Wednesday 9 September 2020

Minced Pork + Fish Paste Patties & Blanched Malabar Spinach

We woke up very early on Wednesday, last week. By 6:10 am, we were already out of our house starting on our morning walk. 

The streets were brightly lit from the street lights and the bright full moon shining over us.
Crepe Jasmine flowers by the roadside planted by the residents staying nearby.
Simple home cooked dinner.
Minced pork + fish paste patties
Blanched Malabar Spinach, drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
This was our simple home cooked dinner eaten with rice porridge.
Enjoy taking photos of the Bauhinia Kockiana flowers in front of my house.
Little Bauhinia Kockiana buds.
The buds getting ready to bloom into flowers.
Bauhiana Kockiana flowers in yellow and bright orange.
Have a happy Wednesday!

Now, here is a lesson from a fig tree.
When its buds become tender and its leaves begin to sprout,
you know that spring has come.
(Mark 13:28, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Food looks yum and healthy


  2. Your homecooked rice porridge looks so yummy. I like the minced pork and fish paste patties. You have a wonderful wed too!

  3. Podziwiam piękne kwiaty. Tak wcześnie rano wybraliście się na spacer i pyszny posiłek. Miłego dnia:)

  4. I like the white colour jasmine flowers.

  5. ...beautiful colorful and exotic flowers!

  6. The jasmine flowers are so beautiful. Always love your homemade meals, Nancy.

  7. You always make me hungry when I visit and see your food. Love the flowers too. I must really check into jasmine for my growing region.

  8. You sure were up and out early! I love all the gorgeous flowers :)

  9. Pork & Fish together?? I've never heard of this. Maybe I'll give it shot. I mean I like pork and I like fish. Have a great day Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. I hope you will like it. Have a great day too.

  10. The bauhinia flowers are so pretty! Love your dinner as usual. If I live with you and eat your dinner, I believe I will gain a lot of weight because your dishes are those that I like, so delicious. Your minced meat and fish patties could be eaten with bread too. Did you eat them with bread before?

    1. So far I haven't eaten with bread yet. Usually with rice or porridge.

  11. Beautiful flowers. I love the patties and the spinach. Looks delicious.

  12. Crepe Jasmine looks wonderful, so pure & flawless white. Also Bauhiana Kockiana is beautiful Enjoy your week nancy.

  13. Love the creeping Jasmine. That is our National flower :) Thank you for these flowers, they brighten up my Wednesday :)

  14. Beautiful flowers and plants and oh the food. I always enjoy your food.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  15. The Jasmine is beautiful.
    My Wordless Wednesday is here:

  16. The kockiana is gorgeous, so is the Crepe Jasmine. How many kinds of Jasmine are there, anyway?

  17. Beautiful view of full moon... cool.
    Delicious and fresh foods as always....yummy.

  18. You captured that moon shot well.

    Love the flowers!

  19. Your night photo is gorgeous, as well as the jasmine. This is a new variety to me, so I'm glad you included it.
    Food looks yum, as always!

    How great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking.

    1. Thank you, Betty for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Las flores son preciosas. Besos.


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