Tuesday 17 December 2019

Cooking Taro or Yam With Home Grown Green Vegetables

We have missed many mornings of walking exercise during this monsoon season. For this particular morning, the sky was clear and we were happy to be able to go for our early morning walk.
Breaking of dawn at 6:35 am - taken in front of my house.
Brightening up of the sky at the park at 6:50 am.
For breakfast we had this thick chicken curry gravy noodles.
Back in my garden, sharing these green leafy vegetable seedlings grown in a shallow pot.
To avoid fibrous texture, I usually harvest my leafy green vegetables early when they are tender.
For that evening's dinner, I cooked taro or yam with dried prawns.
Once the taro had soften enough, I add in the leafy vegetables.
That was our dinner, one for hubby and one for me. That's all!
V.O.C. plate with floral motif (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie)
Photo taken during our previous visit to the National Museum.

Then the shepherds went back again to their fields and flocks,
praising God for the visit of the angels,
and because they had seen the child,
just as the angel had told them.
(Luke 2:20, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Amazing sky :) have a great day :)

  2. It has been raining non stop continuously for four days in a row recently in sg.

    1. Its the same here. Hope it is not going to be a wet Christmas.

  3. Your taro and dried prawns with green veggies make for a filling meal.

  4. Taro is one of my favourites! That's a very satisfying meal, Nancy.

  5. It's early in the morning here and the sun hasn't come up yet, but I'm hungry and after visiting here I'm even more hungry.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

  6. I always love to have green vegetables at home!!

    1. I love green vegetables whether eating at home or eating out.

  7. So lovely photos and delicious dishes. Thank you very much for the entry )))

  8. " For breakfast we had this thick chicken curry gravy noodles. " Gravy for breakfast????? Now I would have never thought of ever having gravy for breakfast. Wouldn't that make your stomach heavy and starting the day difficult? English muffin and coffee is how I had for breakfast this morning. Amazing Nancy. Have a wonderful day.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. We usually start our day with a heavy breakfast. Have a great day!

  9. ...Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie is new to me. I've always enjoyed blue and white china this one is a beauty! Thanks Nancy for sharing, enjoy your week.

    1. Thank you, Tom for hosting. Have a wonderful week!

  10. A place of honor for this plate, it must be very valuable!

  11. I so love your breaking dawn shots! Soecially the one in front of your house.

  12. That is a very delicious dinner! Yam with har bee and home grown leafy vegetables. definitely satisfying to eat on its own without rice and without other dishes.

  13. I don´t know but for me these dishes are perfect for summer

  14. Some lovely photos here!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/12/coffee-shop-humor.html

  15. Sorry you have been unable to go for your daily morning walks. I'm sure you were happy to resume them. The food looks delicious as always. Merry Christmas to you.

    1. Thank you, Joyful. Merry Christmas to you too!

  16. Las fotografías son muy lindas. Besitos.

  17. Such a simple and delicious meal, nourishing body and spirit!

  18. Nice photos! The food looks tasty!

  19. Todo se ve estupendo! Muchas gracias por tus visitas , es un placer verte por mi blog ! Que tengas Feliz Navidad ! 🎄🎄🎄 ( No se si me pasaré por aquí hasta entonces ) ☃️🦌🎅

  20. You made natural dish with leafy green. Great sky images of dawn

  21. Interesting take on dinner haha. Like two bowls of stew but different.


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