Wednesday 9 March 2022

Photo Shooting At Red Mountain Sun Yin Loong White Coffee

Today's post is the continuation of yesterday's post. It is about our visit and lunch at the Red Mountain Sun Yin Loong White Coffee cafe at the Bukit Merah Industrial Estate area.

This is the entrance to the cafe.
The following outdoor photos are taken in the compound of the cafe.
In the cafe's compound.
The front of lorry or truck can be used for decoration.
This look something like a performance stage with 2 levels.
I am not sure if this stage can be used or just for display.
Opposite the stage.
Nice design or setting for outdoor sitting arrangement.
Lotus plants and seed pod.
Lotus plants and a dried seed pod.
Outdoor sitting arrangement.
This is the first time I come across this plant and flower.
Identified by Google Lens as Musella lasiocarpa, common names are Chinese dwarf banana, golden lotus banana or Chinese yellow banana, a close relative of bananas.
Wooden stools and different types of coffee beans in tins.
A closer look at the wooden stools.
Not sure whether it can support my weight.
A "Termite Home Stay".
Entrance to lobby in search of the washrooms.
Cute sign for the ladies' washroom.
Even in the washroom, I couldn't resist taking these snapshots.
Decoration on the wall mirrors in ladies' washroom.
In the ladies' washroom.
Hanger on door.
A man friend also took some photos in the men's washroom.
Decoration on the wall mirror.
That's all from the washrooms.
Time to go......
Bye bye, hope to be back again soon.
Rock man with a big gaping mouth.

For it was I, Jehovah your God,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Only test me! Open your mouth wide and see if I won't fill it.
You will receive every blessing you can use!
(Psalm 81:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. The Dwarf Banana plant is amazing, also the stools and unique restroom mirror. Those are my favorites. They spent a lot of time and money on the decor!

    1. Thanks to their effort, we get to enjoy their decoration.

  2. ...this is an amazing place!

  3. This is a very unique place! I love its tranquility.

  4. Thank you for all these lovely photos from your photo Shooting At Red Mountain Sun Yin Loong White Coffee. The lotus seed pods are real, right? Didn't know that it can stand upright so high up with its heavy seed pod as the head. I have eaten raw lotus seeds direct from a lotus seed pod before. Very nice. I wonder where can I buy them.

    1. My sis-in-law and hubby loves the raw lotus seeds. Very seldom we get to see the lotus seeds on sale at the night market these days.

  5. Really an interesting place, one of its kind! Great for photographs!!! Love that sign for the ladies' washroom!

    1. We enjoy the food, coffee and the decorations.

  6. Love the rusty lorry! I have never seen a lotus like that - you live in a wonderful place!
    And all those coffee beans, Ingo would be in heaven!
    The stools indeed do not look that trusting!
    Our neighbors, to my "horror" had such an insect´s home - and took it away rather quickly, LOL.
    Well 2019 was safe(r), huh.
    Cool toilet! I always take my cam inside with me, too.
    Wow, a great place! Thank you very much for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Iris. 2019 was so much safer. I thought I was the only one wanting to snap photos in the toilet! Lol!

  7. Gostei de ver estas belas fotografias deste café.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  8. What a ınteresting places...Thanks for your sharing...

  9. That is a lovely place.The Golden Lotus banana is very pretty.

  10. So many things to see and take photo of. Termite home??? Really have termites??

    1. I think it is just for display purpose only. I don't think they want termites destroy their property.

  11. Oh very nice place, good photos

    1. Thank you, Sakuranko. I am sorry I couldn't access your blog. There is a security alert of malware.

  12. I scrolled down your 2 posts about Red Mountain and was quite impressed. interesting washroom! The food looked good, too.

  13. What a wonderful place to explore. I wish I could have been with you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  14. I liked that you take me to see a very nice place in the south of Singapore

    1. Hello, Norma. This place outside of Singapore, way up north in Malaysia.

  15. Me gusto mucho en especial las plantas. Te mando un beso.

  16. Such a fun and creative place. Like!

  17. Fabulous post, what a wonderful place you visited! Sorry I am so late calling in, I have not been feeling good. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie. Do take things easy. Hope you will get the right medication for your heart soon.

  18. I love the plants and greenery but the decor seems quite quaint.

  19. Very special place! Decoration lorry and wooden stools look very nice and cute.

  20. Looks like the decorations are a labour of love!


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