Thursday 19 December 2019

Odd Shape Chili From My Garden

Woke up one morning without rain or even a slight drizzle. We were able to resume our early morning walk at the park. 
 Morning sky at the park - 6:40 am
 Nice sky and reflection in the water.
*     *     *
For breakfast, we drove out to Ipoh town. We had breakfast at Kedai Kopi Yee Fatt, Jalan Kampar which is well known for its curry noodles.
 We ordered Kopi O Kosong (black coffee without sugar).
 This time, instead of my usual curry noodle (dry version), I ordered this curry noodle (soup version) for a change. This is just as good as the dry version.
Our breakfast.
 Back home, I harvested this odd shape green chili from my garden.
This is my first time coming across such odd shape chili.
*     *     *
That evening we had home cooked dinner.
 Pan fried soya sauce prawns 
 Steamed white brinjals and topped with garlic and shallot crisps and scallop sauce.
Simple and satisfying dinner for 2 people.

Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied,
so human desire is never satisfied.
(Proverbs 27:20, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. the chili looks funny! I prefer curry noodles in soup. That's a very appetizing curry noodles with lotsa chicken!

    1. Usually I prefer curry noodles in soup but for this shop, I like the dry version.

  2. What a funny shape. Is it ok to eat it?

    1. It is just the shape, it taste the same like normal chili.

  3. Both versions of curry noodles look very tasty!

  4. What an odd looking chili hee..hee.. The curry looks so thick and scrumptious. I really like your homecooked dishes.

  5. The green chili is shaped somewhat like cashew nut! lolx! love your prawn dish.

  6. Ha ha very odd shape chilli, the food looks delicious. Have a good day Diane

  7. So cool photos! The chili is funny )))

  8. ...the chili seems to have a face!

  9. I just love prawns or I call them shrimps. I could eat many, many of them. I better get some for Christmas dinner. See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. Another beautiful morning, I see! I have seen fuuny shapped apples, and funny shaped tomatoes, but I have never, ever seen a funny shaped pepper! I wonder if you will get more. If you do, take photos. Mom always raised peppers, and I have always raised them till just the past 4 years or so...and I am 64 yrs. old.

    1. Thank you, Rose. This is also my first time seeing a funny looking pepper.

  11. I love your food posts. I love prawns a lot. One of my favorite of all the shellfish.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  12. Los cielos se ven lindos. La comida como siempre muy buena. Besos.

  13. Excelente reportaje fotografico, saludos y feliz final de año, un abrazo.

  14. A cute green chili shape!
    Your cooking is so good, Nancy!

  15. That is a funny looking chili, a reminder that not all plants of the same kind grow exactly alike, just as no two people, or sunrises, are alike.

  16. I love this post. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Your home cooked meal looks nice..odd looking chili, sometimes 'things' do go funny..
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Merry Christmas to you and family too!

  18. Haha. Very cute chilli. Like a tooth pendant to me.

    I prefer soup version of curry. But too early for me to have in the morning. I used to like curry noodle when I was young but now the stall selling it no more in operation. I couldnt find nice curry noodle here.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I take curry noodle quite often and it is usually in the morning for breakfast.

  19. Scrumptious-looking curry noodles... both versions too.

    The chilli hit a little obstacle while growing maybe?

    1. I don't know what happened to the chili during its growth process.


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