Saturday 21 November 2015

The Chicken Couple

Hubby and I were at the hawker centre in our housing area to have our lunch. While waiting for our noodles to be served, I noticed this feathered couple behind the stalls. As usual, I took out my mobile phone and walked over to photograph this beautiful couple.
These looked like a loving couple. When I was a little girl, my mom reared pigs, ducks and chickens behind our village home. I used to chase after them, played with them and carried them around. And it was fun collecting the chicken eggs.
And in our current home, we have a small open area beside our house where my father-in-law used to rear a few chickens. That was before I started my garden.
My father-in-law loved to eat poached free range chicken. And thinking it was a good idea to rear our own chickens, I bought some little chicks from the wet market and brought them home to rear.
My father-in-law and my kids had great fun feeding and watching the little chicks. In a way it kept my father-in-law from boredom.
My father-in-law used to slaughter the chickens used for cooking. During Chinese New Year festive seasons, it brought great joy to him when we gifted some of the chickens to our friends.
My father-in-law is no longer with us now and we do not rear any more chickens. I do not know how or even dare to slaughter a chicken on my own.
 If I were to rear chickens now, I would treat them as pets.
Maybe I will keep them for their eggs.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
according to what their deeds deserve."
Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay
are those who gain riches by unjust means.
When their lives are half gone, their riches will desert them,
and in the end they will prove to be fools.
(Jeremiah 17:10-11, NIV)


  1. Nancy great couple. And when is the wedding?

    1. Thank you, Gosia. Lol! I too would like to know. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. They do look like a fine couple. Shame not to have the beautiful poached eggs fresh from the chicken, one of my favourite meals.

    1. Thank you, Mamas. I might one day rear some chickens for the fresh eggs. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Lovely chicken couple. Fighting cock, the one with bushy black tail, rite? Last time when we stay in kampung, my MIL reared a lot of chickens & ducks but I never like to go near them for fear that I might get poke. Free range chicken meat are more firm & sweet.

    1. Thank you, Irene. Free range chicken meat are more firm and sweet. And they are also more expensive too. Have a lovely weekend!

  4. What peaceful and beautiful pictures, Nancy.

  5. I would not know how to slaugther one too!

    My mum used to rear few but when it comes to slaughtering, I hate the noise the chicken made and it rather pitiful to kill the animals you rear in my opinion. Lol. So no more rearing chickens.

    1. When we rear the chickens, we grow to love them as pets and cannot bring ourselves to slaughter them. Rather go without eating chickens lol!

  6. My father enjoys his retirement by keeping chickens and of course the eggs are always welcome for our enjoyment! He hopes to hatch a new batch of chicks next week!
    This couple make a very strikingly handsome pair!

    1. Yes, I too remember my mom going through the eggs and getting the eggs hatched. I love to watch the little chicks being hatched too.

  7. Hello, Nancy! What a cute couple. Wonderful photos. I could not slaughter the chicken either, they would be pets. The eggs would be a benefit. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

    1. Maybe when I could no longer tend the garden, I might keep my chickens for their eggs. Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Uma bela sequência de fotografias
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Great story about your father in law and great shots of the happy couple. If you raise chickens for eggs, you won't need a rooster. Roosters are so pretty but noisy. I love to collect roosters as ornaments.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Julia. But I like the roosters. The rooster is usually the prettier one. Have a fantastic weekend!

  10. What is it about chickens that make me want to photograph them? ;)) Neat photos!

    1. Thank you, EG. Some of our kids from the big cities do not have a chance to see a live chicken. We are the more fortunate ones.

  11. Hi Nancy,
    Oh! lovely couple!
    I also don’t dare to slaughter chicken and all I could remember was to chase or scare those little chicks during my kampung days. Ha ha naughty me :)

    1. Ha ha. Karen, we all kids do the same naughty things! Have a lovely weekend!

  12. Can sell me the eggs too...hehehe free range chicken eggs :)

    1. Sure, but you will have to wait! Lol!

    2. Ha-ha just kidding..I am sure it is for your own consumption :) have a nice day

    3. Lol! Elin, I was kidding along with you. Where to get eggs when I don't even have a single chick yet ha ha!

  13. it's so nice this chickens :) kiss

  14. I was born and raised on a dairy farm so we raised a lot of our own food and most of our meat. It was a different time.

    I wouldn't want to kill anything either. I'd keep them as pets too.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Life in a farm sounds good and fun but with lots of hard work too. Have a fabulous day too!

  15. mr. rooster is gorgeous. his coloring is amazing. hopped over from Eileen's critter party. nice to meet ya. ( :

    1. Thank you, dear for your visit and comments. Have a beautiful day!

  16. And they are good insect control.

    1. Lol! Tom, you are right. They are the most effective insect control. Have a great day!

  17. oooooh i am so jealous....i have wanted chickens FOREVER!!!!! great captures!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. These are not mine but I hope one day I will keep some chickens too. Have a happy day!

  18. They are a lovely couple! Beautiful photos, Nancy. :)

  19. You did a great job photographing the chickens, Nancy! They are colorful and I'm noticing the green, very green grass. So different from our terrain. We raised them and loved the fresh eggs. Now I buy fresh from my neighbor. Her kids won ribbons for their hens at the county fair. Interesting scripture!

    1. Thank you, Saleslady371. The rainy season is here and the grass are all growing very healthily. It so fun to see the kids having fun with the hens in your neighbour's farm. Have a blessed day!

  20. Hi Nancy, what a sweet couple. Love your photos. Have a nice rest of the weekend. xo

    1. Thank you, Celestina Marie. Have a lovely day!

  21. Nancy, the two chickens look very healthy. The rooster in particular is very good looking :D If I reared chickens, I won't be able to eat them. I will get emotionally attached to them :)

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. Me too! We only eat their eggs. Lol!

  22. When i was a kid, near my late grandparents house, there used to be a shop selling chick, my father will buy for me to rear...

    1. Sharon, we had fun when we were kids rearing the chicks. I love the newly hatched chicks because they look like fine fluffy balls.

  23. That is sure a handsome rooster...really beautiful. Loved seeing all these pics.

  24. Replies
    1. Thank you, William. Yes, they are! Have a great Monday!

  25. These two must be pets... too pretty for the pot!

    1. Thank you, Stacy. Maybe I too will keep a pair as pets. Have a wonderful Monday!

  26. They're wonderful! Our neighbor had chicken when I was little. I loved going with her to see them.

    1. Thank you, Gunilla Back. We are very fortunate to be able to see live chicken. The modern city kids do not get to see these live chickens. Have a wonderful Monday!

  27. I used to watch my mother slaughtering chickens a long time ago when I was a little girl. Now no more. Just buy from supermarket or wet market.

    1. Hi Mun, I used to do that too. My mom or aunt will ask me to hold the legs but poor me will have to turn my face away or closed my eyes shut to avoid looking what they are doing. Now we all buy the ready slaughtered ones.

  28. They look so happy together. I wouldn't have the heart to slaughter them either. ^.^

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Same with me too! Have a happy day!


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