Friday 24 July 2015

Blessed With A Scrumptious Dinner Treat In Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Day 3 - Dinner treat.

Greetings from Ipoh! It is coming close to about a month since we came back from Hong Kong and I am still posting about Hong Kong!
Beautiful Blue Sky, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.

Today, I am posting about the dinner treat on our third day that we had enjoyed at a restaurant somewhere within walking distance from Temple Street.
Our dinner host chose this restaurant to give us a dinner treat. The restaurant's name is written in Chinese.

Upon entering the restaurant, we have to pass by the fish tanks.

Big lobster.

One of these will end up on our dinner table.

This was the fish our host ordered for us. I do not know the name of the fish. I was told it weighed about 6 to 7 kg. One fish to be cooked into 2 dishes.

Braised Frog with shallots, ginger slices, scallion, etc. in clay pot.
It was piping hot, it smelled good and very flavourful but I only took a small piece to try. It tasted like tender chicken meat but because I knew it was frog, I felt squeamish about it.

Fish Dish #1 - Braised Deep Fried Fish with scallion, ginger slices, etc. in clay pot.

Deep Fried Fish Balls, Stuffed Lotus Root and Stuffed Green Chilis.
The deep fried fish balls were not comparable to the ones we ate in Macau.

Stir Fried Eel with garlic stalks.
I didn't eat the eel meat, I only took the garlic stalks.

Fish Dish #2 - Steamed Fish Pieces with preserved salted black beans, scallion, etc.

Steamed Chicken with ginger slices, wolf berries (goji berries), scallion, etc. in clay pot and covered with aluminium foil.
All the above dishes were eaten with white rice. And finally the dessert.
This dessert were specially prepared and after we had finished our main meal, we have to wait for the milk curd pudding to be served which took a while.

Milk Curd Pudding.

Hmm...just take a look at this. I have not tasted anything like this milk curd pudding before. It was so smooth and delicious.

And lastly, Honecomb Cake! Yummy!
And to this friend in Hong Kong, on behalf of the whole group, once again we thank you for a very delicious dinner.

Linking to Skywatch Friday.

My child, eat honey, for it is good,
and the honeycomb is sweet to the taste.
In the same way, wisdom is sweet to your soul.
If you find it, you will have a bright future,
and your hopes will not be cut short.
(Proverbs 24:13-14, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. The meal made from fish looks so yoummy. The fish was so big...

    1. Thank you, Gosia. Surprisingly, even though the fish was so big, its meat very tender.

  2. Oh my the wonderful food you enjoyed during your trip was fabulous. You took such great shots too. I felt like I was at the table. Delicious.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. You are most welcome to join us. Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. Indeed a very foodful trip, Nancy! I wouldn't mind going to this type of food trip... all the dishes look very ravishing!

  4. Since I don't eat fish...or any thing from the water, actually, I will pass on the foods here.
    I'm glad you enjoyed it, tho. :)

  5. I might want to try the eel, frog & chicken. Very interesting dinner.
    Have a great Friday Nancy. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. I am sure you will love these food, very delicious. Have a great weekend!

  6. Awesome series of images, from the sky in the first shot to the last dessert photo. YUM! Thanks for sharing, have a happy weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. You are always so encouraging! Have a fabulous weekend!

  7. I'd have to skip.... seafood doesn't do it for me!

  8. Delicious food! This milk curdle is a specialty in HK, we seldom find it here. I take it that you seldom eat frog since you feel squirmish about it. When I eat frog, I thought I am eating chicken because it tastes like chicken but the meat is smoother.

    1. Thank you, Mun. I love the milk curdle and most of the food. The trouble with me is I keep imagining I am eating frog, my mind refuse to switch to chicken...hahaha...and the same problem with the eel too... So I ended up not able to enjoy all these food! Lol!

  9. Long time did not taste frog and eel!!! I missed them.

    1. Hi Rose, Hahaaa...I won't be missing them..probably until I learn to appreciate them.

  10. It's amazing the variety of food they serve that I've never tasted. I usually love fish and just about any sea food so I would try cooked eel if it was offered to me but I'm not sure about frog though.

    All in all the food looks tasty and I would love to taste the deserts.

    1. Thank you, Julia. If you are not squirmish like me, then I am sure you would love and enjoy the eel and the frog dishes. Have a lovely weekend!

  11. See the foods makes me drooling and crave for it, hehe...

    1. Hi Sharon, the food are all very delicious! Have a beautiful weekend!

  12. Thank you, De. Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you, Linda. Have a fabulous weekend!

  14. I like the pudding, looks so delicious..

    1. Hi Lay Hoon, I love the pudding! Very, very delicious!

  15. As always food look great. Wow, such a big lobster, must cost a bomb.

    1. Hi Irene. We had a wonderful breakfast. But we didn't order the big lobster. Have a beautiful weekend!

  16. Man oh man. it looks like all you do is eat! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Hi Tom, ha ha...we have to eat and we love to eat. This was a foodful trip in Hong Kong and we really get to eat. Have a great weekend!

  17. An amazing trip with so much food.

    1. It turned out that our trip became a foodfull trip, eating whatever is popular in Hong Kong.

  18. It seems like so much food...

    1. Hi Rose, it did seems that our Hong Kong host wanted to make sure we were fully fed!

  19. Scrumptious dinner indeed ! So yummy! That milk pudding really smooth !

    1. Hi Karen, the best was the milk pudding! So special and we couldn't get it here!

  20. Oh. Oh. What a special dinner indeed. (Frog is food, nothing to be squeamish about heheheh)

    1. Ha ha...Stacy, I know it is food and it is very tender and tasty...but this imaginative mind of mine will start to imagine I am eating a! Hope one day I may overcome this problem of mine, then I can enjoy eating frog meat!


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