Monday 3 January 2022

Home Grown Bananas & Tempura Seafood Combo

No morning walks and sunrise shots for almost a week because of the rain. I shared about my home grown banana tree bearing fruit in an earlier post. If you are interested, you can click here to read about it. I had waited and watched for the right time to harvest the bananas.

One morning, I noticed that the banana tree was starting to bend over so it should be time to cut of the bunch of bananas and at the same time to cut off the whole tree. The bananas were still green at the time of harvest. The above picture was taken about 2 days later.
The bananas started to ripen 3 days after they were harvested. The bananas are cute and small. 1 banana only 1 mouthful. Since the bananas were not harvested too early, they are quite sweet.
Here are triplets, sticking together.
So amazing to be able to enjoy these cute and chubby bananas from a plant grown in a pot.
Here is the twins, not fully ripen yet.
Simple lunch for 2.
I had a box of the above Tempura Seafood Combo in the freezer.
We got these after frying the frozen stuff from the box.
Steamed sweet corn on the cob.
Enough to last us till dinner.
Cute painting of children at play for Monday Mural.

Linking to Monday Mural.

Then Jesus called the children over to him
and said to the disciples,
"Let the little children come to me! Never send them away!
For the kingdom of God belongs to men who have hearts
as trusting as these little children's.
And anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith
will never get within the Kingdom's gates."
(Luke 18:16-17, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Yes, we've had that Pacific West tempura seafood combo before, very nice. We liked all their products...but they do not come cheap. If I am not wrong, it's an Australian company with its factory here in Malaysia, Penang, I think.

    Your bananas look so fat and cute in the photos, definitely not small. LOL!!!

    1. Yes, their products are not cheap but they are very nice.

  2. We bought sweet corns over the weekend. Steamed 4 of them. Still have some left in fridge. Thinking of making soup with it.

    Nice to harvest own bananas.

  3. I like the bananas 😀! We have banana plant at our place in the Philippines 😁. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I did not know you could grow a banana tree in a pot, but leave it to you!!

    1. Actually, I plant the banana tree for the leaves only. I didn't expect it to fruit.

  5. never would expect bananas could grow in a small container :) Happy New Year

    1. I too never expected it to fruit. Happy New Year to you.

  6. I like the bananas :) greetings from Turkey ...

  7. Your food looks good. Congratulations on the bananas! Have a wonderful week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Lucky you, wish I could grow bananas here, sadly too cold!
    Keep safe Diane

  9. Hawaii they are called apple bananas.

    1. Apple bananas sound nice. Better that our local name: Awak banana.

  10. Lucky you getting bananas from a potted tree. We have a couple of banana trees but this year the heat was too much during Christmas and I think they were just burned to a crisp! Last year we had maybe a dozen bananas only, also small.
    The mural is quite sweet and I love the sings on it - honesty, compassion...
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Nancy. I wish you a wonderful 2022.

    1. Thank you, Sami. Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a wonderful year too.

  11. Don't worry about harvesting the bananas while they are still green. In the large plantations of Brazil, Ecuador, even Argentina, they are harvested without being fully ripe because they are exported and they have to be in optimal conditions upon arrival at their destination.
    A happy year to you from Argentina.

  12. That Tempura Seafood Combo was something I would love to eat a lot of.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. I like the combo too and looking forward to buy some.

  13. Yummy. I love seafood and I love corn on the cob. Lots of butter please.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a wonderful day and week.

  14. Happy New Year Nancy! May your year be full of wonderful food and happy wanders and with sunny days!
    Wren x

    1. Thank you, Wren. Wishing you all the same too.

  15. You are the only person I know who has their own banana tree!! That's awesome.

    1. Thank you, Yogi. I am always interested to try something new.

  16. Sometimes all I have for breakfast is a ripe banana and a cup of coffee.
    I like them both bananas and corn on the cob.

    1. Thank you, Duta. I eat a lot of bananas and corn on the cob.

  17. It would be fun to grow bananas, but i think the little cold we have here in winter would kill them.

    1. That is true. Bananas grow well in tropical climate.

  18. Ricos plátanos y ricos choclos. Te mando un beso

  19. Nice mural.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  20. The bananas are really cute. Do you know what type of bananas are they? Pisang emas or berangan or something else?

    1. Thank you, Mun. I think it is pisang awak, no so sweet type.

  21. Bien por tus plátanos, me encantan. Besos.


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