Tuesday 3 March 2020

Just Like Any Other Day

The alarm woke me up at 6 am. I was feeling sleepy. I wanted to go back to sleep but I also wanted to go for my walk. After 1 or 2 minutes, the part that wanted to go for morning walk won when I got up from bed. I can always catch up on my sleep with a little nap later in the afternoon.
 The joy of seeing the beginning of a new day is worth waking up early.
 Back home in my garden, it is a joy to see the beginning of new lives. A Tailor Bird has chosen to build its nest using the leaves of my eggplant.
*     *     *     *     *
Due to the current hot weather, I am spending more time indoors. Another simple home cooked dinner that doesn't require much sweating in the kitchen.
Stewed chichen feet with dried mushrooms and napa cabbage.
 Snake long beans sauteed with garlic and salt.
We had noodles with the above 2 dishes.
 Official Seals of the Malaysian Election Commission.
(1959) (1969)
The above official seals were used in the administration of elections.

His presence within us is God's guarantee that he really
will give us all that he promised;
and the Spirit's seal upon us means that God has already
purchased us and that he guarantees to bring us to himself.
This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.
(Ephesians 1:14, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Hello, Pretty sunrise and start to your day! I like the cute little birds nest. Green beans are favorite, sauteed with garlic sounds yummy.
    Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Eileen and have a great week too.

  3. It will be fun to watch the tailorbird...hope you get to take pics of the babies. I need to google to see what it looks like. I think I know but not sure.

  4. It's very interesting post. Thank you very much, dear!

  5. You had a lovely day. Beautiful sky to start your day, delicious food and interesting visit to the museum.

  6. I’m never a morning person and i rarely wake up before 8 am to watch sunrises. I remember seeing the tailor bird nesting in your garden before and nice sealing.

  7. Beautiful verse. Thank you. Needed it today.

  8. Yummy on the food. Always yummy on your food.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  9. ...even in today's modern world, raised seal are still important. Thanks Nancy for sharing, enjoy your week.

  10. You are so diligent! I cannot wake up so early for morning walks.

    1. Most of the times I am up before the alarm but there are days I struggle to get up from bed.

  11. I should be like you and walk early in the morning. It's cooler.

    1. Yes, I prefer morning walks when it is much cooler than evening walk.

  12. I would have chosen to turn over and go back to sleep! What a sweet little nest; this bird must be very small?

    1. Ha ha..sometimes I will do that. Have a great day.

  13. Es un placer pasar por su blog Saludos

  14. long bean looks appealing... yummy

  15. How nice you found a tiny bird nest. I also had one years ago on my Japanese bamboo tree. There was an egg inside but when I came home the nest was gone. I reckon stray cats got to it. So dad.

    1. I didn't disturb the nest and I didn't check for eggs. This is quite high and I think not easy for cat to reach it.

  16. Good for you, getting up and walking! Exercise is worth getting up to do, and naps are great, also.

    1. These days I am looking forward to short naps.

  17. Great photos. I have never seen cooked chicken feet before.

    1. Some don't eat chicken feet but we love it.

  18. Wish I have your strong urge to get up and exercise!!

    1. Don't worry, dear because you need your beauty sleep.

  19. Replies
    1. We love chicken feet cooked this way, with lots of napa cabbage.

  20. I like the look of that chicken feet dish. It won't turn out oily?


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