Monday 14 September 2020

Penang Hokkien Mee & Visit To The Heritage Cat

Last Sunday, we went to Penang for a day trip. We started the journey at about 7:45 am on a cool, cloudy morning.

Misty view while driving on the highway.
Cottony clouds in the sky while driving on the 2nd Penang bridge.
Very light traffic all the way from Ipoh to Penang.
Good to start early on a Sunday morning.
2nd Penang bridge.
After crossing this bridge, we went to look for Penang Hokkien Mee or Prawn Noodle.
We went to our favourite stall but the noodle was sold out. Our friend took us to another shop. I have no idea which shop because I didn't take a snapshot of the shop.
Our friend ordered for us Prawn Noodles with additional ingredients of prawn and meat slices. After having filled our hungry tummies, we set off for some sightseeing.
Sharing some street art here.
Painting on the back wall of a shop.
Same place as above.
Kitty with butterfly wings at Lebuh Cannon.
Kitty sculpture
Painting on the pillar.
Came to this place and we were invited in to explore and take pictures.
Cat lovers will love this place - The Heritage Cat.
Sit back and enjoy the photos.
#5 - Craft with buttons.
#6 - Cute kitty playing with a red ball.
#10 - Kitty bag
#15 - Supercat heroes
#16 - Cats doing the "Michael Jackson" dance.
#19 - After The Heritage Cat, we visited Cat n Dog.
#20 - Someone fell in love with these doggy stool.
#21 - Cute kitty snoozing in a shoe.
#22 - Kitty on a swing
#23 - Puppies in a rattan woven basket.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
(Psalm 139:14-16, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Awesome! I love all the cat art! My favorites are the first cat one, and the cat on the bike.

  2. Beautiful cat art! I would love to visit the place...really cool.

  3. creative and colorful wall arts...very instagramable!

  4. Such beautiful cats! Thank you very much for your interesting entry! )))

  5. So cute! I must visit The Heritage Cat when I get an opportunity to go to Penang again.

    1. Yes, this place is worth visiting for cat lovers.

  6. ...I love the bridge and what fabulous art!

  7. Lol at the cat doing the michael jackson dance, i like the cat on the wing, lovely paintings of cats, you are right, i like tis place cos i am cat lover. Have a great week ahead.

  8. nice photos... i already miss travelling but i can't do that now because of the pandemic.

    INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

    1. We can't travel out of the country but we can travel within our own country.

  9. I so love all the cat art! Every single photo was a joy to look at.

  10. Such gorgeous scenery and I adore all the cat art, so cute!

  11. What a lovely day trip and the art is wonderful. So Awww worthy.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Thanks also for helping me to link to Awww Monday.

  12. Wow fabulous cat murals, every single one. That bridge is quite something. Keep safe Diane

  13. What a delight to see the cat murals and such pretty cat crafts.

  14. The prawn mee looks tasty but spicy. Is heritage cat a souvenir shop?

    1. The prawn mee was not spicy, taste good. Yes, it is a souvenir shop but mostly all about cats.

  15. I love the photos especially michael jackson

  16. What a fun museum, thanks for the tour!

  17. Very cute cat painting and things related to same and the kitty sculpture with a remnant of bicycle is unique! Lovely shots

  18. Of course the cat paintings would appeal to me.

  19. Me encantan los gatitos. Un beso.

  20. Oh so many drawings of cats! Many are very cute. Seems like cats are overtaking dogs in terms of popularity.


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