Saturday 13 June 2020

Home Made 30 Days Salted Chicken Eggs Turned Out Beautifully

Yesterday (87th day MCO), after our morning walk, we  walked to the pork seller to collect the pork belly and pork ribs that we have ordered the day before and then continued our walk back home.

Instead of hubby going out to buy breakfast, I cooked breakfast for both of us. 
 I cooked 2 half boiled eggs, pan fried 1 beef burger, 4 black pepper sausages and a bowl of oat porridge. 
 For me: a bowl of oat porridge and 1 sausage cut into small pieces.
For hubby: 2 half boiled eggs, beef burger and 3 sausages.
  I had Nescafe with powdered milk and hubby had his with condensed milk.
I like the Nasi Briyani from the nearby food court and it is only sold on Fridays. Hubby and I walked to the food court but found that the Nasi Briyani was sold out.
We ended up ordering a plate of white rice, a sweet spicy chicken drumstick, some mutton curry and cabbage. Hubby and I shared this plate for lunch at the food court. We had to write down our temperature, names and contact numbers in compliance with the MCO SOP for eateries.
Sweet drink or "tong sui".
I used 3 large home grown aloe vera leaves, dried figs, dried longan, pandan leaves and cane sugar. I boiled the sugar, dried figs, dried longan and pandan leaves in water until the dried figs softened. Then I added the cut aloe vera (without the skin) and let it boiled for about a minute and then off the fire.
  This sweet drink tastes better when chilled. I have some plain agar-agar in the fridge. I cut the agar-agar into small pieces and added to the sweet drink. This sweet drink is refreshing and delicious when chilled especially for warm days.
Home Made Salted Chicken Eggs
This is an update of my home made salted chicken eggs which you can click here to read. After having waited patiently for 30 days, I took out one of the salted eggs to cook in boiling water to check if it is well salted.
This is the result of 30 days salted chicken eggs. It is not too salty and the deep orange yolk was with oil and beautiful. I removed the eggs except for 2 eggs from the salt water. I will leave 1 egg to salt for 35 days and another egg to salt for 40 days to compare the results. I will update on the results.
Simple home cooked dinner
 Home cooked soup (corn, carrot, goji berries and chicken keel), sambal snake beans, home made salted egg and steamed rice. 
 Snake beans cooked with minced pork, and spicy dried prawns sambal.
 This soup has the natural sweetness of all the natural ingredients used to boil the soup.
 On one of our morning walks, I spotted this cat on top of a concrete fence. I zoomed in to get a closer picture of the cat with a bushy tail. It looks like a male cat to me.
Look! It was staring back at me! It doesn't look happy.
"Hey! Why are you pointing your camera at me?"

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

Here is my description of a truly happy land where Jehovah is God:
Sons vigorous and tall as growing plants.
Daughters of graceful beauty like the pillars of a palace wall.
Barns full to the brim with crops of every kind.
Sheep by the thousands out in our fields.
Oxen loaded down with produce.
No enemy attacking the walls, but peace everywhere.
No crime in our streets.
Yes, happy are those whose God is Jehovah.
(Psalm 144:P12-15, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Hello. The photos of cat are wonderful! Beautiful cat.
    Stay safe!

  2. I m craving for briyani too....hmmn i will check out the shop nearby my office to see if it is still there. Nice and homely dinner with soup! Yumzzx!

    1. Next Friday, I must make sure I go early for the briyani.

  3. I want that cat!!! Really gorgeous one :-) I haven't made salted eggs in a while...time to start a batch soon. Have a fabulous weekend, Nancy.

    1. I am thinking of making another batch of salted eggs to share with friends.

  4. Nice photo of that cat.
    Eggs look interesting, my husband sometimes pickles eggs.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I will be making more salted or pickled eggs soon.

  5. all the food is so intriguing. I have never tasted most of those recipes.

    be well.. mae at

  6. Your salted egg turned out beautifully and I love the deep orange color of the yolk! The cat you spotted is a very handsome cat!

  7. Hello, the food looks delicious! Love the cat photos, it is beautiful!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Hello Nancy!
    Wow! So many different plates and so tasty! I love sausages and the snake beans!
    Beautiful cat and wonderful pictures!Have a happy weekend! Take care!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a great weekend. Take care and stay safe.

  9. Great photos of the cat. It always surprises me how different your meals are to what we eat here. Have a good Sunday, Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I too find your meals interesting and different. Have a happy Sunday.

  10. ...thank cat looks ready to protect its territory!

    1. I agree with you, Tom. It doesn't look happy seeing us.

  11. Tasty dinner. Love the oats porridge u ate for breakfast. How long do you take to walk to the food court? So nice to be staying within walking distance of a food court.

    1. It takes about 4 to 5 mins walk depending on our pace.

  12. I think the cat has a feeder because he doesn't look thin. Wow! The salted eggs turned out lovely! You mean they are not too salty? Typo is it cos u wrote not too tasty cos I think they should be tasty.

    1. Thanks, Mun for spotting the typing error. I have changed "tasty" to "salty"

  13. The salted eggs turned out so beautiful! The yolks are so red.

    1. Yes, I am very encouraged with the outcome. Will be making the next batch soon.

  14. I like that cat...I have never seen one marked quite like that....

    1. Yes, this is my first time seeing a cat with such markings.

  15. Haha We have lots of cats on my street. Too many. They should be taken to the Humane Society.

    1. It is the same here too. Too many stray cats around and they become a nuisance.

  16. Your salted egg yolks look so gorgeous, must be tasty too. I love to eat salted egg yolk with white porridge.

    1. Home made salted eggs are much tastier and I love to eat salted egg with curries.

  17. I've never tried salted eggs before, but it sounds like it'd be something I enjoy as I love eggs so much xo

    1. I sure it will enjoy salted egg very much.

  18. Replies
    1. They are like hard boiled eggs but they are salty.

  19. El gato se ve muy lindo. Un beso.

  20. It sounds like a lot of trouble to get your favorite meal from that place, maybe you need to go be first in line on a Friday!

    Lovely guard cat.

    1. I will have to go early before the food gets sold out.


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