Saturday 8 August 2020

Home Cooked Vegetables And Prawns Curry

Our friend goes to the wholesale market about twice a week. We requested for her to look out for fresh prawns and if the price is reasonable, to buy a kilo for us. Whenever she sees nice, fresh prawns, she will buy for us and will inform us to collect from her stall. This arrangement saves me the trip to the wet market.

Last Wednesday, I took out some of the prawns from the freezer to cook assorted vegetables and prawns curry. I cooked enough for 2 meals and also for blessing our neighbour and our friend who helped us buy the prawns.

Simple lunch for 2 people.

I used whatever vegetables I can find in my fridge such as cabbage, French beans, carrot, cut pineapple, tomatoes, onions, prawns and coconut milk to cook curry with a packet of A1's ready made seafood curry paste.
Hubby went out to meet his friend and he came back with a piece of deep fried chicken he bought from the nearby food court. He didn't even realized that he bought a piece of breast meat. We shared this piece of fried chicken.

Our friend gave us this steamed bun (tai pau). I re-heated it by steaming and had it for lunch.
Simple lunch for 2 people.
After lunch, we went to the phone shop to top up my prepaid umobile.
While waiting for the lady at the counter to attend to us, I took snapshot of the decorative items on their display shelves.

4 cute soft toys on display behind the glass panel.
Dinner for 2 people
The same assorted veggie + prawns curry.
Cooked 2 home made salted chicken eggs.
I like to eat salted eggs with curries.
I steamed some Basmathi rice for 2 people.
Our simple yet satisfying dinner for 2 people.
As we walked past, this cat was crouching on the grass and keeping his eyes on us.

If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
But if you do not do what is right,
sin is crouching at your door;
it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.
(Genesis 4:7, New International Version-NIV)


  1. With the pineapple in the curry, the taste must be very good. Your friend is so nice. Definitely will save you a trip to the wet market, so convenient. Do you bury the shells of the prawns in your garden like STP to be fertilizer?

    1. I cannot bury the prawn shells in the pots because it will attract the red ants.

  2. When I see stray cats I get very sad so I try not to see stray cats when I go out. Don't you feel sad when you see them?

    1. I feel sad too and wished that I could adopt them all but I know it is impossible to do so. I think most of the stray cats in our area are well fed because they do not look undernourished.

  3. Hello,
    The food looks delicious. I like the pretty decorations on display. The cat is a cutie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the visit and comment on my blog.

  4. Curry sounds really good, but the salted eggs are the best.

  5. Everything looks so delicious, I love a good curry - yum!

  6. Those salted eggs look interesting.

  7. Nice. Capture of the cat! Love the apple that is a hanging decoration.

  8. Looks a cutie that cat.
    The food is looking good.

  9. What delicious meals! Love those bears and cute things at the phone shop too!

  10. steamed bun with sweet filling inside is good for it.
    Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you, Tanza. Have a great weekend too.

  11. Never cook prawn curry at home. I am planning to steam big prawns later. Hubby bought a kg few days ago.

    1. When the prawns are really fresh, they are good for steaming.

  12. Oh gee, that curry looks good and I like the look of that big fluffy bun too.

  13. The prawns and veg curry must be very flavourful and appetizing. The stray cats in our neighbourhood are well taken care of bcos there are a few aunties who come to feed them regularly.

    1. There are also aunties here who feed the strays.

  14. Prawn curry is a great dish. Keep well Diane

  15. Your meals always look so good. Nice cat!

  16. Your dishes reminds me of the cooking by my grandmother in my home town. I cant wait to go back to my home town next year. They have a tiling service last year before CNY and the house looks brand new and stunning! Thanks for sharing with us Diane.

  17. Couldn't tahan, ordered A1 seafood curry paste already to be made into veg curry like yours hehe.

    The salted eggs are looking good.

    1. I love my curries with lots of creamy santan. Salted eggs pair well with curries.

  18. Siempre muy interesante tus comidas. Buen día.


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