Tuesday 22 February 2022

Home Grown Ginger & Lobak With Instant Noodle

This was the 9th day of Chinese New Year. Our sons have gone back to work.

Morning sky at 7:40am.
That morning, I harvested ginger from one of the 2 pots. I also harvested 2 green brinjals (eggplants) and 1 long ladies finger (okra).
All these ginger were from 1 single pot.
I washed the ginger, wrapped with kitchen paper tissue, place in a plastic bag and kept in the fridge until I want to use them for cooking.
For dinner, I took out the frozen ngoh hiang (lobak) to thaw before I reheated them in the oven.
I cooked plain instant noodle for 2 people.
I also added blanched napa cabbage and some long beans (from my garden). I seasoned the plain instant noodle with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Ngoh hiang, napa cabbage and instant noodle for our dinner.
That morning we went out to the bank in Ipoh old town. This is the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation's (OCBC) main branch.
The Straits Trading Building has been listed as one of the Heritage buildings in Ipoh.
 Information concerning the Straits Trading Building is carved on the above marble plaque.
OCBC's main branch occupies the Straits Trading Building.

Do your planning and prepare your fields
before building your house.
(Proverbs 24:27, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. I've never tried growing ginger, serai, lengkuas, kunyit only. We still have some ngor hiang in the freezer, left over from Chinese New Year. So sick of the food already - my missus should not have cooked so much since we did not have an open house this year.

    1. Yes, we do get sick and tired eating the same kind of food especially eating it every day wanting to finish off the food. I too have made the same mistake but now have learned to cook smaller portions.

  2. Must be sad when the kids leave...
    Never knew fresh ginger looks like that!
    And such a beautiful building, too.

    1. Yes, we do miss our kids. Now, we are back to just 2 old folks.

  3. ...here. they don't build grand buildings like this one anymore! And it will be some time before I will be planting and harvesting things from my garden. Thanks Nancy for sharing these reminders, take care and stay well.

  4. Hello Nancy, You never cease to amaze me with what you can grow in pots, I buy fresh ginger and egg plant from our local market. I don't know what vegetables Ladies finger are, but they look a bit like celery!

    The Straits Building Company where your bank is, is an impressive building. It's history is also interesting.

  5. You really have green fingers and everything grows well. I have tried planting left over gingers many times but nothing happened. Haiks!

    I love the old buildings in Ipoh. The look like Penang in many ways.

  6. You do so well in your garden Nancy. The food looks delicious and I love that bank building!

  7. I have a question Nancy. What is the sauce that you use with the noodles?

    Cruisin Paul

    1. I use a mixture of oyster sauce, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce.

    2. Thank you Nancy. I'll have to try it out.

      Cruisin Paul

  8. wow- look at all that fresh ginger- I bet it is delicious! Enjoy your day!

    1. Now I have lots of ginger to use. Enjoy your day too.

  9. Oh the food. Yummy. You know how I love your food.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

  10. How long will your ginger keep in the fridge?

    1. Hopefully a few weeks, long enough for me to finish using the ginger.

  11. So much ginger and wonderful food! Hugs, Valerie

  12. I've always wanted to grow my own ginger!! This looks even more yummy homegrown! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

    1. I usually use old ginger that has young shoots coming out of it.

  13. Ginger is so good. Your town has many areas of interest.

  14. Wow! You are really good at Home Growing vegetables. So much Ginger from a flower pot, not even growing them in the ground. Can please write a tutorial on how to plant ginger in a pot? Since we all don't know how to, like what TM wrote above, he tried but didn't succeed. Lobak With Instant Noodle sounds tasty.

    1. Just use any old ginger with new shoots coming out of it. Most important is make sure that the soil in the pot has good drainage to avoid root rot. That is all.

  15. I find that ginger grows well in a pot but I have to protect it in winter. Keep well Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. It is also convenient to move the pot to a better spot. Take care and stay safe.

  16. Impressive harvest of ginger! I tried growing them before and the roots turned out quite puny haha.

    1. Thank you, Stacy. Could it be because you harvested the ginger too early?

  17. But they were in the pot for MONTHS! Hahaha. Will go bankrupt as a farmer!

    1. After growing my own edibles in my garden, I have learned to appreciate our farmers for their hard work. I also understand why they need to used pesticides even though it is not good for our health.


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