Thursday 18 March 2021

Hakka Pork Belly With Wood Fungus, Cauliflower & Beansprout

I have a few types of frozen ready cooked foodstuffs that we bought from a friend's shop before the MCO 2.0. Hubby wanted to help his friend because due to the pandemic, business has not been good. Hopefully, I can clear all the old stock from my freezer within these 2 weeks. I picked a packet that contained the Hakka pork belly with wood fungus, thawed it at room temperature and later steamed it for dinner.

Hakka pork belly with wood fungus cooked with red fermented bean curd (nam yue).
Steamed cauliflower and carrot, drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Blanched bean sprouts and drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Satisfying dinner with steamed rice.
While waiting for hubby to lock the gate, I took a snapshot of my shadow in front of the house.
The moon was still visible at 7:20am.
The following are photos of my one and only air plant or Tillandsia plant.
I bought this plant from the nearby plant nursery about 3 years ago.
It is healthy and is flowering again.
From the mother plant, it has multiplied into 7 plants. 

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom.
Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.
Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life.
If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit.
If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.
(Proverbs 9:10-12, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Love that air plant! So gorgeous..

  2. What is this unusual plant? Your photos of the moon over the mountains are beautiful!

    1. Its an air plant that does not need soil to grow.

  3. Yes, good to support a friend during such dire time. Hope we get over this difficult time soon.

    1. Hope the number of positive cases will continue to go down and remain down.

  4. Good to wake up early and go walk walk... good habit!

    1. I prefer walking in the morning when the air is cool. I find evening walking hot and tiring.

  5. Que gran corazón Nancy, ayudar en situaciones malas es muy importante. Deliciosos platos. La planta de aire es preciosa, la mía es solo verde. Las fotos son preciosas. Besos.

  6. ...your beautiful plant is doing well.

  7. Oh wow, the air plant is gorgeous! Your meal looks great too :)

  8. I love that air is beautiful.

  9. Well cooked and steamed food. Air plant look pretty and you lovely captured it along the moon sky.

  10. I'm coming over to help you clear your freezer of food. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Ha ha you will have to wait till the borders open. Have a great day!

  11. I like your veggies, especially the cauliflower and carrots. Very colorful and healthy.

  12. Tasty dinner! I have two more frozen ready meals to clear. Is that plant an air root plant?

    1. Thank you, Mun. Its an air plant, no need soil to grow.

  13. I LOVE your shadow and moon shots! And wow! What gorgeous blooms your air plant has! Terrific supper, as always. It is kind of you to support your friends through this pandemic. I too try to purchase as much as I can from local growers. Our growing season will be starting soon I can't wait. I hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  14. Lucky you, my air plant in South Africa never did flower. The pork looks interesting. Keep well Diane

  15. Bean sprouts look great Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  16. I really like seeing what you are eating, especially now since you are cooking at home more. Restaurant meals are fun, but it is better to read what people make themselves at home...because I get more ideas for what I can do! (The oil, fish sauce , and soy sauce drizzles for vegetables in this post, for instance, I have those things forre pies we make, but never thought of doing that with the side dish. )

  17. Your Tillandsia plant is so pretty. I love the purple flowers.

  18. La comida se ve muy bien . Feliz fin de semana.

  19. A morning walk is a good thing
    a strange plabtfor me

    1. I used to be able to walk faster but now walking at a slower pace.

  20. Would love to have the nam yue pork belly and the steamed carrots and cauliflowers (yums) but does not really fancy bean sprouts.

    1. Ha ha ha...I am a big fan of fresh crunchy bean sprouts.

  21. But your bean sprouts look fat and juicy, yums, so I don't mind.

  22. Pretty air plant! I was tempted to get one for myself after seeing them on your blog. Eventually went for more cactus since I already have those. No need to complicate things hehe.

    1. If have a few cactus but I am not good with them. I am quite happy with just this one air plant.


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