Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dinner At Unique Seafood Ipoh Restaurant And Banquet

A friend suggested Unique Seafood Restaurant for dinner. It has been a long time since we last had a meal in this restaurant. Without the Giant Supermarket, the ground floor parking was very quiet and the building itself was also very quiet. 
Took a shot of this giant crab on the wall from where I was seated.
Deep fried tofu (soft and silky on the inside) with pumpkin sauce.
Mixed vegetables curry in a bread.
The curry was held in an aluminium bowl and inserted in the bread.
The bread was cut after I have taken a picture.
At least the bread was not baked together with the aluminium.
The bread crust was crispy and the inside soft and fluffy.
Steamed fish with Nyonya sauce.
*     *     *     *     *
The following pictures are for joining Floral Bliss.
Deep red Andenium.
Took this picture after a heavy rain.
The flower bud is opening.
Light Pink Andenium
This picture was taken after a light shower.
It has been raining for the fast few mornings.
Gardenia flowers. A pair of the old and the new flowers.
This picture was taken before I trimmed the plant bald.
I wanted to control its height and for it to grown more branches.

Linking to Floral Bliss.

Christ came with this new agreement so that all who are invited
may come and have forever all the wonders God has promised them.
For Christ died to rescue them from the penalty of the sins
they had committed while still under that old system.
(Hebrews 9:15, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your flower photos are always so beautiful. I have learned many new exotic plants via your posts - thank you Nancy <3

  2. Curry in bun and steamed fish for me, anytime!! Sumptuous dinner.

  3. Wow amazing;)

  4. I wonder how they insert the aluminium bowl into the bread after the bread has been baked. must be quite difficult to do so.

  5. I would enjoy the bread and mixed vege currry. My adeniums have not been flowering lately :(

    1. This round, both the Adeniums chose to flower at the same time. Hope they will continue to flower.

  6. ...those Andenium are beautiful, I see them in Maui.

  7. Perhaps we should go there again one day to try out other dishes!

  8. The ginat crab on the wall made me smile. Beautiful looking food.

  9. Replies
    1. I can imagine it coming alive and crawling down the wall. Ha ha!

  10. The flowers are pretty, but that food is heavenly. I'm hungry now.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  11. It does look delicious! I like the flowers too.

  12. The steamed fish with nyonya sauce looks good and I want that vege curry with bread

    1. Thank you, Libby! The fish is very tasty and so is the veggie curry bread.

  13. Beautiful ! you have agreed thumb..

  14. She wanted to eat those dishes.
    I loved the flowers.
    Good week.

  15. The tofu and veggie dishes sound so good, and those are very lovely flowers!

  16. The food all looks beautiful, and very fancy! Wish I could taste it. Beautiful flowers!

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  18. Your description of the place being quiet doesn't sound inviting. But the food does look good.

    1. The plentiful parking space will be good for wedding dinners but it can be very quiet during normal days.

  19. Beautiful capture on the Andenium and looks refreshing after rain! I love to grow andenium for long time and wish I could make it soon. Liked the crab sculpture on the wall

    1. Thank you, Jeevan! Andenium are supposedly easy to grow.

  20. Me ha encantado la comida y las flores también. Besos.


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