Thursday 30 June 2016

Vegetarian Lunch At Vegan Life, Kampar.

Lately, we have been making a few trips to Kampar. The latest trip we made was to meet up with my sister-in-law and company who were travelling all the way from Seremban.
We timed our journey to meet up with them in Kampar.
We started at about 11.30 am and it was a smooth journey all the way.

In this way they journeyed at the command of the Lord
and stopped where he told them to,
then remained there as long as the Cloud stayed.
(Numbers 9:18, The Living Bible-TLB)
After Gopeng town, we saw some stalls on both sides of the road selling durians but we didn't stop for any.
They reached earlier than us. Altogether, there were 5 adults and 2 kids. 
They were hungry and they wanted to take lunch. My sister-in-law and company are vegetarians.
They knew where to go because they have been there before.
Nice decorations and ambiance.
This place is called Vegan Life. Jalan Hala Timah,
Taman Bandar Baru, Kampar.
My sister-in-law and her hubby did the ordering of food.
Tofu with enoki mushrooms, etc.
I am not sure about the ingredients of this dish.
Mixed veggie.
I like this - pumpkin & deep fried mushrooms.
Stir fried paku pakis
Spicy Satay Tofu
Total cost of vegetarian lunch for 5 adults and 2 kids,
(including rice, drinks & GST).
MYR 145.65 (approx. 35.98 USD)
Can you spot the lone cyclist over the fence?
We were here once in the evening and it was filled with joggers, walkers and etc.
Found this cat near to where we parked our car.

Linking to Good Fences.


  1. Although not vegetarian, we really prefer eating plant food - lighter for the tummy:) Nancy, your paku dish brings back memories - of our visit to maternal grandmother when we were children...she wasn't a good cook/chef but she can make a delicious stir fry paku...So, we always 'just' have paku with steamed rice during our visit to their home LOL ...and ice cream on cones from the pushcart peddlers - sometimes before meal, sometimes after our meal:) Wishing you a good day today!

    1. Thank you, Annie. What you have written also brought back my childhood memories. Those days, paku can easily be found near streams in the village. We used to harvest the paku and water spinach found besides the streams and stir fried them for our meals. Oh yes, ice cream on cone was very much enjoyed too! Have a beautiful day!

  2. Pratos magníficos e excelentes fotografias.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a wonderful day!

  3. I like all the lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

    1. Thank you, Tom. I like them too! Have a lovely day!

  4. Good that your sis-in-law knows where to eat. Not easy to find vegetarian food.

    1. So true. Not easy to get good ones too. Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful décor in the place you ate. The food looked delicious as always.

  6. Hello, what a nice ride and restaurant. I would like the vegan meals. The lanterns are so pretty. Cute kitty and fence shots. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a happy weekend too!

  7. the food looks good! nice through the fence views, too.

  8. I agree with TexWisGirl above that the food looks good especially the pumpkin and mushroom dish.

    1. Thank you, Mun. I like the pumpkin and mushroom dish especially!

  9. Hello Nancy, thank you for your visit and sweet comment on my blog :) How beautiful it looks in your area! We visited Indonesia (the birth place of my grandpa) and Thailand years ago and I enjoyed both countries so much. Your photos bring back sweet memories. New follower here on G+ :) Wishing you a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you, Wen. I have been to both Indonesia and Thailand once only many years ago and I enjoyed both the places. Have a beautiful day too!

  10. That pumpkin and mushroom dish makes me drool. I loved seeing your road photos too. Funny how roads all look the same but never look the same. It is so lush there and home for me now too since it is summer. Am really enjoying all the green Hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you, Erika. We all can identify with roads. Have a wonderful day!

  11. That pumpkin and mushroom dish makes me drool. I loved seeing your road photos too. Funny how roads all look the same but never look the same. It is so lush there and home for me now too since it is summer. Am really enjoying all the green Hugs-Erika

    1. We are going through heat wave now and it is so very hot these days!

  12. The dishes look quite nice!

    1. Thank you, Linda. They taste nice too! Have a happy day!

  13. The spicy satay tofu, making me hungry, hehe...

    1. Thank you, Sharon. This dish, I like also. Ha ha!

  14. I love having none meat dinners now and then. Especially when it's hot. I love meat too, but sometimes I just don't want any.

    Loved all the great shots.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I love meat and I too like to have none meat meals once in a while but not all the time. We are having heat wave again and now I need some ice chilling drinks to cool down. Have a wonderful day!

  15. The vegetation there is so different from what it is here. Love the kitty cat!

  16. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  17. Restaurant is decorated so creatively ~ and food looks delicious and a cat and a fence ~ All delightful photos!

    Happy Day, weekend and Happy 4th of July in the USA to you.

    1. Thank you, Carol. Happy weekend and happy 4th of July to you too!

  18. nice to have a smooth ride with no traffic. very yummy looking food and a pretty cat and fence to finish!!!

    i love the hanging lanterns!!!

  19. pumpkin and mushrooms sounds yummy

    1. Thank you, Gosia. This dish is very yummy!

  20. I do indeed spot the tiny cyclist! He looks like he is riding on the fence! Wonderful looking food, and I love the restaurant and pretty lanterns! Your bible verse today pairs well with the cloudy sky.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. The lone cyclist was cycling in the midday sun! We are experiencing heat wave here. Have a great day!

  21. Yep I did spot the cyclist and I just love that you captured a kitty by the fence too. - Some very interesting looking dishes at that restaurant.

    1. Thank you, Ida. It was hot and I was surprised to see the cyclist. Have a lovely day!

  22. I'd like to try this restaurant. I'm rather fond of vegan food.

    1. Thank you, dear. I like vegan food once in a while. Have a wonderful day!

  23. I am never too excited over non-meat... yeah quite a few trips to Kampar for you lately!

    1. Once in a while is nice to have non meat meals. Have a lovely day!

  24. Lovely restaurant and dishes

  25. Jammie: your Tofu with enoki mushrooms! Mushrooms are so delicious! I love the rice paper lamps in the restaurant! Have a GOod Friday. O yes, that sort fences we also have in The Netherlands. And I did spot the biker!

    1. Thank you, dear. Have a good Friday too and enjoy your weekend!

  26. Looks like you had a great day!

    Love that kitty fence, too.


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