Tuesday 25 February 2020

Home Grown Snake Beans With Roast Pork And Teochew Porridge For Dinner

Since the beginning of the year until now, the weather has been hot. I tried to avoid going out under the hot sun and stay home most of the time. In the morning, I have to water my plants thoroughly so that they will not dry up. In spite of the hot weather, some of my plants e.g. the hibiscus, are doing very well and they are happily blooming away.
 Multi layer petals yellow hibiscus.
 Harvested a red okra from the garden.
I also cut off 2 dried seed pods to share the seeds with my friends.
 Snake beans freshly harvested.
With these beans, I have no excuse not to cook dinner. I have to think of a simple dinner to cook to avoid sweating in the kitchen.
 Snake beans and red okra cooked with roast pork and garlic.
 Store bought crunchy pickled radish.
 Teochew style multi grain rice porridge.
 Our simple home cooked dinner.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos taken at the National Museum.
 Bicycle from the Japanese army (1941).
Japanese Samurai Swords
These swords symbolize the chivalry and bravery of Japanese army during the World War II (1941-1945). Every Japanese army officer was provided with a samurai sword. This sword was feared by the locals as it was used for beheading.

Yes, he alone is my Rock, my rescuer, defense, and fortress-
why then should I be tense with fear when troubles come?
(Psalm 62:6, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I would like to taste those roast pork with snake beans. These swords remind me of japanese occupation during world war two which i read in history books.

    1. Thank you, Libby. Japanese occupation is filled with fear and suffering.


  2. This is a very beautiful hibiscus! This year our winter is also warmer than usual. Thanks for the interesting post)))

  3. Have never in my life seen a red okra! So gorgeous!

    1. Red okra is quite rare. Not sold in the market.

  4. Wow. The samurai sword.

    Yummy and conforting porridge. I like that.

  5. That snake beans looks very interesting. And I love flower photo, it is so beautiful.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/02/narciso-rodriguez-for-her-eau-de_25.html

  6. When I was a little girl, I used to love those crunchy pickled radish.

    1. I still do, but now only enjoy once in a while especially when I cook porridge.

  7. Your dinner looks yummy and it's great you grew the vegetables in your garden :)

    Hope that your week is starting well :)

    Away From Blue

  8. I lost my rhythm with my trip to Dresden...

    ...now I'm here, reading and enjoying your Post.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  9. What a nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  10. I wonder if the snake beans taste like regular green beans. LOVE that hibiscus...cannot wait for color to enter our world again.

    1. These snake beans are more meaty and taste great when cooked a bit longer than regular long beans.

  11. Ni Nancy. It's PÄ…czki Day. It's Shrove Tuesday. When I was teaching, I use to make pancakes for my students in preparation for Ash Wednesday but I still loved those PÄ…czkis, a large, sweet, gooey donut of custard, chocolate, strawberry, I guess any type. Have a wonderful Shrove Tuesday.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. I would love to taste your type of pancake. Happy day!

  12. Delicious. You and your husband eat so very well.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  13. Delicious looking meal and always an added joy growing your own vegetables.

  14. I am glad the world war is over and the Japanese and Germans were defeated.

  15. ...Nancy, I guess that I enjoy the bicycle better tan the sword. Early this morning beheading just doesn't sit well with me. Thanks for featuring that beautiful hibiscus.

    1. I too prefer the bicycle. Sword reminds us of the terrible war.

  16. Your cooking always makes me want to get up and cook something. Those swords do look scary, and it's as hard to imagine military on bikes as it is to imagine them on horses all those years ago, yet that's how they did it.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. The world now is so different from those days.

  17. I don't think I've seen red okra. It's gotten hard to find the green kind here. I like to cut it and grill it with my steak.

    1. Green okras is plentiful but the red okra is rare.

  18. very homely meal with warm porridge and home-grown veggies!

  19. that's a lot of beans. How big is the bean patch?

    I like those crunchy pickled radish too, if I see them at a buffet I always take some.


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