Friday 22 July 2022

Beautiful Sunset & Home Grown Chinese Cabbage

A friend sent me the following sunset shots which he took from his house on Monday evening. His house is less than 5 km from my house. I was busy cooking dinner, so I missed taking snapshots of the sunset that evening.

Sunset photos credit to: KC Boey
I had this sambal shrimp paste for cooking stinky beans but I can't remember where I bought it from.
This is from a local manufacturer.
I used the paste to cook stinky beans with minced pork. As you can see, the paste was dark in colour. It is on the sweet side. I prefer the paste to be less sweet and more spicy. I used some oil to fry the minced pork before adding the paste. So, I ended up with a lot of oil and I will have to scoop up the oil from the plate before we start our dinner.
I needn't have to buy green vegetables since I had Chinese cabbage growing in my front garden.
 Just 2 plants is enough for a plate of green for dinner.
I blanched the vegetable in hot boiling water, drizzled some garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce over it. I added the remaining crunchy roasted almond chips on top.
This was our dinner with steamed brown rice.
The above photo was taken before I added the almond chips.

The Lord's blessing is our greatest wealth.
All our work adds nothing to it!
(Proverbs 10:22, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Wow, beautiful sky-captures!
    Stinky beans does not sound very.... yummy! ;-) Why that name?
    Your dinner looks very yummy, hmmmm....

    1. Thank you, Iris. The bean got its name because after consuming the beans, the unpleasant smell will be noticeable the next day when you need to go to the washroom. Lol!

  2. What a gogeous sky. And your cabbage is so vibrant and healthy!

    1. Thank you, Ginny. It is a joy to see the vegetables growing well.

  3. wow the purple sky looks so beautiful and dramatic....i like it's gradation color that look like natural painting...and by the way, i like your garden...the cabbage look nice for any nutricious dish. Have a nice day ^^

  4. Your dinner looks yum. The sunset pictures are beautiful.

  5. Gee!!! Purple sky! That is so beautiful! Gosh! Your cabbage grows so well - the leaves are perfect. No problem with pests? Lucky you! Yes, the petai did look rather oily.

    1. Thank God so far no pests. Have a great weekend.

  6. Sunset shots are gorgeous. From your own garden to dinner table..that's the freshest and best meal.

  7. Spectacular sunset! The word 'stinking' shouldn't be used with anything edible. Perhaps it's wrong translation.

    1. Actually the local called this bean "petai" or "stink" beans because the smell will be very obvious when you go to the washroom one day later.

  8. Chinese cabbage looks spectacular! and I like the dish that you have prepared with it

  9. Those sunset photos are very pretty.

  10. Love the sky shots. Wow.

    You know how much I love your food. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

  11. You seem to have had a nutritious dinner with fresh vegetables from your garden! Beautiful sunset with purple hues. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Those skies are amazing.

    To me, savory is for dinner and sweet is for dessert, so i don't blame you for liking your paste less sweet to cook for dinner.

  13. Sunset photos look beautiful. We have some nice sunsets as well. It's been nice to grow your own plants. We have two different kinds of tomatoes and they are delicious. We are getting a few each day as there's quite a lot of sunshine. Early next week it's to be 100 degree F for two days. Hope it doesn't stay around very long! Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you, Beckyl. I am also growing tomatoes but the plants are still very small. Hope the plants will produce enough tomatoes for our consumption. Currently it is raining now, hope we get enough rain to bring down the temperature. Have a great weekend.

  14. Thank you Nancy for the purple sky photos. Unique colour. Oh, so good you have a sunken trough specifically to Grow Chinese Cabbage. How do you know when to harvest the cabbage?

    1. Thank you, Mun. Well, I don't know exactly when but from my experience I more or less know when it is time to harvest. If wait too long, the stems will be fibrous.

  15. Gorgeous colour in the sky. Your dinner looks nice and healthy. I'll be having a lot of greens tonight too.

    1. Thank you, Joyful. Eating more greens is good for us.

  16. Thank you and have a great day.

  17. Nice healthy home-grown veggies as usual. You really have a green thumb.

  18. Las tomas del cielo se ven bonitas. Feliz tarde.


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