Saturday 27 January 2018

Dinner With Friends At Restoran Makanan Laut Old Man, Ipoh Garden.

It was a very cool evening at about 23 deg. C. The heavy downpour had just stopped. For this particular evening our friends wanted to revisit the "Old Man's" restaurant. This is shorten name for Restoran Makanan Laut Old Man which is located along Jalan Dato Lau Pak Khuan, facing the M Roof Hotel, Ipoh Garden.

We chose a small table for 4 people on the five foot way. There is no wall fan or standing fan on the five foot way. On cool evening, it is quite comfortable on condition there is no mosquitoes but it can be very warm and uncomfortable if the weather is warm.
A combination of 4 types of vegetables stir fried with sambal belacan (spicy shrimp paste). There is cabbage, stinky beans, long beans and purple eggplant.
Steamed chicken with blended ginger.
Savoury stewed pork ribs with bean curd sheets and dried chilies in claypot. I can't remember whether there was dried cuttlefish or salted fish in it.
Total cost of dinner for 4 people - MYR 63.20
(inclusive of white rice and tea)
After dinner, we passed by this shop while walking to the car. Took a snapshot of these catchy display behind the glass panel of the optical shop.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Saturday's Critters.
Saw this dog outside a restaurant. It has a collar around the neck.
Found this fly on a shirt in a supermarket.
It also wants to enjoy the air-con.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

Command those who are rich in this present world
not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,
which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,
who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
(1 Timothy 6:17, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Really cool specs and beards and moustaches at the display. Looks someone has care for the dog to put collar… my brother has put collars too few of our street dogs and right now we are aiding one that was hit by car. Hope u enjoyed the dinner with friends

    1. Thank you, Jeevan! Your brother is very kind and good hearted to care for the street dogs.

  2. Hello, the meals looks delicious. I have to say my favorite photo is of the cute dog. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen! The dog looks a well-behaved and disciplined.

  3. Nice meal... Ginger chicken should be nice..

  4. What a feast. I would have had some of each of these dishes. You eat so very well.

    Love the glasses. What a cool way to display them.

    I would have loved on that dog. We so love dogs and cats.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! I love dogs too but no plan to keep one yet!

  5. That’s a great way to display your cool shades, and a very nice looking dog.

    It is good that i ate before looking at your blog, or i would be hungry seeing the good food.

  6. I like the vegetables and the steam chicken

  7. I like the vegetables and the steam chicken, i can eat two plates of rice with just these two dishes

    Very creative display of the glasses

  8. What a cute pup!

    There's an optical shop here that tends to be creative in their window displays

    1. Thank you, William! I would love to see the creative display!

  9. So is this place owned by an old man? Or they serve food that old men like? I LOVE the optical display! Each face is wearing a different kind of glasses.

  10. The window display of the optical shop is so creative! Seldom see cabbage in this type of mix vege stir fried with sambal.

    1. Thank you, Mun. The cabbage tastes great with sambal!

  11. Again, you eat better than anybody I know. Have a great weekend.!!

  12. steamed chicken looks very yummy!!

  13. Another wonderful meal. The glasses display was indeed eye catching LOL!

  14. That optical shop display is very creative and eye-catching!

  15. Hello Nancy!:) I love stir fries,...have one at least once a week which I make with farm fresh vegetables. Your restaurant meal looks good, and also for four people seems inexpensive. Cute window display, and dog photos.

    1. Thank you, Breathtaking! Stir fries is the easiest way to cook!

  16. You have a nice eye. Now I'm hungry

  17. La comida se ve muy buena. Besitos.

  18. Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice day)

  19. Good dinner, good friends, and lots of photo opportunities -- sounds like a perfect evening.

    1. Thank you, Sallie! It was a wonderful evening!

  20. That display of eyeglasses is definitely eye-catching!

  21. Like that display of glasses, great idea, Diane


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