Monday 28 September 2020

Vegetarian Lunch & Indian Food Dinner

It was a Thursday and we accompanied our friends to a vegetarian lunch. I mentioned a place that my sister-in-law used to patronize to my friend. Our friends haven't been there and they were keen to taste the food there. This vegetarian restaurant is Qi Fu Healthy Park Vegetarian, opposite Aeon Kinta City.

Our friends ordered the following items.

Fried Noodle (Indian style)
Wat tan hor (flat rice noodle with thick egg gravy)
Fried rice, can't remember the name of this dish.
Mixed vegetable in fermented bean curd (nam yue).
Crispy deep fried vegetarian goose.
Crispy deep fried spring rolls.
After lunch, we parted with our friends and planned to meet up for dinner again in Ipoh old town at Restoran Old Town Capati, Jalan Bandar Timah.
This is my first time eating in this place.
Fried rice vermicelli
Deep fried vadai
2 sets of chapati
1 set dosa
Chicken curry.
The above dinner was for 4 people.

Some people like to make cutting remarks,
but the words of the wise soothe and heal.
(Proverbs 12:18, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. That all does look great and I'm hungry again as it's getting towards what I'm thinking of having for dinner in a few hours time.

  2. I hope you enjoyed both places.

  3. Love the Mixed vegetable in nam Yee dish - very tasty! For dinner, vadai is my choice. Are your friends going to visit this vegetarian restaurant again?

  4. ...the spring rolls look good.

  5. I can never get used to Indian food but I love Fried rice vermicelli. Have a great Monday Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Yes, some people's not able to take the spices.

  6. Yummy! I wanted to reach through the computer screen and grab one of those spring rolls :)

  7. The spring rolls look really crisp and yum.

  8. Oh the food. All of the food. I love meatless meals and especially when it's hot outside. You eat so very well.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

  9. Lots of very yummy looking fried dishes, which I would love!!

  10. I have always enjoyed Indian cuisine. There are a couple of Indian restaurants in Hawaii.

  11. Muchos vegetales están deliciosos.

    En cuanto al arroz, como más me gusta es en paella (plato típico de España.

    Hay tres formas diferentes. Paella de arroz con carne. Paella de mariscos y paella de carne y de mariscos. Yo prefiero las dos últimas.


  12. Oh that looks good! I'll take the noodles adn the bean curd. Yum!

  13. It all looks delicious and so tasty, yummy!

  14. Chicken Curry is my favorite. I hope you try Pakistani Cuisine too. I am sure you'll love it

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt

    1. I would love to try if I can find a Pakistani restaurant.

  15. The only thing better, to me, than vegetarian food is Indian vegetarian dishes. Then again, i like many Asian style vegetarian foods, too. As long as they are tasty, i will try them!

  16. Oh those dishes look delightful. I am always happy to get a spring roll or two. I Love the crispy ones although I suppose to soft ones more healthy! Your photos are always so wonderful too. Enjoy your week! HUGS across the miles XO XO

  17. If it's a vegetarian meal, I must have my favs of fake cha siew and fish. Fried goose doesn't feel much like meat.

  18. Comidas muy interesantes. Besos.

  19. The curry chicken is calling me, slurps!

    I just had vegetarian the whole day on mid autumn festival.


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