Friday 7 April 2023

Hardy Cactus From My Garden

Hello friends, I am back again!

In case you are wondering what happened to me, it is just that for the past few days, I will be feeling sleepy and will be napping throughout the day. Some days, I will be feeling wide awake and slept very little. This is probably some of the minor side effects of the chemo treatment.

Morning sky at 6:45am

Some mornings, I will wake up very early and if I remember, I will go out to check on the sunrise and snap some photos. Recently, I went out to the garden to check on the plants. Many plants have been neglected and left to fend for themselves. Hubby only has the time to water them. 
The plants that are doing well and growing bigger are my cactus plants. The above has grown bigger.
The one above has grown more babies.
This photo was from the year 2021. Can you see the grasshopper clinging on the green brinjal? This morning I harvested some green brinjals or eggplants or aubergines from my garden.
I think this is the same grasshopper. Since then, I haven't seen any grasshopper visiting our garden.

Linking to Skywatch Friday & Saturday's Critters.
The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want
He makes me lie in pastures green
He leads me by the still still waters
His goodness restores my soul

And I will trust in You alone 2x
For Your endless mercy follows me
Your goodness will lead me home

He guides my ways in righteousness
And He anoints my head with oil
And my cup it overflows with joy
I feast on His pure delights

And though I walk the darkest path
I will not fear the evil one
For You are with me
And Your rod and staff
Are the comfort I need to know


  1. I hope you are doing better. When is your next checkup to see how the chemo is working? Blessings to you!

    1. My next blood test and chemo will be next week.

  2. Chemo doesn´t sound too good. Hope it´ll help you. Take care.

  3. No choice! My garden is left to neglect but at least my missus is taking care of it now. A typhoon -like wind uprooted her papaya tree - in my blog post tomorrow.

    1. Most of the pots are overgrown with weeds. Hubby will have to slowly clear them.

  4. At the moment you need to do what your body needs. The photos are lovely. Psalm 23 is one of my favourites, too. May it comfort you in this diffficult time. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Just do what you want and what you can. Hugs to you.

  6. The grasshopper looks so unique and large!

  7. So nice shots, thanks for your sharing...

  8. Very nice to see you again! Yes, chemo must be awful - I hope it helps!
    Oh, I think it was on TV this morning - be Maya. Her friend is a grasshopper named Flip.
    I grew up with the series and liked Flip a lot!
    Your cactus plants are nice, too - all the best wishes from here!

  9. ...take care Nancy and have a Happy Easter.

  10. It's not surprising, Nancy, that your system has been thrown off by the chemotherapy, but let's hope that it is working and the invasive bad guys are being chased away. Best wishes - David

  11. You should rest and take a walk if you can..or meditate..don't worry about your blog, garden or others...they can WAIT, Nancy. Take really good care of yourself, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Angie. Yes, I am doing whatever that my body needs. I only blog whenever I am able, not my top priority.

  12. Have a religious Good Friday my friend and rest and take care Nancy. Prepare for Easter Sunday.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. Hi Nancy, good to hear from you and to know that you are keeping active in your garden whenever you can. Please take good care 🙏

    1. Thank you, Mun. I only visit my garden once in awhile in the morning, not doing any work in the garden.

  14. Nice photos, Nancy. Beautiful cactus. Take care and God bless.

  15. Cactuses are doing well, regardless of weather or water.
    Lovely video clip and the best lyrics to bring you comfort!

  16. Dear Nancy, your photos are lovely. The Lord is my Shepard is my favourite Hymn, and I hope it comforts you in this difficult time. Take care, I hope you have very Happy Easter. Thinking and praying for you daily.

    1. Thank you, Breathtaking for your prayers. Yes, this song brings me comfort and assurance.

  17. Me encanto el video. Lindos cactus, espero que estés mejor de salud. Te mando un beso.

  18. Lovely cactus and sunrise. Our morning sun comes up around 6:45
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  19. Cactus is sturdy plants, no or less caring at all. Happy Easter to you!!

  20. I imagine you are going to have days that you need more rest and you are doing the right thing to listen to your body and what it is asking for. How lovely to have a garden to go out and enjoy so close to you!

  21. Cacti do not need much water for this, perhaps, they will be fresh.

  22. Impressive grasshopper. I love the first photo with the blue hour sky! Happy Easter!

  23. A legacy grasshopper!! I'm glad hubby has time to water the plants.
    Still praying for you.

  24. Take care Nancy..have a blessed Easter

  25. your garden has delightful plants :)
    our brinjal is purple
    heartfelt thanks for this beautiful song for the God !
    each word resembles to what i feel always !

  26. It's good to see you back, Nancy. Take as much time as you need to rest - your health is your priority and everything else can wait! Your cacti are amazing.
    Julia x


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