Friday 8 May 2020

Glutinous Rice Dumplings & ABC Soup

The weather seems to be getting warmer. Yesterday morning, 51st day MCO, I woke up early and did about 30 minutes walking exercise in front of my PC. After I have finished exercising, I went out to check the sky. It was still dark outside.
 Morning sky at 6:42 am.
The sky behind the opposite row of houses was lighted up at 6:55 am.
 Sunrise at 6:57 am.
 6;59 am.
 I took out 2 glutinous rice dumplings (bak chang) from the fridge to steam for breakfast. I have 2 more bak chang in the freezer.
 I don't mind eating bak chang once or twice a week if the bak chang is as tasty as this one.
 It would have been perfect if it has Chinese chestnut in it.
We were supposed to have only ABC soup for lunch but our friend ordered an extra packet of chicken rice for us. Hubby went to collect from her stall.
 Indonesian chicken rice from our friend.
The chicken rice is very flavourful and tasty, consisting of flavoured rice, fried potatoes and prawns, fried chicken, blanched long beans, half a boiled eye, cucumber slices and onion crisps.
Home cooked ABC soup without tomatoes.
I have to throw the tomatoes away because they had gone bad.
 Lunch for 2 people
The cut Chinese cruller was from the previous day's lunch.
I soaked the cruller pieces in my bowl of soup.
Sweet and healthy snack. 
A friend sent this box of fruit called "chempedak".
(belongs to the family of jackfruit)
Home grown vegetables from my garden.
Red okra, dwarf long beans and 2 purple/black eggplants.
I cooked all the red okras and long beans.
When cooked, the red okras turned to pale green colour.
I kept the purple/black eggplants back in the fridge.
The same ABC soup that I cooked for lunch and dinner.
Condiment: Spicy bird's eye chilies in soy sauce. 
 No rice dinner for 2 people.
Sweet papaya for dessert.
Found this small mushroom colony growing in my garden.

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him.
See that you go on growing in the Lord,
and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.
Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done.
(Colossians 2:7, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. i always loved finding mushrooms as a child. is it bak chang season??

    1. This year bak chang festival falls on 25 June, 2020. Here, bak chang is available throughout the year.

  2. Your dishes and ingredients are very exotic to me. Many I have never tasted!

    1. Thank you, Riitta. Hope you will get to taste some of our food one day.

  3. I see that the bak chang has a lot of beans. I like that!

  4. Yummy! I love bak chang with chestnuts and pork belly :-))

  5. I am unfamiliar with a lot of food that you are experiencing. I used to be quite fussy about eating food when I was a child. Now, I am more curious and am wondering what these dishes would taste like good, bad or indifferent. Looks all yummy to me from here. Be safe.

    1. I like to taste different types of food. If I don't taste I will never know whether they taste good or not. Happy weekend.

  6. One of the things I really love about following you Nancy is that I get to see how similar our cultures are, whether it's the Malay culture that the Philippines also have or the Chinese influence that both our countries share. The Bak chang is something we also have here and we call it Ma Chang :) That's something my grandpa loves so much!

    1. Thank you, Stevenson. Bak chang and ma chang sound almost the same. I have yet to taste Filipino cuisine.

  7. ...chempedak is a new one for me! Take care Nancy.

  8. Hello, lovely series of sky captures. The soup and veggies look delicious. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a fabulous weekend.

  9. Indonesian chicken rice looked good. I like ABC soup.

  10. I would love to know just how many mushrooms there are there...we have different little ones come in the yard and there are so many you could not begin to count them.

    1. Somehow these wild mushrooms make me think of fairies.

  11. Great to see the sunrise, great photos.

  12. I really like okra :) Hubby makes a good one with shrimp :)

  13. Wonderful skies and simple home made and friends sent foods! Nice mushrooms

    Take care

    1. Thank you, Jeevan. Take care and stay safe.

  14. I like bak chang with light coloured glutinous rice - not so much of soy sauce used when preparing the rice. Your friend is so nice. How long does it take to drive to her stall?

  15. I like to eat fresh chempedak and also deep fried chempedak. Your homegrown vegetables are so yummy to act as rice to eat together with your ABC soup. Did the tomatoes go bad in the fridge?

    1. I kept the tomatoes too long in the fridge, forgotten about the tomatoes.

  16. I love chicken foods 😊 wonderful photos have a lovely day...

  17. Ya weather turning warm, i must turn on the aircon everyday. I think the mushroom might be poisonous.

    1. I was sweating the whole day. It rained this evening and it is still warm. I never touch wild mushrooms.

  18. Love the skies, love the food, great scripture.

    Have a great weekend and be safe!!

    1. Thank you, Yogi. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

  19. Beautiful sky and delicious food. I want to come eat with you.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Todo se ve muy bueno. Un beso.

  21. Food looks good. Like those papayas especially.

    1. The papaya is a blessing from my neighbour.

  22. I always enjoy your sunrise captures. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

  23. Pretty sunrise, and i am always impressed with the vegetables you grow.

  24. How I would love to be able to get some of the food that I see in photos on your blog, sigh. Keep safe Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. Have a great weekend and stay safe.

  25. Yeah weather has been mostly too warm during MCO. And we can't go to malls to walk comfortably with aircon!

    The bakchang looks good with the beans inside.


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