Wednesday 10 June 2015

Alocasia Longiloba 'Grandis' In My Garden

Today I will share with you about another variety of Alocasia plants which is the Alocasia Longiloba 'Grandis'. Two days ago I did a post on Alocasia "Amazonica" which is a different variety from Alocasia Longiloba 'Grandis'. If you want to read about Alocasia "Amazonica", you can click here to go to the page.

I prefer to call this Zebra face because Alocasia Longiloba 'Grandis' is a long name to remember. Anyway to me the leaves do look like Zebra face.
The leaves are smooth and dark glossy green. The underside of the leaves are purple in colour.

There are white veins on the leaves and white margin around the edge.

It grows well in partial shade or full sun. The size of the leaves depend on the amount of sunlight. Those in partial shade will have bigger leaves and those in the sun will have smaller leaves.

The spots on the above leaves are actually droplets of water. I took this photo just after I watered the plants. The plants grow well in rich, moist garden soil with good water drainage. Too much water or over watering will cost root rot.

I grow all my Alocasia plants in pots. Some are in partial shade and some are placed under full sun.

As for all Alocasia, all parts of the plants are poisonous if ingested.
So it is best to keep them at a safe place, away from children and pets.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you
that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
and that you may love the LORD your God,
listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.
(Deuteronomy 30:19-20, New International Version-NIV)


  1. This plant looks exactly like "amazonica". If you didn't mention it I thought it's the same type. Guess they are somewhat related but different species. Me blur blur...hahaha. All your plants are well look after & also you have green fingers.

    1. They do look alike. One is longer and the edge is wavy. The other is shorter, rounder and the edge is smooth.

  2. What bold and beautiful foliage. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. I love this plant:) kiss

  4. I had to go compare the giraffe face with this zebra face... haha yes I see the logic!

  5. And you my friend have a green thumb. Excellent. Your plants are beautiful.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Wishing a terrific day too!

  6. I like the deep green colour of the leaves. You take really good care of it until it grows so nicely. Well done!

    1. This plant is really beautiful. Due to the rain and excess water some of them died.

  7. Probably we don't have them in Poland and it is fantastic

  8. what an interesting plant. i love the stripes and they do look like zebra stripes.

    1. Thank you, Kayni. That's why I named them Zebra!

  9. You sure know your plant well Nancy.

  10. Hi Nancy,
    hee hee .. "Zebra face" plant ? But they are so nice ... lovely green plant with distinguish strips.

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for your visit and comment. Lol! yes, Zebra face is my personal name for this plant...he he..

  11. Love these plants, so pretty and exotic. I can see why you named it Zebra Face....LOL Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Happy weekend to you too!

  12. hello there
    are you sell this a bit??


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