed green vegies look just simply delicious.

  4. ...tripe is something that I have never had.

  5. Replies
    1. If I can't have beef tripe, pork tripe will do.

  6. I love coffee but sugar 😊 I did'nt drink no sugar coffee...

  7. I'll take the homecooked meal please :)

  8. Yummy. I want both meals.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. That will need special delivery. Lol!

  9. nice meal I loved unsweetened coffee

    1. Unsweetened coffee taste as good as sweetened coffee once we get used to it.

  10. Pork tripe with daikon soup noodle, seldom see this here cos usually daikon is with beef tripe. Couldn't see the noodles in your daikon soup. What kind of noodles did you order?

  11. I prefer the wat tan hor. One day I must buy it again cos after seeing it here and at stp post, it got me wanting to eat it again. So nice of you to boil chicken herbal soup to share with your friend. Was she surprised to receive it? You cook very nice meals as always.

    1. I used to enjoy wat tan hor. I don't know why nowadays I seldom eat wat tan hor. My friends and I are used to exchanging food, so its no surprise.

  12. A little thunder is a good thing reminds we can not control everything. And ooooo this soup looks so good!!

    Allie of

  13. I suspect that tripe for breakfast would not be the choice of most westerners, or for any other meal for that matter!

  14. I have not eaten tripe since childhood. Miss it.

    1. Not easy to find good beef or pork tripe soup these days.

  15. Oh I've not seen pork tripe with daikon on sale, only beef. I'd happily order that.

    1. Pork tripe with daikon not easy to get here too.

  16. What a satisfying and filling breakfast.

  17. La verdura se ve muy bien. Besos.

  18. You have good friends, and good food!

  19. I like beef tripe, not sure I have ever had pork tripe! Have a good day Diane


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