Tuesday 7 July 2015

Seafood Dinner At Tung Kee Seafood Restaurant, Sai Kung Hoi Pong Square, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Day 1 - Seafood Dinner.

We had our first seafood dinner at Sai Kung Hoi Pong Square in Hong Kong. Altogether there were twelve of us including three Hong Kong hosts. We were seated in an air-conditioned room on the first floor in Tung Kee Seafood Restaurant.

One of our host had taken care of the food orders and our part were to enjoy the food laid before us. We were all looking forward to enjoy the seafood feast!
We started off with this appetizer - Boiled Chicken Feet!

Sand Ginger (Cekur in Malay) Dipping Sauce for the Boiled Chicken Feet. We enjoyed the appetizer.

Another available Dipping Sauce - Wasabi with soy sauce.
After the appetizer, the actual seafood feast began!

Ice Mountain Platter - Beautifully arranged Fresh and Succulent, Raw Seafood on Ice. There were Crab Claws, Prawns, Scallops, Salmon, Geoduck Clams or Elephant Trunk Clams, Octupus, Fish, etc.

These were really fresh and everything was raw! Amazingly I tasted every item on this plate! Normally, I wouldn't eat raw seafood! And they tasted very fresh, natural sweet and succulent too.

Deep Fried Sesame Chicken. Crispy skin and tender, juicy meat.

Steamed Scallops garnished with glass vermicelli, garlic, etc.

The scallops were covered with garnishing of glass or transparent vermicelli, etc. The size of the scallop shell compared to the 7 inch saucer plate.

Lobster and Noodles with Rich & Creamy Cheese Sauce. This was very tasty.

Razor Clams or Razor Shells cooked with big onions, green and red capsicums, preserved salted black beans, sauce, etc.

Long, fleshy and succulent razor clams.

Deep Fried Calamari or Squids.

Cooked just right with a tender texture.

Steamed Grouper Fish. Good!

Crabs cooked with ginger slices and spring onions.

We couldn't decide on whether to steam or deep fry the oysters, so our host took a vote. Deep fry oysters has more votes. After having tasted the deep fried oysters, we all agreed that steamed oysters should taste better. The oysters were big!
Deep Fried Mantis Prawns with Chili and Salt. Very flavourful.

Escargots or Edible Snails cooked in Spicy Szechuan sauce. I only took one to try, a first time for me eating snail!

Blanched Green Vegetables (Lai Pak in Cantonese).

Special Fried Rice, a must order and a must try! Well recommended, thumbs up for the fried rice!

Desserts - Mango Pudding.

Smooth texture and not too sweet, just right for me!

And fruits - watermelon and grapes. This was what's left when I remembered I haven't taken its photo.

Besides Chinese Tea, Blue Girl Beer and Schweppes (cream soda) were also served. Free flowing of drinks!

This was our 16 course seafood dinner
(inclusive of appetizer, pudding and fruits)
And what about the cost of the dinner?
I think it came to about MYR 270 - MYR 300 per pax
(approx. 70 - 79 USD per pax).
Tung Kee Seafood Restaurant

I have seen You in the sanctuary
and beheld Your power and Your glory.
Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You.
I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up
my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
(Psalm 63:2-5, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Wow, that was quite a feast. I don't know about the boiled chicken feet and the raw seafood but the rest looks very appetizing. I know that chicken feet are a delicacy. You're a good sport to eat food that you normally wouldn't eat. It's all a matter of custom and taste.
    Thanks for sharing your restaurant adventures with us.


    1. Hi Julia, yes, I surprised even myself that I ate and even liked the raw seafood! What an adventure indeed!

  2. Wow...delicious seafood feast...worth it after all HK famous for its fresh seafood :)

    1. A great experience! Probably once in a life time experience? Hahaaa!

  3. What a feast. Chicken feet, best...a lot of collagen in that plate. I want.

    1. Irene, I like the chicken feet paired with the sand ginger dipping sauce. Do you know how to make this sauce?

    2. Sorry, Nancy. I have no idea what sauce is this?

  4. Did you all eat steamed oysters here since you said that they taste better than deep fried oysters? I see some prawn heads on the raw platter but are there raw prawns body to be eaten too? I have never eaten raw prawns.

    RM300 per person? Wow, that is expensive but as long as you all enjoyed eating all the food, that's what count.

    1. Mun, we did not eat steamed oysters in the same restaurant. We had whole prawns to be eaten raw also, all peeled except for the heads. Its my first eating raw prawns. So adventurous of me hahaa! It is expensive but worth it. Once in a life time experience!

  5. You know Nancy, I would enjoy everything except boiled chicken feet and I enjoy seafood but not raw. Sorry but the rest that you had I know I would enjoy especially Escargots and Calamari. Yum, yum.
    Thank you taking us with you in your wonderful dinner ( Except boiled chicken feet ) See ya

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Hi Paul, I understand many do not eat chicken feet but over here chicken feet is a delicacy. I guess its a matter of getting used to it. I love Calamari but eat Escargots is new to me. I might get to love them once I get used to them. I thank you for joining me in this food experience!

  6. Nancy te dinner was so huge. In my opinion the best are chicken feet and fried chcken and desserts looks fantastic too.

    1. Oh Gosia, you like chicken feet too? Over here chicken feet is a delicacy. The fried chicken and desserts are good!

  7. Oh my goodness. What a feast. I love snails/escargot. I can eat all of them. I usually have them in garlic with butter, but would love to try them they way you had them.

    You know how to eat. Yes you do.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Hi Sandee, I think I might get to like Escargots or snails. Maybe I should try them cooked in different recipes. I think garlic with butter taste good.

  8. The steamed scallps looked delicious, it certainly was a feast.

    1. I like the steamed scallops too. A great feast..lol!

  9. What a feast, Nancy. I have never tried chicken feet.

    1. Linda, must try, you may like it. Cook till it is very soft. Lots of collagen!

  10. Oh yum! Seafood sounds great right now! T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com

  11. I loves all the foods except the chicken feet...

    1. Sharon, you don't eat chicken feet? Have a great day!

  12. Wow! The ice mountain platter is good. Must be very fresh to ear them raw.

    1. Rose, that's the best part of the dinner. Must be fresh or else we will suffer tummy problems.

  13. Nancy, what a grand seafood feast! All looks good. But being a non-seafood fan, I am eyeing the deep fried sesame chicken hah..hah...

    1. Phong Hong, the fried sesame chicken is very good. I like it too.

  14. Chicken feet is totally my favourite! I'm keen to try making this sauce. Hopefully, google will help me find the recipe..lol ^.^

    1. Sharon, I hope you wouldn't mind sharing with me the recipe when you have found it.

  15. Oh gosh, all of the food looks so delicious!!! Especially the Razor Clams, this food look so yummy, I started be hungry a little.lol


  16. I would like to try everything, maybe except of the chicken feet:)

    1. Hi Ola, maybe you will like the chicken feet once you have tried it? Lol!

  17. You made me hungry again Nancy. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  18. The boiled chicken feet looks strange but I know that it`s tasty :)) great choice :) fell so hungry now :(
    Have a nice day :))

    Welcome to my blog
    www.blotterlife.com :))

    1. Chicken feet is a delicacy to those who enjoy the dish. Have a nice day too, Lucy.

    2. Hi Lucy, I have visited your blog but I do not understand the language. I would love to read your blog, if only it can be translated into English.

  19. What a fest! The sesame chicken would be a favorite of mine. Everything looks delicious! Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen, You would love the sesame chicken. Have a wonderful day!

  20. Hi Nancy,
    Yummy! I loved the seafood at Sai Kung ... but I "attack" only the prawns, lobster, scallops & crabs :D I was told more value for $$ compared to Lei Yu Moon ...
    What a feast! Enjoy!

    1. Hi Karen, we have not been to Lei Yu Moon. This was a very adventurous experience for me.


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