Tuesday 16 March 2021

Kam Heong Mantis Prawns & Salted Egg Yolk Mantis Prawns

I have 2 packets of frozen mantis prawns in my freezer. I took out a packet of frozen mantis prawns to thaw. I washed and marinated the mantis prawns with some sugar, salt and pepper. Then I coated them with equal portion of tapioca flour and wheat flour mixture. After I had deep fried the mantis prawns, I saw that the amount was too much for 1 meal so I kept half for the next day's dinner.

Dinner #1

Kam Heong Mantis Prawns (Golden Fragrance Mantis Prawns)
Blanched glass lettuce.
Steamed home grown long beans and topped with leftover roast pork from the previous day's dinner.
We had steamed rice for dinner.
This is the 2nd green eggplant from my garden.
This lone green eggplant started to grow long.
It grew to almost a foot and I was eager to harvest it.
That morning I harvest 1 long green eggplant and 1 long green okra.
Dinner #2
I steamed the green eggplant, green okra together with some home grown long beans. I topped with garlic oil and sambal dried prawn.
Salted egg yolk mantis prawns.
(with the 2nd portion of deep fried mantis prawns)
This bowl of chicken and scallop rice porridge was given by a friend. Hubby had the porridge.
I told hubby I missed eating instant noodle, so I cooked instant noodle to eat for dinner together with the dishes.
Antique irons and other brass or bronze items from the Flea Market.

I will go before you and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places.
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
(Isaiah 45:2-3, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Your last photo makes me want to go to a flea market so bad. I seldom buy anything because I have no need, but I sure love to look.

    1. Flea market is an interesting place. I too will not buy anything but would enjoy taking photos.

  2. ...those old irons are beautiful and my Amish friends still use them today. Thanks Nancy for sharing, take care and enjoy your week.

    1. I think we will find the old irons too heavy for us.

  3. Oh the food. I'm coming to your house for my meals. Delicious.

    You have such an amazing green thumb too.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  4. I have never had green eggplants. Would it turn purple or white later if you didn't harvest it? Dinner looks droolworthy.

    1. This is green eggplant, it taste smoother compared to the purple and white. No, it will remain green.

  5. Antique irons what a ınteresting:) thanks for your sharing...

  6. Very interesting Malaysian cooking! Love those prawns.

  7. My mother had an old iron like that. Strictly as a decorative piece.

    1. I don't know what happened to the one that belong to my family. Must have been given away.

  8. Your homemade meals always look so delicious Nancy! I love the old irons. I can't wait to be able to go back to flea markets and thrift shops again.

    1. Here the flea markets are now allowed to open

  9. Great photos of delicious food! and I am impressed with those old irons- how did our great grandmothers use those!

    1. I have used those old irons when I was a little girl. We have to place burning charcoal inside the iron to heat it up for ironing. Quite troublesome because the iron needed to be taken out to shake off or fan off the ashes inside the iron.

  10. Tasty looking treats!
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/03/oh-tommy.html

  11. Whenever you show the prawns, I'm happy Nancy. see ya.

    Cruisin Payl

  12. The noodles look good to me. I have never heard of Glass Lettuce, this is very interesting to me.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. Glass lettuce are crunchier.

  13. I prefer salted egg yolk rather than kam heong style of cooking. Which style do you prefer? Love to eat mantis prawn.

    1. I enjoyed both version. Actually, it was my first time cooking mantis prawns.

  14. what a wonderful blog. Many years ago, you commented my blog. I slowly withdrew from blogging and went to facebook and writing books. I went back to look at my old blogs and wish I had never left.

    1. Thank you, Ann. If you have the time, you can resume your blogging. I have neglected Facebook. Have a great day.

  15. Tu comida se ve muy bien. Las piezas antiguas me gustan. Besos.

  16. It's so nice to see how you use your own produce to make such lovely meals.

    The irons looks heavy and hard to use, and i do not like ironing even with a modern iron.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. These old irons use burning charcoal to heat up for ironing. I too do not like to iron clothes.

  17. You have planted various colours of eggplants! Any difference in the taste? My dad is growing a round white type which he's complaining is too hard.

    1. I have planted purple, white and green eggplant. The best is green because the texture is smooth. White is nice and firm and I like purple too. I think the round ones are good for curries. I haven't come across round white eggplants.

  18. Any antique typewriter in the Flea Market? You and your hubby eat so well everyday. My favourite would be the long beans with the roast pork.

    1. I have seen some antique typewriters in the Flea Market.


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