Tuesday 5 January 2021

Dinner At Restoran Wan Li Xiang Roaster

We are still keeping to our Friday dinner get together. Just the four of us consisting of a pair of husband and wife, my hubby and myself. We try to choose a less crowded place which allows for proper social distancing. This particular evening, hubby suggested Restoran Wan Li Xiang Roaster, off Jalan Pasir Puteh, Ipoh. When we entered, only 1 big table was occupied by 6 people. By the time we finished dinner, only 4 other tables were occupied. 

1st dish we ordered was this Black Pepper Venison.
Fish Head Curry in clay pot.
The curry was thick and creamy. It was very tasty but a bit too spicy. At the end of dinner, the remaining curry gravy was packed for takeaway. Instead of wasting the curry, I will add in some ingredients to make a delicious curry to eat with roti prata (roti canai).
For veggie, we ordered Chinese baby kai lan with roast pork.
Total bill came to RM89 incl. rice & plain water.
Wall decoration
Wall decoration.
Back home sitting in front of my computer.
I was waiting for the computer to startup and when I turned to look at the screen, I saw this spider in the middle of a blank screen. At first I was puzzled, I thought it was a new screen saver or something. Then I looked closer. Cheh! It was a real spider on the screen!
An old Vespa scooter on display at a hotel in Malacca.
Yellow hibiscus with single layer petals.
This snapshot was taken at 9:05am when the sky was dark just before a heavy downpour.

Anxious hearts are very heavy,
but a word of encouragement does wonders!
(Proverbs 12:25, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. LOL! a spider as screensaver....I would have jump out of shock! I like the curry in claypot….looks thick and good to go with rice!

    1. This type of spider won't make me jump. Only the lizard or cockroach will make me jump. Lol!

  2. Oh, I thought it was the housefly from the whatsapp!

    1. Ha ha that housefly that goes round on our handphone screen. Shoo, shoo also won't go away.

  3. Nice wall decor from the Chinese restaurant. The old Vespa brings a nostalgic feel, and I just loved the yellow hibiscus!

  4. That fish head curry looks so good.

  5. Eeek! That would be the moment my computer screen would have gotten smashed!

    1. Lol! I think I will fall backward over my chair trying to get away if it had been a lizard or a cockroach.

  6. That venison sound so appealing to me...

  7. It's amazing that you are allowed to have the place opened for dinner. With Covid in Canada, in Ontario, all the restaurants are closed except for pick up. Interesting Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Here all the eateries are opened but the number of dine-in customers are limited.

  8. I like the veggies with roast pork the most. That hibiscus is gorgeous!

  9. Pretty yellow hibiscus! The food looks good. The portraits look kinda creepy. Have you eaten all the remaining curry you took home yet?

  10. ...I love the classic poses of the two paintings ant the motorbike would be fun to ride around on. Thanks Nancy for joining the party.

  11. That food look very delicious.

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  12. Oh the food. I love your foodie posts. We're having breakfast in about 20 minutes and I'm starving.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. At this moment I am thinking of having something to snack on.

  13. The food portions look delicious. Happy New Year 2021 <3

    1. Thank you, Tarja. Wishing you all the best for the new year.

  14. I like the Vespa. And the venison dish looks just likt one popular here, pepper steak.

  15. I would have loved the Black Pepper Venison and the veggies! Yum! Your meals are so delicious! You are very lucky!

  16. wah, those Qing dynasty potraits….kinda creepy. Recently a restaurant got themselves into trouble by having communist theme wallpaper. The dishes look delicious!

    1. Thank you, Nux. Yes, I read it in the newspaper.

  17. The Vespa is really something. Love your yellow Hibiscus.

  18. I passed by this restaurant before on the way to our airbnb apartment. Food looks good, maybe will visit next time when we can travel freely again.

    I'm pretty ok with spiders too.

    1. We like the choy keok (sour veg) but only when available especially for lunch. They also sell chap farn for lunch.

  19. The venison and veggies look especially tempting!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/01/classic.html

  20. It's good that you can still go out with friends and keep distant enough. Spiders are so helpful for getting rid of flying pests, i like having them around.

    1. We have been cutting down our going out with friends because of the increasing numbers of infected cases.

  21. Lol! New screen saver! I would run if i saw the spider.


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