Saturday 12 September 2020

Noodles, Gaozi & Mung Bean Glutinous Rice Dumplings

Once again we passed by this house on our morning walk. Again, we saw chickens on the concrete wall.

At first, there were 2 roosters on the concrete wall.
As we walked nearer, there were 2 roosters and 1 hen on the concrete wall.
Later that morning, we had breakfast with our friends.
I ordered 2 bowls of Hor Hee noodle. I had the glass noodle (tong fun), while my friend has the flat rice noodle (koay teow). This Hor Hee noodle is quite tasty.
Another friend ordered the pork noodle.
Hubby ordered the prawn noodle.
I ordered 6 pieces of gaozi for sharing, 1 eaten.
Over all, we enjoyed our breakfast.
This is my first visit to Restoran Ko Pi Tim in Taman Ipoh Timur.
Simple lunch at home
My friend gave us 2 glutinous rice dumplings from Penang.
This dumpling has more mung bean than glutinous rice, so it was not so filling. Those who likes lots of mung bean will enjoy this dumpling.

Enjoy prosperity whenever you can, and when hard times strike,
realize that God gives one as well as the other -
so that everyone will realize that nothing is certain in this life.
(Ecclesiastes 7:14, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your hubby's prawn noodles are penang prawn noodles?

  2. Wonder what are hor hee noodles?

    1. Hor Hee noodle is only found in Ipoh. It is noodle in tong choy (preserved veg) soup base, served with small fish balls, thinly-sliced fish cake, bean sprouts or shredded lettuce, and a fish wonton. Sliced bird’s eye chilli in light soya sauce dipping. Noodles used are usually kuey teow or glass noodle (tong fun).

    2. Thanks for the info nancy, now i know what are hor hee noodles. Happy sunday!

    3. Even though hor hee noodles is a Ipoh thing, only a few stalls selling really delicious hor hee noodles.

  3. Hello. Photos of roosters are lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. The roosters are so colorful! I saw one in front of my house a few months ago. I hope it made it home safely hah..hah...

  5. Hello, Nancy
    I love the rooster photos, they are pretty. Your noodles and meals look yummy. Take care and stay safe. Thank you for linking up your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Those roosters are so handsome!

  7. Nice variety of noodles. The rooster's photos remind me that the one  escaped from the chicken centre in our street and settled well in the house opposite to us and the neighbor drives the rooster but it refuses to get away and runs into the next house and comes back later. The bird stays on the tree and  makes noise which disturbs the sleep of the 90+ old man in that house. No one could catch it and it never comes out of the gate as if the neighbor owns it. 

    1. Who feeds the rooster then?

    2. Hello Jeevan, the rooster must have love its new found home up on the tree.

    3. Hello Mun, the rooster probably finds lots of insects in the compound.

  8. ...the roosters remind me of Maui!

  9. I love seeing those roosters, they are so pretty! All the food looks great. I love mung bean noodles but that's the only way I've ever had mung bean, I would love to be able to try more like those dumplings.

  10. Love lots of mung beans in the Bak chang! All the noodles look tasty! What does hor hee mean?

    1. Then you will love this bak chang from Penang.
      Hor Hee noodle is only found in Ipoh. It is noodle in tong choy (preserved veg) soup base, served with small fish balls, thinly-sliced fish cake, bean sprouts or shredded lettuce, and a fish wonton. Sliced bird’s eye chilli in light soya sauce dipping. Noodles used are usually kuey teow or glass noodle (tong fun).

    2. Thanks for the details about what is inside a bowl of hor hee noodles but what two chinese words are hor hee and in which dialect?

    3. I think "hor" means hor fun (Cantonese). I don't know about the "hee".

  11. The roosters and hen on the wall made me smile. As always a delight to see such a wonderful variety of food.

  12. The roosters are so carefree! Their owners are so at peace to let them freely roam about. Just like a kampung life. Is it a kampung?

    1. Its not a kampung but this is a corner house and they keep chickens in their compound.

  13. I would love to try the rice dumplings! Those Roosters are ruling the roost! heehee!

  14. The chickens on the wall are so cool! They look like decorations.

  15. Those chickens are colorful. I like dumplings.

  16. How funny with the birds on the wall! :) The food looks nice too, it's good you were able to catch up with friends!

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  17. Photos very nice with the roosters

  18. Two roosters! Most of the time, my understanding is roosters do not get along, you can only have one in the yard with the hens.

    Such nice meals as you have!

  19. Me gustan los gallos. Un beso.

  20. The chickens are just happily wandering around. Obviously they can escape if they want but I guess they don't.

    1. They are free to roam and know where their home is.


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