Friday 10 July 2015

Early Lunch And Cable Car Ride To Ngong Ping Village, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Day 2 - Lunch & Cable Car Ride.

By now the rain has cleared and we were ready to visit Ngong Ping Village. The weather was gloomy with very light drizzle on and off.
Waiting at the MTR (mass transit railway) station.

Some of us were hungry and we decided to get an early lunch at Food Republic, an international food court.

Queuing up at food counters. The place was very packed. We managed to get a place for 10 of us.

Some kind of pan fried dumplings.

Steamed dumplings.

Mixed rice pot.


Braised tofu and egg, chicken rice.

A bowl of wanton in soup.

Tummies filled, we are ready for adventure.

Waiting for Pete to get the tickets.

Queuing up for the cable car ride to Ngong Ping Village.

All 10 of us in a cable car.

Took these photos from inside the cable car.

There was a slight drizzle.

This was my 2nd cable car ride.

The first was in Singapore many years ago.

At that time I was so afraid of heights, kept my eyes closed most of the time.

Here in Hong Kong, I had another breakthrough. I was able to enjoy the cable car ride! And I get to enjoy all these beautiful views!
Linking to Skywatch Friday.

From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them.
I see a people who live apart and
do not consider themselves one of the nations.
(Numbers 23:9, New International Version-NIV)


  1. What a fun day and all that fabulous food. I too love cable cars. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one. What views indeed.

    Have a fabulous day and again thank you for sharing your wonderful holiday with us. ☺

  2. I like the cable car ride to Ngong Ping because it is a long ride and I enjoyed it. Glad to see that you enjoyed the cable car ride too. Food Republic, isn't that the food court brand of Singapore? We have Food Republic food court in KL too.

    1. Hi Mun, was I glad I no longer fear the cable car ride or else it will be a long, long dreadful one for me. I have not been to the Food Republic food court in KL, will look out for it when I am next in KL.

  3. Nancy I admire you because I am afraid of height , too. Dumplings are very popular in Poland, too.

    1. Gosia, actually I am afraid of height but I was so surprised that I was not fearful during this cable car ride. I so glad I am able to take all those photos during the cable car ride and enjoyed the beautiful views too!

  4. Hello Nancy, what a fun day. The cable car ride looks neat. And the food all looks delicious! I would like to try the dumplings. Great photos, thanks for sharing your trip! Have a happy day!

    1. Eileen, I really enjoyed the cable car ride. I would love to visit the food court again, there were so many varieties of food there.

  5. What spectacular views, Nancy!!!

  6. I used to love cable cars rides and got a thrill out of them. Then all of a sudden I started to freeze when going on a cable car at Niagara Falls. I had my young nephew with me and had to pretend for his sake that I was really enjoying it. I've never been on another cable car though would still try as long it wasn't over water ;-) Glad you got over your fears. x

    1. Hi Joyful, looks like it is the reverse for me. I was so afraid before but lost the fear this time. Both times were over the waters. I wouldn't know about any future cable car ride.

  7. What a fun adventure you had. The food looks appetizing and no surprises. I love that red dragon cloud in the last picture. Wow.

    1. Thank you, Julia. It was great adventure and yummy food. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Cable car, give it a pass. Am afraid of height. Other than that, I enjoy the scenery & food.

    1. Irene, I have been there and I know what it means to be afraid of height. The scenery was really beautiful from above.

  9. I would love to ride a cable car and view Hong Kong on high ground.

    1. Rose, you sure will love the beautiful breath-taking view of Hong Kong from above!

  10. So fun and the food looks good...expensive?

    1. Not really, more or less like KL price. Food Republic's food varieties very interesting.

  11. Replies
    1. Aloha Cloudia. Thank you and have a fabulous day!

  12. I am afraid of heights too... Cant wait for the ride to finish last time.... Lol

    1. Ha ha...that was the exact feeling I had during my first ride in Spore. It was a real nightmare for me then.

  13. It looks like a fun day and the food is really temptiong...

    1. Thank you, Shahneela. The day and food were great! Have a wonderful day!

  14. Loves those views u took from the cable car...

  15. Such beautiful views from the cable car. Those dumplings look a real delight.

    1. The views all around were breath-taking but it was difficult for me to capture all the views.

  16. Huh..I can see the shade of 'dragon' cloud in the last shot..

    1. Oh! Really? Oh I see, ha haa the setting sun shining through the clouds.

  17. Nancy, the food from the food court looks pretty good!

    1. Spoilt for choice here with so many varieties to choose from. I find it difficult to make my choice.


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