Wednesday 22 July 2015

Macau, Sightseeing #3

Hong Kong, Day 3 - Macau, Sightseeing #3.

As we come to almost the end of the sweet treats testing lane, we could see the famous sight or landmark of Macau.
At the far distance, there stood the Ruins of St. Paul Cathedral.

A sculpture with a love story? Just wondering.

It was very hot and most of the visitors, including us were keeping to the shade to avoid the sun.

We took a few photos, rested and none of us wanted to climb up the stairs. I wouldn't mind going up the steps but the blazing hot sun kept me from doing so.

And someone remembered something and was so thoughtful about it. While we were resting in the shade, these Portuguese egg tarts suddenly appeared right in front of us. All the sweet treats testing could not be compared to this inviting sight.

We gladly took one each, they were warm and freshly baked, and I took a bite. Hmmm...the pastry was crispy, so flaky and light, and the filling was so smooth and yummy! You must taste it to know what I am trying to describe. Lol! Our visit to Macau would not be complete without these Portuguese tarts.

Some of our friends wanted to visit the A Ma Temple (Ma Kok Miu). Some went to pray in the temple, the others were resting on the benches under the shady trees, trying to get some cat naps. I took an umbrella and went around taking photos.

The top of Macau tower towering over the tree tops.

A short distance from the temple - the Maritime Museum.
Fountain outside Maritime Museum.

A close up photo of the fountain and unique roof design.

World Heritage write up on the historic centre of Macau.

Macau rich with buildings of western designs.

Side view facing the Maritime Museum.

Rickshaws having a rest under the big shady tree.

Here ended our one day Macau trip.

We took a bus to the Ferry Terminal to return to Hong Kong. Looking forward to a scrumptious dinner treat.

And let us not neglect our meeting together,
as some people do, but encourage one another,
especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.
(Hebrews 10:25, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Oh Nancy, the celebrated Portuguese Egg tarts! That is something not to be missed in Macau. Sure one is not enough :)

    1. We were fortunate to be able to taste the egg tarts. Heard that the tarts were all sold out,

  2. Nancy lovely city with old and ned houses. It would be nice to walk there. Thanks for your pictorial walk. The pastry is delicious..

  3. Heard once eaten the Portuguese tart over there, ones won't want the Portuguese tarts here. It's that good. Glad someone remember to get some for you all☺

    1. It is quite true, at least for me. So far I have not taste any egg tarts better than those in Macau. Many thanks to our friend who remembered the tarts. After that all sold out!

  4. I agree with Phong Hong, one is not enough, hehe...

    1. Sharon, no chance for us to go back for more, all sold out!

  5. Macau is a pretty city. I love the buildings, especially the ruins. The tart looks delicious, I wish I could try one now. Lovely tour, thanks for sharing your visit. Have a happy day!

    1. Hi Eileen, the tarts were really good and yummy!

  6. What a lovely tour of Macau. Everything looks so beautiful and those Macau Portuguese egg tart looks so delicious. I think I'll try some. I have found a recipe on line for Macau Portuguese Egg Tart. You'll be able to make them yourself. They use puff pastry so what could be simpler!
    Too bad it was so hot in Macau. I bet a Fall or Spring trip would be wonderful. So good of you to take so many beautiful photos to share.

    1. Hi Julia, we were there during the hot season. If in cooler season, it would be more enjoyable.

  7. It would be so interesting to visit here...what are those tall buildings in the photo under the rickshaws?

    1. Hi Rose, so sorry, I can't remember what are those tall buildings. I like the design.

  8. Wow, what a visit. You'll need a week to rest when you get home. That tart sure looked good and I bet it tasted even better.
    Have a great day Nancy. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Hi Paul, those tarts were really great! Have a wonderful day!

  9. love this post :)

  10. An absolute WONDERFUL post. Your photos are great...and I so enjoyed the whole thing.

  11. The cathedral ruin certainly catches my eye- and that's the first time I've heard of an egg tart. I'm so used to tarts as dessert sort of treats.

  12. Your photos are wonderful! Thanks for the delightful tour!

  13. Go to Macau must eat the famous Portugese egg tarts. Must be super tasty.

    1. Hi Mun, the tarts are really, really super tasty! Have a lovely day!

  14. Oh that treat looked fabulous. I would have loved to have tried that.

    You had such a wonderful trip. Are you planning your next getaway? I hope so.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Hi, Sandee. Hopefully my next getaway will be somewhere near.

  15. Those tarts really looks delicious....

    1. Hi Elin, those tarts are really delicious. I am missing those tarts hahaaa.....

  16. Wow, that must be something to visit Macau, great vues!
    From what you say, it seems really hot!
    Enjoy the good food and keep well :)

    1. Thank you, Noushka. It was really hot and sweaty! Have a lovely day!

  17. Hi Nancy,
    Very nice photos. I didn't visit Macau the last time I was in Hong Kong due to packe schedule. Oh yes the famous Portuguese egg tarts :D

    1. Hi Karen, our visit was a short one, didn't really had the chance to walk all the streets. Oh yes, the tarts are so yummy!

  18. What an array of architecture! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  19. Hi Nancy,

    Looking at your sunny pictures, I can feel the warm the of Macau even in our chilly winter. Very nice Portuguese egg tarts... wish that I can be there to eat these and enjoy the warmth.


    1. Hi Zoe, now I am missing the tarts..haha...don't know where to get as good as the Macau's tarts.

  20. What a wonderful sight to see all these buildings. Those tarts looks too good to resist.

    1. Hi Irene, I need to go around here hunting for Portuguese tarts...hahaa..

  21. The tarts look delish. I'm glad you had a chance to visit Macau too.

    1. In fact I am missing the tarts have to search for a place that can make tarts like the tarts in Macau.

  22. How nice to have egg tarts appearing suddenly in front of you. :)

    1. I never thought of the Portuguese tarts at all. I was busy taking photos and then there appeared the tarts! Lol!


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