Friday 6 January 2023

Chili Seedlings & Bottle Gourds

We have another 2 weeks to the Chinese New Year celebration. Somehow, I have managed to convince my lazy self to start off some of the spring cleaning. I am taking my own sweet time to do bit by bit, spacing out the work so as not to tired out myself too much.

Sunrise at 6:40am.
This morning I harvested 2 green brinjals / aubergine / eggplants and some chilies from my garden.
A chili seedling has sprouted out from some of the seeds that I have disposed off in the flower pot.
In another pot, there are 3 more chili seedlings which look healthy.
I also harvested 2 bottle gourds from my garden. I think there are 3 to 4 small bottle gourds on the vines. I will wait for these baby gourds to grow big for harvesting before I cut down the vines.
Evening sky at 7:15pm.

Linking to Skywatch Friday.

Sing to the Lord, O kingdoms of the earth - sing praises to the Lord,
to him who rides upon the ancient heavens,
whose mighty voice thunders from the sky.
(Psalm 68:32-33, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. That's the way to do it, so you don't get too exhausted.

  2. Your chili plant indeed looks very healthy. I don't have much success with chili plants. The only edible plant that is still surviving is chives because they are very hardy.

    1. I too don't have success with chili plants that I intentionally grow. Only those that sprout out from the compose or sent by birds are usually successful. Yes, chives are hardy plants.

  3. Chinese New Year - sweet memories. Once I nearly dropped my camera!!! LOL. If you want to... look here.

    Yes, I take it slow these days, too... But I feel finally better! :-)

    1. Thank you, Iris. Yes, I saw the video of the lion dance.

  4. My missus had a bountiful harvest of chilies, keeping them in the fridge. Perhaps she should make chili dip with them, will keep longer.

  5. ...sadly there is nothing to harvest here today.

  6. Amen. Your garden is beautiful.

  7. le meraviglie delle natura nelle tue bellissime foto!

  8. I forgot about Chinese New Year. There will be celebrating in Hawaii, but usually I don't participate.

    1. We are not celebrating big scale. Just the gathering of family members for the reunion dinner.

  9. Don't work too hard. Love the evening sky photo! Hugs, Valerie

  10. You aren't lazy, lazy people don't garden that much. Your garden is wonderful.

    Good luck with the cleaning!

  11. Lindas plantas. Admiro tus cosechas. Te mando un beso.

  12. Thank you Nancy. Please take good care when doing spring cleaning. Don't carry heavy pails of water to prevent hurting the back. Feels good to see your harvest. How do you know when to cut down the vines?

    1. Thank you, Mun. When the vines get old and no longer fruiting.

  13. I hope you enjoy your walk.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  14. I love your skies on the walk and continue to be amazed at your gardening skiills.

  15. Hi, beautiful photos! An excellent year for you. :)

  16. Yep have to pace yourself to avoid getting too tired.

  17. Beautiful skies and the moon is a nice bonus!


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