Friday 15 October 2021

Herbal Duck Wonton Noodle & Hand Torn Pan Mee

There has been no rain for the past week. Looks like the hot and humid days are back until the next monsoon season. Hopefully by end of this month or beginning of next month we will get some rain.

Sunrise at 7:20am.
This type of sun means the day will be hot.
My plants will be withering by midday.
Time to temporary hold back the sowing of seeds until the rain returns.
After morning walk, hubby and I drove out to buy breakfast. The coffee shop allows dine-in and the tables are well spaced out and some of the tables were along the 5 foot way. We decided to dine-in and choose one of the table along the 5 foot way.
Hubby ordered herbal duck wonton noodle.
We have been eating this noodle since my working days until now.
I ordered pan mee with hand torn noodle.
I enjoyed my breakfast very much.
Unsweetened black coffee for hubby.
Unsweetened coffee with evaporated milk (kopi-C) for me.
The coffee here is one of the best in town.
After leaving, I bought the above Nyonya kuih for our lunch.
Glutinous rice with kaya and glutinous rice with spicy dried shrimp.
Sunset Bells from my garden.
Our first dine-in dinner at a non air-con restaurant. The dishes available were limited and we ended choosing the following.
Sweet potato leaves with sambal dried shrimp paste.
Fragrant fried pork rib "foh yeem pai kuat".
Sweet sour black pomfret.
Nice and reasonably priced dinner that costs about RM46.20 for 4 people, including rice and hot water. We brought along our own Chinese tea.

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared
with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
I have put aside all else,
counting it worth less than nothing,
in order that I can have Christ.
(Philippians 3:8, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Looks like life is back to normal now with dine in permitted. Food looks good especially the duck noodles and flavourful pork dish. Do you know is there any sop limiting max person to a table like in sg?

    1. Thank you, Mun. Of course there is sop depending on the size of the table.

  2. Gosh, you eat so well, Nancy. I love that dinner and the kuih looks so good too. Great sunrise shots.

    1. Thank you, Angie. This is the first dine-in for dinner after many months of home cooking and takeaways.

  3. The food you all had at the restaurant looked really good especially the sweet and sour black pomfret. The pork ribs too! I miss nyonya kuih so much but I am on a low-sugar diet. Must control, no choice.

    It has been very hot here too, no rain. The aircon at my house is on all day long.

    1. Thank you, STP. Finally we had rain yesterday and the day before. Last night the air conditioner took a rest and we just need the fan to sleep. Looks like the rainy season is back.

  4. Long time did not taste herbal duck noodle. Used to enjoy that when I was staying in my previous place.

    It has been so hot lately. Really like in sauna. Hope we get more rain as monsoon is coming.

    1. I think the rainy season is back. We had rain last 2 days and hopefully there will be rain as forecasted.

  5. Beautiful sun coming up and the food galore, owwww. Wonderful!

  6. What a beautiful plant you have! And the dishes look so delicious today, too.

  7. and humid days don't sound enjoyable to me, stay cool.

    1. Thankfully, it has started to rain yesterday and expecting rain today too.

  8. Wow!Looks like another warm day ahead

  9. Looks like life is back to normal now with dine in permitted

    1. Hope the situation will improve and the people will remember to observe safety precaution.

  10. The sun looks hot indeed! It's cold and grey here! Your food looks wonderful as always, and glad you have a shop that sells good coffee. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie. Now it is sunny, hope it will rain in the afternoon as forecasted.

  11. Oh the food. All that wonderful food. Love your foodie posts.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

  12. Good, the situation has improved there to dine-in restaurants. Love your coffee! Have a nice weekend

  13. The sweet potato leaves and the pork look delicious! Too bad it is so humid over there.

  14. Great sky shots and interesting, delicious food.

  15. Esos amaneceres son sensacionales y además nunca falta una buena comida, para mostrar.


  16. Pretty dawn shots, but heat does not agree with me.

    1. Thank you, William. I can't stand this heat too.

  17. Hello Nancy,:=) I always enjoy seeing your beautiful early morning sky shots, and your Sunset Bells are so pretty. I think the pork dish looks so tasty. I hope you get some rain soon.

    1. Thank you, we did get rain yesterday and the day before. Hope the rainy season will be back.

  18. Greetings and Salutations! I have never seen the plant sunset bells plant. It is quite lovely. I am hoping you will get a gentle rain soon. Cooler weather will come soon. Do you have humid weather there? Chicago area is noted for humid weather. Ugh! Lovely sky watch images. Take care.

    1. Yes, we have humid weather over here. Makes us sweaty and smelly ugh! Lol! Hopefully the rainy season will be back soon.

  19. I love those sunrise shots. A lovely way to start your day!

  20. Genial comida me alegra que lo pasaran bien. Me gustan las flores. Te mando un beso

  21. Sweet Potato leaves never heard of it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  22. Sorry I am far behind in both blogging and commenting. We have had two short trips away where I have managed to get a number of bird and insect photos, but I have not had the time to go through the photos and they are piling up on me. Maybe with winter approaching and less garden work to do I will have time to sit at the computer.
    Love the plants in your garden and the duck looks delicious.
    Take care Diane

    1. Hello Diane, nothing to apologize. It is good to take time off from blogging to enjoy your well deserved trips. Thank you for the beautiful photos you shared on your blog. Take care and stay safe.

  23. Coffee looks great. What's the kopi tiam name. Thanks

    1. Restoran Xin Xiang Er at 75, Jalan Tokong, Taman Hoover, Ipoh (behind Tow Boo Keong temple)

  24. The sunset bells look like tiny jewels to me!

  25. Siempre interesantes tus comidas. Besos.


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