Sunday 9 August 2020

Chicken Rice For Lunch & Home Cooked Dinner

The days are getting warmer and we need the air-con to be able to sleep. We woke up before 6 am and were out of our house by 6:20 am. 

Just before we started, I looked up the sky and I took a snapshot of the moon partially hidden behind the clouds.Back home in my garden, I took some snapshots of my plants before I started to water my plants.Gardenia budHarvested another fig from my Purple Jordan fig. Better not wait till too ripe.Enjoyed the freshly plucked fig all by myself. No sharing because hubby doesn't like figs.


Lunch with friends at Kedai Minuman Villa.

A friend recommended this chicken rice stall, well known for its poached "woo soh kai" or bearded/kampung chicken and blended ginger condiment.

Our friend ordered half a poached "woo soh kai".Blended ginger condiment. We requested for an extra plate.

He also ordered a few side dishes such as the above fried lemon/turmeric marinaded meat.Bitter gourd.Blanched green veggie.Clear soup served individually.


Home cooked dinner

I had a home grown bitter gourd in my fridge. I bought some tofu and long beans, minced pork and fish paste from the nearby shops to make stuffed bitter gourd, tofu and long beans .After putting aside some for my friend and neighbour, I still have the above.Leftover curry from the previous day's dinner. These were our dinner without rice.

Because of the weakness of your human nature,
I am using the illustration of slavery to help you understand all this.
Previously, you let yourselves be slaves to impurity and lawlessness,
which led ever deeper into sin.
Now you must give yourselves to be slaves
to righteous living so that you will become holy.
(Romans 6:19, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Beautiful sky! And those palm trees in the corner. I have a soft spot for these plants. In Poland, we can only grow them at home. Whenever I am in a different, warm country, I admire the flora. As usual, you have very tasty delicacies :)

  2. Figs are one of my favourite fruits.

  3. Whenever I eat bitter gourd on a hot day, I can feel my stomach becomes healthier.

  4. I don't think I've ever had a purple Jordan fig but I love the black and brown ones so I'm sure I would like that too. Your lunch and dinner both look delicious! Have a great day :)

    1. This is suppose to be purple but I can't wait for it to ripen because I am afraid the birds might get to it. Have a great day too.

  5. I love to eat blended ginger dip too. Hah, good that you don't have to share your figs. Ah, ytf, I always like them. You are so diligent to make your own ytf. Oh, eat curry without rice - so I guess you just drank all the curry gravy since no rice or bread to soak them up, right?

    1. This time, I didn't drink all the curry gravy. Was too full for that.

  6. nice, i like Blanched green veggie.

  7. Love those homemade stuffed bitter gourds, tofu and beans.

  8. Plants are looking great and the fig also.
    The start of another day with the sky.
    The greens look appealing to me..
    Take care.

  9. Laughing at your comment about getting to have the fig all to yourself since your hubby does not like them. That is how it is when I have spinach...which is not very often. My hubby does not like it either.

    1. Ha ha.. every time I offer him the fig, he refused. He didn't even want to try. So its all mine.

  10. Nice ripe fig and meals to follow! Beautfiul snap on the moon and the mood created around.

  11. You are a good cook. Love stuffed bitter gourd.

    1. Thank you, Gigi. Good enough to cook for the family and some friends.

  12. So much delicious food! I would love to grow my own figs, I bet they're delicious when you grow them yourself xo

    1. It is rewarding to harvest our home grown edibles.

  13. The sky was so beautiful and your food makes me feel hungry now. I love your posts!!

  14. What is in the clear soup? I have never seen a dish like it before. It looks just like water.

    1. They usually poached the chicken in the clear soup and add in some veggie.

  15. News reported that august will be a warm month.

    1. We are now in the midst of warm weather. I sweat even when I sit under the fan.

  16. What a bloody great post with bloody nice photos

  17. My husband doesn't like figs, either, so if i buy them it is all for me!

    1. Yes, so we get to enjoy it all. Ha ha ha...

  18. Your ytf looks superb!

    I'm switching on the aircon every night recently.

    1. We too on the air con every night, or else cannot sleep.


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