Friday 6 December 2019

Dinner At Restoran Sun Hung Ting, Falim

We used to patronize this restaurant quite regularly before it shifted to its new location. Finally, this is our first time having dinner in the new restaurant. We have been craving for our favourite dishes so we ordered the following dishes for 4 people.
Sambal belacan stinky beans with minced meat.
There is always a temptation to eat more rice with this dish.
Drunken grouper slices and wood fungus soup.
This is another of our favourite dish.
Sourish stewed pork leg with daikon, very appetizing dish.
Fried tofu with minced meat.
A delightful dinner for 4 people at reasonable price.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Friday memes.
 Morning sky at the recreational park - 7:16 am
 Looks like a big fire is burning on the distant mountain.
Reflection of the rising sun on the in the water.
 Cockscomb flower in front of my house.
 This plant is still standing firm even after a few thunderstorms.
The matured seeds will self-propagate to produce more plants.

Like a billowing clouds that bring no rain
is the person who talks big but never produces.
(Proverbs 25:14, The Message-MSG)


  1. Love your Photos 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Beautiful photos in your post Nancy! Luckily it is morning here, otherwise I would get so hungry seeing your delicious photos :)) Wishing a lovely day.

  3. Very curious about the Sourish stewed pork leg with daikon dish as I have only eaten stewed beef with daikon, never pork leg with daikon and to top it, the taste is sourish too which is what I like.

  4. It's always pleasing to have your favourite meal.
    Beautiful flower you have .
    The scenery of the sky is also beautiful with lovely colours.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. ...thanks for brightening my overcast day with your bright flowers.

  6. "Fried tofu with minced meat" looks tasteful....yummy

  7. I am glad you got to enjoy the restaurant again. Those ate sure some beautiful captures of the that Cockscpmb flower.

  8. It looks really tasty. Beautiful flowers

  9. Love the sky shots and that cockscomb is amazing. Take care Diane

  10. La comida se ve muy sabrosa. Feliz día.

  11. The crisp tofu with ground meat looks so tasty. Beautiful sky shots too, Nancy.

  12. " Drunken grouper slices and wood fungus soup." Now this sounds like an usual dish. The words " Drunkin " and wood " fungus " would bother me when I would read these in the Menu. Very interested Nancy. See ya my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. The dish is cooked with Chinese cooking wine and we love this dish.

  13. Yummy. You dine so well.

    Love the flowers. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend., Nancy. ♥

  14. That really does look like fire on the mountaintop. Beautiful captures!!

  15. Nice to get back the taste you love and remember.

  16. Hello, Yummy food. The sky and sunrise are beautiful. Love the pretty flower. Enjoy your day!

  17. All of the dishes look very appealing, and I can well understand the temptation to eat extra rice. Last night we made coconut curried chicken, one of our favourite dishes and ate quite a bit of rice with it.

  18. That's a fascinating flower, and i really like the sky photos.


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