Saturday 23 April 2022

Dinner At Fong Seafood Restaurant, Bercham, Ipoh

It was a warm and sunny day.

Started with this morning sky at 7:20am.
Can you spot the 4 birds on the power line?
The sun shining through the tree branches - 7:30am.
Dinner with friends.
This is our first visit to this restaurant.
Fish head curry with assorted vegetables @ RM40 (approx. $9.25usd).
Fried pork rib with sticky sauce @ RM16 (approx. $3.70usd).

Baby French beans with garlic and preserved mustard green (char choy) @ RM16 (approx. 3.70usd). An egg was added to it. The server didn't stir the egg with the beans because we wanted to take photos.
After photo taking, we quickly mixed in the egg as the dish was still hot.
A very nice and satisfying dinner for 4 people.
Total cost of dinner = RM77.30
(incl. rice and plain water, we brought our own tea leaves).
This is the name of the restaurant.
This is the location.
A good friend shared the following photos with me.
Photos credited to Shirley T.
She saw this spider on her morning walk.
This spider looks big and dangerous to me.

Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood,
but jealousy is even more dangerous.
(Proverbs 27:4, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. My favorite is the second shot of this beautiful tree. Do you have many spiders like this there? it looks like a Tarantula.

    1. I haven't seen any of this spider around our place. Our friends stay in a place with more natural surrounding.

  2. Love the food and the photos with the sun. But that spider, I hink I would start running very quickly if I saw it! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Mixing the egg with the french beans reminds me to the kway teow I had at Dengkil, Selangor. Fish head curry and ribs look so good too!

  4. That spider is so scary looking! I would run away if I saw it. LOL!

  5. Hello Nancy,
    Beautiful sunrise, a lovely start to your day. The food looks yummy! The spider does look scary, I would keep my distance. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy you day and happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Have a happy week.

  6. your Dinner At Fong Seafood Restaurant, Bercham is so tasty and affordable. I like all 3 dishes. The 4 birds are just tiny dots on the wire. The spider sure looks dangerous. Did your friend walk near a forest or jungle?

    1. No, they were walking around within the area of their residence which is surrounded with nature.

  7. Cute birds. Social distancing, huh? ;-)

    Your food amazes me every time, I think I would stick to the beans , though and... yikes to the spider, ahhhhhh...

    1. Thank you, Iris. Birds are better than humans in maintaining sop. Lol!

  8. the dishes look tasty! awesome morning skies!

  9. That spider DOES look scary! We have to watch where we walk, I guess we all do! Enjoy your weekend and those yummy meals!

    1. Good thing my friend saw it and didn't step on it.

  10. Something new, the french beans in a claypot with a raw egg cracked in.

  11. The second pic is my favourite today. Great food and the spider looks good too.

  12. The food looks great but this spider ... brrr ...

  13. Love the first photo with birds, and the food look yummy.

  14. Damn I saw a spider, glad I am here and it's on a computer screen and not at my feet......

    1. Lol! Glad I wasn't the one who saw the spider.

  15. La araña tan grande da miedo, pero le sacaría fotos. Besos.


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