Sunday 5 July 2015

Enjoying Sweet Desserts In Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Day 1 - Sweet Desserts

After we have rested and refreshed ourselves, our Hong Kong friend cum tour guide was ready to take us out again. I will refer to our friend cum tour guide as Pete. This time, there was no private transport to take us out. For this afternoon sightseeing, there were only seven of us including Pete. The other three ladies have been taken to their apartment by their host. They will be joining us for dinner later in the evening.

We have a few hours of free time to look around before our private transport came to take us out for dinner. Come, follow me and I will show you some of the places we visited.
The apartment we were staying is in Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon. This was the start of plenty of walking for us while we were in Hong Kong. We noticed that the streets and drains are very clean.

High rise buildings are everywhere.

This is the Amoy Garden, a private housing estate. It was in one of the blocks where there was a serious outbreak of SARS virus in 2003.

There are many eateries available to the residents there.

Walking to Amoy Plaza.

These were too cute to resist for my camera. We spent some time walking and window shopping in the shopping plaza.
On our way looking for Hong Kong's popular sweet desserts.

Mango Glutinous Dumplings

Sorry for this blur picture of the mango glutinous dumpling. This photo was taken from the menu just to show how the dumplings looked like inside.

Red Bean & Coconut Milk, Custard in Coconut Milk served in coconut shell.

Sweet Balls & Coconut Milk, Custard in Coconut Milk.

All the above to be shared among us, just to sample and taste only. We wanted to keep our appetite for the night's special dinner!

Soothing and yummy sweet desserts finished to the last drop!

Vertical garden next to where we ate our sweet desserts.

Something that caught my eye.

Looking through the menu on the side walk.

Fake food models on display in window of eatery.

Public transports in Hong Kong. Here, time is precious and the people are always on the move. We were cautioned not to block or jam up the side walks. If we do so, we may get some harsh rebuke.

Taxi in Hong Kong.

Taxis In Hong Kong. Everything is very orderly.

Public light bus of 18 seats. No standing is allowed.

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.
After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world,
and we can't take anything with us when we leave it.
So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.
(1 Timothy 6:6-8, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. What a fun afternoon and the desserts look amazing. I love all the food you post and can hardly wait for tonight's wonderful meal. I'm sure it will be wonderful too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thanks, Sandee. Stay with me, the best is yet to come!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like that no standing is allowed in the small buses. The food in Hui Lau Shan in HK is more delicious than the outlets here in KL, I just don't know why. Did you like the mango dessert?

    1. Eh...Mun, I am so sorry, I think our desserts were not from Hui Lau Shan. I think it was a small shops, just a short distance away from Hui Lau Shan. We were just passing by Hui Lau Shan.

    2. No worries! My misunderstanding. :)

  4. Sounds like you had fun exploring Hong Kong. Was this a pleasure trip?

    1. Hi Joyful, It was a fun filled pleasure and food tasting trip!

  5. Those desserts certainly looked wonderful.

  6. Fabulous visit to Hong Kong, Nancy!



  7. Everywhere is skyscapers. Gosh! I do not think I would use to stay up that high in the condo.

    The dessert looks good and interesting. Do not think we could find them in Malaysia.

    1. I too won't be comfortable staying in high rise building. I am not sure whether we can get these desserts in Malaysia, .

  8. Oh yum, Nancy! I think I'm ready for dessert, myself, now. :) T.

    1. I like these dessert, not too sweet, just nice to my taste.

  9. Bet you are having fun exploring Hongkong. Seeing the high rise building makes me worries as I am scare of height. Desserts looks good & rich.

    1. Irene, it was really fun in Hong Kong. I am also not for high rise building!

  10. The weather here now is so hot, the desserts will be nice...

    1. It was really hot in Hong Kong too. The desserts were warm and soothing to the throat.

  11. Wow, it seems that you had a great trip there. The desserts look good.
    Nice to see a clean and organized city.

    1. It is really amazing to see the densely populated city so clean and organized.

  12. The desserts seems delicious.

  13. Desserts!!! My all time favourite, Nancy!

  14. Nancy, the desserts look very tasty and cooling. No wonder it was all wiped clean hah..hah...

    1. Everyone gets to sample and taste a few mouthful! We were preparing for a big dinner feast!

  15. Hi Nancy,

    These desserts look yummy! I remember I was enjoying lots of yummy food with I was in HK. You must be doing the same too... Hope that you enjoy the rest of the trip.


    1. We were told to get ready to enjoy Hong Kong food because this was more of a eating trip. We ate and ate, our stomach no chance to feel hungry!

  16. All three desserts look superb! If I lived there, there goes the waistline.

    1. We were worried too but due to the plenty of walking, my waistline remains the same. I haven't checked with the other ladies.

  17. I have never seen fake models as a menu but it looks like a good idea, esp for foreigners!

    1. I think it is very helpful for foreigners and tourists. They will have some idea of what the dishes will look like before ordering.

  18. I'm looking forward to more of your Hong Kong trip. I like that the city is so clean.
    I have seen the most different food since I started following your blog. The dessert looks delicious.


    1. Thank you Julia, for following my blog and I am happy and encouraged that you find my blog interesting. Happy Tuesday!

  19. Hi Nancy,
    Oh the sweet and yummy desserts ! The ice cold ones are so refreshing!

    1. Karen, now that I am back in Malaysia, I do miss the sweet desserts.


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