Wednesday 9 February 2022

Fried Fish With Ginger Strips & Stewed Duck

My plants are well watered by the daily rain. It rains usually in the evening. Even at this moment, the sky is gloomy and rain is expected anytime.

Some photos from my garden.

Flower buds from the long green okra or ladies fingers in my garden.
Time to harvest this very long green okra.
Wow! It is about 14 inches long.
This is one of the longest okras from my garden.
I missed this one. It is too old and no longer edible. So when it is dried up, I will use the seeds for future sowing.
Home cooking to be continued in order to clear the stock from the fridge.
Deep fried Grouper fish slice with lots of ginger strips.
Stewed duck with ginger.
We bought a pack of ready cooked stewed duck.
Took out half the portion and steamed for dinner.
Sauteed mixed vegetables with garlic and salt.
All were picked from my garden. Combination of small white bitter gourd, long beans, green brinjals (eggplants) and ladies fingers (okras).
This was our dinner for 2 people on a cool, rainy evening.

He waters the furrows with abundant rain.
Showers soften the earth, melting the clods and
causing seeds to sprout across the land.
Then he crowns it all with green, lush pastures in the wilderness;
hillsides blossom with joy.
(Psalm 65:10-12, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your Okra is so interesting looking!!

  2. I wonder how okra tastes like!
    Yummy food on a rainy evening. Not many things are better!

    1. Thank you, Iris. I don't know how to describe the taste. You will have to taste it to know. Lol!

  3. I've eaten okra, but I didn't know it looked like that: D Beautiful green! We have a lot of snow here.

    1. Thank you, Tarja. So far I have planted this long green okra, short green okra and red okra. Today is a gloomy day over here.

  4. Love your garden! The stew looks very tasty.

  5. Such a big okra! How cool is that!

  6. All your dishes look good. I love duck! We did not have any for Chinese New Year because my missus doesn't eat duck. One week already and we are still eating the leftovers, getting quite sick of it all.

    1. Thank you, STP. If the leftovers are not finished by the 3rd day, I will buy some mustard green (kai choy) and dump everything into a pot to cook choy keok or chai boey. Then everything will be cleared because it is a very appetizing dish.

  7. Nowadays I seldom get the chance to eat Fried Fish With Ginger Strips. Stewed Duck I can buy from jazz cafe because they sell stew duck noodles. Wow! 14 inches okra is extremely long. I love your home grown veges dish. I could just eat your home grown veges dish as dinner without any other food. Don't even need rice. Did you both eat rice for this dinner?

    1. When there is stewed duck, sure to have rice for dinner. Lol!

  8. 14ins is wow indeed! I'd be so worried about it turning too old.

    1. You can test the okra by slightly bending the tip of the okra to make sure it is still tender.

    2. But if you test it every day... one day it will get too old.

    3. Haha...true. You will have to agak agak when to harvest it. Don't wait too long.

  9. That is one long okra!!

    Luckily we got some rain this week. Been super warm last week. A very hot CNY.

    1. Over here, CNY is a mixture of hot and wet days.

  10.'s wonderful to see green in your garden!

  11. You do so well with your garden, and your home cooking too!

  12. You have an amazing green thumb and oh the food. I'm coming over to your house for dinner.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  13. I love your garden. Everything looks so healthy! Your veggie dish is nutritious and appetizing.

  14. Always a good idea to clean out the fridge, and sometimes it's amazing what you can come up with for dinner.

    1. Sometimes finding things we have totally forgotten were there and don't even know how long they have been there.

  15. Fridges often need a good cleanout but some are slack to do it

  16. Wish I could grow Okra, too cold though I think. Any dish with ginger has to be good :-) Keep well Diane

  17. Toda la comida se ve muy bien. Besos.

  18. that's one of the longest okras I've ever seen!

  19. The okra at the store aren't that long, i wonder if yours is a different variety.

    1. This variety is the long one, different from the usual shorter type.

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you, William. I am happy to get something in return.

  21. Lindo jardín. Te mando un beso.

  22. Wow!! I had never seen a green okra as long as 14 inches. I am so tempted to grow them now. I wonder what fertilizer you used to get it grown so long and healthy.

    1. I used treated organic chicken poo which is slightly more expensive than the non treated. Treated one no smell. I buy from fertilizer shop.

  23. We've not had rain in a week. When I walked to get the bird suet feeder that needed refilled, I got my boots wet...that's what happens when there's fog most of the day til about 3:30 p.m. I like to make different recipes with left overs in the fridge at times. A friend brought me a flowering plant today. It isn't blooming but it will later. Looks so pretty! I need to add more soil to it soon. I watered some plants as well. One is nearly dead, unfortunately. I need to get it better even after I added fertilizer to it, as directed. Have a good weekend!

    1. Hello Beckyl. It rain almost the whole day. Stayed home all day. Hope your flowering plants will do well and the plant which nearly died will recover and grow healthy again. Have a good weekend too.


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