Wednesday 6 April 2022

Salted Chicken & Cucumber Cooked With Bean Curd Knots

When I woke up, I thought I heard drizzling but it was not.

Sunrise at 7:05, setting out on our morning walk.
I found the above and below photos in my folder which I took before they were removed after the Chinese New Year celebration. These red lanterns brightened up the grey sky.
The year of the Tiger, Chinese New Year 2022.
I miss eating roast pork but currently many people are queuing up for this. Many are back from outstation for the "Cheng Beng" festival and roast pork is one of the hot items for visitors and also for some, it is one of the items for prayer. "Cheng Beng" is when family members visited the graves of love ones to clear, sweep and pray. So it is better to wait till the "cheng beng" period is over to enjoy roast pork.
What we had for dinner.
Salted chicken from our neighbour. She brought back from Kampar.
Home grown cucumbers cooked with bean curd knots.
This was our dinner without any rice.
The night was quite cold, so we each had a cup of hot milo to warm up.

As long as the earth remains,
there will be springtime and harvest,
cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.
(Genesis 8:22, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. So yummy... a balanced meal, I say!

  2. Yes, a lot of people back here for Ching Ming too, over the last few weekends already, right up till the actual festival day yesterday. So a lot of cars and a lot of people at the coffee shops and restaurants.

    1. Probably have to wait another weekend before things get back to normal.

  3. That roast pork looks so good and I really miss it too but know it is too big a risk for me to have it.

  4. The roast pork looks so tasty but I'm not sure about salted chicken. I can't to much salt. Blood pressure you know.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. A wonderful meal. I love your food, Nancy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. I have not had roast pork in years. It is not a regular part of my diet. But perhaps I should buy some from a Chinese restaurant soon.

    1. We do enjoy eating roast pork once in a while, especially those with crunchy skin.

  7. The Salted Chicken looks very tasty, sure can eat many bowls of rice with it. I love to eat Cucumber Cooked With Bean Curd Knots. Is your bean curd knots from frozen packets? If yes, what brand did you use?

    1. Sorry, Mun. I forgot to take snapshot of the packet of bean curd knots.

  8. Lovely photos and food. the red lanterns look so pretty. And roast pork, yum! Hugs, Valerie

  9. My favorite is those sun rays in your first photo!

  10. The roasted pork belly looks fantastic and I love that juicy tender salted chicken too.

  11. Ooo home grown cucumbers and salted chicken sounds so good!! And love your photos.

    Allie of

  12. Bellas farolas y me dio ganas de cerdo. Te mando un beso.

  13. I have only tried Ipoh salted chicken, didn't know Kampar has it too.

    1. I didn't know until I received it from my neighbour.

  14. Kampar is my wife's hometown and I ate that salted chicken few times. Did you like it?

    1. Yes, we like the Kampar salted chicken. I can say that it tastes as good as Ipoh's.

  15. I never thought of roast pork running low as they seem to be in plentiful supply at my local market.

    1. Actually, the problem was the long queue and the price hike for the festival.


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