Tuesday 29 September 2020

Chicken Soup, Sambal Petai, Steamed Pork & Angled Luffa

This is another one of our shared and combined dinner with our friend that we had in my house. I prefer to cook because I need to use up the produce from my garden when they are fresh harvested. If kept in the fridge for too long, they lose their freshness and natural sweetness.

My friend wanted to contribute a pot of chicken soup. She bought a free range chicken to boil this delicious soup for 4 people. 
From my kitchen....
Sambal petai and home grown okra.
Steamed minced pork with preserved vegetable (tong choy).
Home grown Angled Luffa with prawns and egg.
It pleases me to have all the dishes finished and no leftover.
Morning sky during this rainy season.
Red and purple bougainvillea from my garden.
Antique copper tap and fire extinguisher mounted on the wall of a restaurant.

Another time he asked,
"Who ever heard of someone lighting a lamp
and then covering it up to keep it from shining?
No, lamps are mounted in the open where they can be seen.
(Luke 8:16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your flowers are beautiful, and your home cooking looks so good.

  2. That bougainvillea does look pretty with the raindrops on it.

  3. That meal looks so yummy!Great post dear,lovely photos!

  4. Your red and purple bougainvillea are so beautiful! I like such potlucks as it is nice to taste other peoples cooking!

  5. ...the chicken soup looks like quite a meal. I remember fire extinguishers like that one. Thanks Nancy for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  6. I prefer to cook rather than going out these days. We seem to be moving into a second wave, not a good thing.

    1. Yes, the number of cases keep going up and down and the situation here is so uncertain. Hope there will not be another wave coming this way.

  7. I like cooked corn which my grand preper. It is so delicious.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/09/viktor-rolf-bonbon-salvatore-ferragamo.html

  8. Oh the food. Yummy. I'm always leaving your blog hungry.

    Love those beautiful flowers. The water beads make them even more beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

  9. Always such delicious stuff here!

  10. think my faveourite dish is soup with chicken is a dream

  11. I would like to have friends over for dinner, too, but it is forbidden right now due to the pandemic.

    1. We cannot have too many, only in small groups.

  12. Love your dishes from home grown vegetables especially the luffa dish. Good that no food was wasted and all food are eaten. Was the soup with all the ingredients inside finished too?

  13. Such a delicious and healthy meal! Homemade meal is definitely my favourite.

  14. Unas imagenes muy bonitas y sugerentes, saludos y cuidate mucho.

  15. My Sweetie loves leftovers, he wants to be sure there is enough for lunch the next day!

    1. If no leftovers, we will eat something else. I seldom cook lunch.

  16. Always looking forward to homecooked food anytime!

  17. I love such soup. Sweet. But long time I did not cook this soup.

  18. It is fun to have friends over. Love that Bougainvilla.

  19. Lovely meal and it all looks so good. Wish I could grow okra. Stay safe, Diane

  20. Beautiful street view overlooking the mountains and delightful and fresh bougainvillea out of showering.

  21. I know what you mean about no leftovers! Sense of accomplishment like that hehe. The okra and petai dish had me drooling.

  22. That is ABC soup right? Of course there are no leftover since all the dishes look so yummy. My favourites would be the luffa with prawns and eggs and the steamed minced pork with tong cai.

    1. Thank you, Libby. Yes, something like ABC soup.


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