Monday 22 October 2018

Who Ate My Figs?

My figs plants have been doing well and they are now full of figs. I have been looking forward to a good harvest.
Every morning when I water my plants, I will check on the progress of the figs.
 Most of the figs are still green and of this size.
That morning when we were to leave for Penang, I was up early to water the plants. I intended to harvest at least 2 of these figs to let my friends taste while in the car. But I totally forgot after I have finished watering all my plants. I only remembered when we were on the way to Penang.
 After I came back from Penang, as expected the 2 figs were gone! The birds or something have been feasting on my figs. I quickly wrapped the last fig left on this branch with a few layers of mosquito netting.
This was what I did for other figs that are in the process of ripening.
With the help of the netting, I managed to harvest this fig.
I also harvested a handful of these chilies.
The birds are now more keen on the figs than the chilies.

Fig from the Brunswick Fig plant.
Some birds have built nest in my bougainvillea bush and ,most probably, they were the ones who ate the figs. After all, the owner didn't pluck them, so they might as well enjoy the figs.
It has been raining heavily for the past few weeks. Too much rain is not good for my figs. This one even though wrapped with netting started to burst open. It was slightly soft and I harvested it.
I cut away the exposed part due to the cracks.
It was slightly fragrant and tasted a bit sweet.
Every time there is a heavy downpour, the soil of this pot will be waterlogged.
All the leaves dropped. Hoping to save this plant, I dug it out and changed the soil.
I replant it and am happy to see new leaves appearing.
Once the plant started to produce new leaves, I cut to shorten the long branch so that it will produce more branches. And the cut off part, I just stick it into another pot to see if it can be propagated. I checked this morning and I saw sign of life in the cut off branch.

Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches.
Whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit.
For apart from me you can't do a thing.
(John 15:5, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Oh, your fig tree is so beautiful. You are wonderful at gardening!

    A blessing for the birds, Nancy ^.^ So hard for them to find good food these days.

    1. Thank you, Sharon! The birds enjoyed the blessings!

  2. Gardening is a knowledge to learn too, i have no talent in gardening, you are good in gardening nancy, all your plants look so well managed, have a good week ahead

    1. Thank you, Libby! I started with very little knowledge but I persevere because I love gardening. Have a good week too!

  3. Good that you shared the fruits of your labour with the birds.

    1. He he forgetfulness turned into a blessing for the birds.

  4. Están preciosas tus higueras. Besitos.

  5. My share has gone to the birds, Nancy? LOL..

  6. ...Nancy, you are quite the horticulturist.

  7. Fig trees are very hardy and survive most things. Here we have birds, hornets, wasps, flies and ants attacking our figs but because we have so many it does not matter too much so long as I do not get stung picking them!

    I am trying slowly to catch up after my hard drive crashed out completely, will be sometime before I am back to where I was. Take care Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! The figs are very few, so I have a keep a close watch over my figs. Lol!

  8. Replies
    1. It must start with interest in gardening. Can be messy with dirty hands and sweaty body. Lol!

  9. In't there a way to protect your figs, like covering them in some way. The birds will eat all of the figs. They sure look good Nancy. See ya for now.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Now I am using netting to protect the figs. Hope it works.

  10. I love your pics.
    Well, I guess your figs are too sweet
    and yummy for anybody to resist.


  11. Blessings......
    Much like life, at times ones work is another's harvest.
    I hope you manage to get some before it goes into hibernation.

    1. Thank you, dear! Managed to taste a few, more to come but now keeping watchful eyes over the fruits.

  12. The fig looked delicious, such a shame the birds ate some but at least they have had a good feed.

    1. It was my own forgetfulness. That's why I left the half eaten fruits for them to finish.

  13. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  14. Isn't that just like a bird to do that?

    1. I suppose the birds have been eyeing my figs for a long time. They are just waiting for the right opportunity!

  15. You have such a wonderful green thumb. I'm sorry the critters got to your figs though.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

  16. The birds and squirrels and other creatures compete for the bounty, since they love what we love.

  17. That's not good.. Someone ate those lovely figs.. :( :(

    1. Got myself to blame for my forgetfulness. Bless the birds.

  18. Fish taste sweeter than chillies. Birds know the best. Hahaha.


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