Sunday 2 April 2017

Learning To Make Our Own Coffee With A Coffee Maker.

I think it was somewhere end of last year when I was in my store room doing some clearing and tidying up when I chanced upon this box. I can't remember for how long it was sitting in my store room but I can remember that this coffee maker was exchanged with the reward points of a credit card. When I received it, I left it in the store room because at that time I was still working and I never got to use it. Time passed and I totally forgot about it until I came upon it recently.
 I wiped away the dust from the box and opened it to check on the product inside.
 I took it out and I thought to myself that I might as well start using it. I read through the instruction manual and checked the product again. This old product does not come with a coffee filter, so I need to get the paper coffee filters before I could use it.
 I have no idea how the paper coffee filter looks like and I went searching in the shopping malls and electrical shops. I asked around and nobody seems to know where to get the paper coffee filters. I almost gave up looking and one night as I was lying on bed, it dawned on me that I should try looking for the filters at the Daiso store.
True enough, I found the coffee filters in the Daiso store. I picked one that I thought was of the right size. At that time, it was MYR 5.30. Came back home and quickly took out one to fit into the coffee maker and found that it was a perfect fit. Then it was time to go buy some coffee beans. I only know of 2 places selling coffee beans.
I came to this stall on the 1st floor of the Ipoh wet market.
Being a first timer, I don't even know what coffee beans to buy.
After some questions and answers with the lady at the stall, she suggested a type of coffee beans which I can't even recall what it was. I bought 500 gm and asked to have them grounded.
Besides the loose coffee beans, there are also packed instant coffee powder for sale. There are some toasted beans and some with added sugar.
The freshly grounded coffee were packed and sealed into 2 separated packets. For the first few tries, the coffee doesn't taste good at all. But with the right amount of coffee powder, we are able to get some decent home made coffee. It is not a daily affair but once in a while we do enjoy our cup of hot non-sweetened black coffee in our own home.

For this world is not our home;
we are looking forward to our everlasting home in heaven.
(Hebrews 13:14, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I bought the coffee filter bags from Daiso too... Now rm 5.90. Very good filter :) now can enjoy your freshly brew coffee :)

    1. They are of good quality and I am glad I found them at Daiso.

  2. It's hard for me to imagine home life without our coffee pots! We have two! Louis Dean drinks his coffee strong and black. I prefer gourmet flavored coffees medium strength and with lots of powdered creamer!
    Do you drink hot tea instead of coffee? Or are you simply an occasional coffee drinker?

    1. Hi Linda, I drink both hot tea and coffee. We now drink them plain on its own without any sugar or creamer. Have a happy day!

  3. Love my coffee.. I buy several kinds but especially like Pike Roast from starbucks

    1. Waiting to finish the coffee before I try other kinds of coffee. Have a good day!

  4. Although I prefer tea I do like coffee. I have tried many flavours, and one of my favourites is Hazelnut creme. :)

    1. Hi Linda, I drink both. But have been drinking more coffee than tea. I love the Hazelnut creme too.

  5. Good that you are putting this item to use instead of leaving it sitting around in your store room since you drink coffee regularly. The taste of the coffee depends on the beans you buy and the brewing duration, right?

    1. The taste of coffee depends on a few factors. As long as the coffee is to our liking, it is good enough for us.

  6. It can get costly if you buy out your coffee everyday so not a bad idea to have a maker. I get in the mood every now and then where I want coffee and I pull out my coffee maker....but I am not a regular drinker.

    1. Yes, it is much cheaper to make our own coffee at home. I leave my coffee maker on the kitchen counter for convenience sake. Have a great day!

  7. Hubby and I make coffee every single morning unless we're traveling. You'll get the right about of coffee versus water. It takes some time.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I am still learning how to make good coffee. Lol! Have a terrific day!

  8. I very like coffee! Happy sunday!:)


    1. Thank you, Basia. We drink coffee quite often.

  9. Well here I am, very excited to read your post! Because we love coffee, and have gone through many coffee makers! We use the K cup machine, so no washing up. We drink about six cups a day between us. I get my best ideas in bed! And I see you do too! Now you will have to start putting in milk for latte, and putting whipped cream on top! Wish I could come over and we could make many great drinks!

    1. Hi Ginny, I used to drink about 3 cups of coffee per day when I was working but now have cut down to 1 to 2 cups and sometimes none at all. I would love to taste your coffee. Ideas come easy on bed because I think we are more at rest. Have a great day!

  10. I never used to drink coffee, but when we bought a coffee machine I started drinking coffee once a day! Diane

    1. That's the problem of having a coffee maker. I wanted to cut down coffee drinking but the amount still remained the same.

  11. Replies
    1. It is better than getting addicted to it. Have a lovely day!

  12. We have just about every device imaginable for making coffee at home. My favourite is cold drip.

    1. I have a long way to go. This is my first device and still need to get used to it. Cold drip is new to me.

  13. this is so interesting...until here recently, we have at least one pot of coffee...sometimes two pots a day. Roger usually makes 8-10 cups at a time. He drinks a lot of coffee...he likes it so hot it burns my tongue.

    1. Oooh, you and Roger are great coffee drinkers. I used to drink iced coffee and it was only recently, I learned to appreciate hot coffee.

  14. We love our coffee here, every morning. When our old pot breaks, we go get a new one that day!

    1. I found out too late that coffee is very addictive!

  15. When we get to meet, you know what to do? wink wink haha...

    1. Ok, ok. I know! I will give you a coffee treat!

  16. That's a lot of work for a cup of coffee!

    1. Ha ha! But when you have everything ready at hand, it is very easy.

  17. My sister and you can shake hands, Nancy!

    1. The next time I meet your sister, I will have to get some tips on making good coffee. Ha ha!

    2. And Claire, next time we can go to Nancy's house for some nice home-brewed coffee ;)

    3. Ha ha...Irene, first let me learn to make some decent coffee first.

  18. I gave my coffee maker away to my SIL, Nancy. Like yours, I got it free from CC points ...anddd mine had been lying in the store room for awhile too! ^.^ Now, I just drink the 2-in-1 sachet black coffee ..kakaka

    1. The 3-in-1 or 2-in-1 are easier options but now we are drinking just plain coffee, so this coffee maker comes in handy. Or else I would have given it away to someone else.


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