Monday 7 November 2022

Making Pickled Sichuan Mustard Soup For Dinner

We woke up early but was a bit late starting on our morning walk. It is because when I started to do something, I tend to get carried away and lost track of the time.

Sunrise at 7:10am.
After morning walk, we had breakfast in Ipoh old town at Kedai Kopi Ah Chow.
Dry curry noodle for hubby @ RM6.50
Seafood noodle for me @ RM6.00
I actually ordered seaweed noodle but I think the person taking my order mistaken it for seafood noodle. I didn't complain, just ate the bowl of noodle.
Wild mushrooms growing on an empty land.
During the monsoon season, wild mushrooms can be seen sprouting here and there.
Home cooked dinner.
This is a pickled Sichuan mustard stem. It is salted, dried and pickled with red chili paste. Before using, I washed off the chili paste, cut it into quarter inch thick slices and soak it in water to remove the salt. The longer it is soaked, the less salty the taste.
This soup tastes something like the salted vegetable (kiam chai/hum choy) soup.
Ingredients used: Pre-soaked pickled mustard slices, pork rib, tomatoes, carrot, some crushed white peppercorns and water. If necessary, add some salt to taste. We love this soup because it is an appetizing soup with a bit of sour and salty taste.
Sauteed malabar spinach with garlic and salt.
Dinner with steamed brown rice.
I found the following black and white murals behind a row of shops when we were having dinner one evening in Menglembu.
This mural shows a typical local street lined with shops.
These white, black and grey cows were drawn on a grey wall and they were drawn in such a way to outline the shape of a cow. Can you see it? I only noticed it when I was writing this post.

Linking to Monday Mural.

O Lord, what is man that you even notice him?
Why bother at all with the human race?
(Psalm 144:3, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I bought Sichuan mustard stem yesterday and cooked Sichuan mustard with pork rib soup. I like the soup.

  2. That soup must be wonderful with the sour spicy taste.

  3. We love this soup but we never eat the vegetable, just drink the soup.

  4. Your soup look yum. The murals are interesting.

  5. Picked mustard stems look like fish bladder or fish roe sacs! Or even kidneys. I don't know how it would taste like!

    1. It taste like salted vegetables. It has a sourish and salty taste.

  6. Pickled mustard slices? Sounds very interesting!
    Very cool murals, especially the second - very well done with the nose!

  7. Thank you Nancy for the steps in preparing Pickled Sichuan Mustard Soup. I agree that this is a very flavourful and appetising soup. I saw the cow outline after reading your description. I wonder how many cows are in the mural. Did you count?

    1. Thank you, Mun. No, I didn't count the cows. Quickly took the pics because a table was waiting for us to be seated at the restaurant.

  8. The black and white street mural is very pretty and the cows mural is quite unusual. At first I didn't click it was the shape of a cow either.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Nancy.

  9. All the food looks delicious and I love the mural of the cows. I didn't spot the shape of a cow at first but saw it clearly once I was looking for it!
    Julia x

  10. The cow mural is fun. What is malabar spinach? Taste different from regular spinach?

    1. Thank you, Angie. Malabar spinach taste different from regular spinach, a bit slimy.

  11. I have never heard of mustard stem, interesting. Love the murals.
    Keep well Diane

  12. I have never seen mustard like that, I didn't know it could be used for soup. Hugs, Valerie

  13. Yes, I can see the cows. Gigi hawaii

  14. Rica comida

  15. The murals are different done in black and white. That sky looks interesting.

  16. The sunrise was pretty!

    You make very good soups, it looks good from here!

    I've never seen black and white murals like that before and yes, i did see the cow after you pointed it out.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. Soups are simple and easy to make.

  17. Me gustó el mural de las vacas. Un beso.


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