Saturday 13 February 2021

Kai Si Hor Fun & Black Pepper Pork Rib

This year's Lunar New Year celebration is the simplest and the quietest, not only for my household but also for many others. Surprisingly, we could hardly heard the sound of firecrackers and we enjoyed our undisturbed sleep. Anyway, for most of us, the celebration is over and we are now back to our everyday life. So, today's post is the continuation of where we left off.

Takeaway breakfast from Kafe Little Nam Yeong.

Shredded chicken noodle or kai si hor fun (flat rice noodle).
Flat rice noodle or koay teow, prawn cut into 2 halves, shredded chicken meat, 2 fish balls, and a piece of crab stick. Most important is the soup.
Home cooked dinner for 2.
Home grown Brazilian spinach or Sissoo spinach from my garden.
The spinach was blanched and drizzled with garlic oil and soy sauce.
Frozen ready cooked black pepper pork rib @ RM18 (700g pack)
Hubby bought from Restaurant Seri Meesan, Bandar Siber, Ipoh.
Our dinner with steamed rice.
I kept aside some of the black pepper pork rib for the next day's breakfast.
Evening sky at 7:18pm
We expected rain and it rained later in the night.
I heard some noise coming from the porch area and I went to the window to check. I saw 2 mourning doves perched on the branches of my Bauhinia Kockiana plants.
The 2nd bird is somewhere on the right, hidden by the leaves. (not in the photo)
To avoid scaring the birds off, I took these photos through the louvered windows from inside my sitting room.

Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling.
(Proverbs 20:3, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Yes, very quiet and serene... fire crackers was very minimal too.. Labby is happy about that!

    1. Yes, happy for Labby. This year she needn't have to find a place to hide.

  2. Guess everyone over your way is being cautious in these time and not celebrating too much.
    Photos are lovely and the meal looks good.

    1. Most of us are not celebrating much because our children couldn't come back to join us due to the movement restriction.

  3. Your place is so nice, didn't play with fireworks. Around my place, very noisy, people lighting firecrackers very frequently. Why the coffee shops in Ipoh open so fast for business. Here coffee shops are still closed until 17 Feb 2021 or later. Seems like Ipoh is not celebrating cny unlike kl here.

    1. I think it is because most of the young ones are in the city and couldn't travel home to celebrate with the old folks. Ipoh has more old folks so more quieter, my personal opinion hehe. Once it was announced that it is allowed to dine-in, our coffee shops started to welcome dine-in customers. I thought it should be the same for KL coffee shops.

    2. It is the same. The elderly folks are rushing out to enjoy dining in the coffee shops in the morning.

    3. So true. The old folks missed their early morning breakfast and coffee "yum char" session. Ha ha haaa..

  4. Hello Nancy,
    It is nice the Lunar New Year passed quietly and peaceful. Your meals look delicious, I would love the soup and pork. The Doves are so cute, sweet birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a wonderful new week.

  5. That's a fantastic homemade meal, I love esp. the black pepper ribs.

    1. These frozen food is easy for me. Just thaw, steam and ready to eat. Less sweating in the kitchen.

  6. Same for me, celebration ends yesterday, today life back to normal. So tiring visiting and doing houseworks (endless washing after meals). Today can rest a bit.

    1. For once, there is no need for me to sweat out in the kitchen, cooking and washing up after every meal. In fact, I find it boring because my sons are not home with us.

  7. Black pepper pork ribs and soy sauce vegetables make a great dinner too. Yums!

  8. have a wonderful green jungle to look out at.

  9. Hola Nancy, tus platos siempre se ven muy sabrosos. Las fotos de tu jardín son geniales y se ve hermoso. Besos.

  10. Everything looks so good as always, love the photos you took out your window!

  11. Happy Belated New Year Nancy :) I love the Mourning Doves...they are my favourite! Your food looks good, especially that spinach dish! :)

    1. Thank you, Rain. I too love the mourning doves.

  12. Your spinach looks so nice. Home grown and home cooked.

  13. Your meals look fantastic! Your sky looks much like ours right now, but our temperatures are -15c. Thanks so much for sharing with us! You are AWESOME, Have a wonderful day!

  14. Happy (belatedly) New Year. Glad people are being smart and celebrating quietly this year. Your meals look delicious.

    1. Thank you, Sallie. Happy belated Valentine's Day.

  15. Tus comidas se ven muy bien, me encantan las verduras. Besos.

  16. Hi Nancy. Just looking at the different foods are making me feel much better.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. Good to know you are feeling better.

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ginny. Happy belated Valentine's Day.

  18. I love those Bauhinia Kockiana plants....they look like they make a nice bit of shade. And are pretty to look at besides.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I like the striking orange of the Bauhinia Kockiana flowers.

  19. Lovely photos and the food look delish.

  20. Your food looks so good! :) Happy new year!

    Hope you are having a nice weekend :) We had fun with the family celebrating Lunar New Year with a big meal yesterday :)

    Away From Blue

    1. We had a nice but quiet celebration at home, just the 2 of us because our boys could not come back because of the movement control order.

  21. Those birds did get very close, didn't they.

  22. Happy Chinese New Year, Nancy !.
    In my country also feel lonely Chinese New Year celebrations unlike in previous years.
    We only celebrate small family gatherings at home.

    1. Happy CNY to you, Himawan. Enjoy your new week.

  23. That is amazing that dove come to your window. So ccol.

    New Post -

  24. The doves are very pretty! Have a good weekend sweet lady!

  25. black pepper pork rib! sedap!!

  26. Definitely a quieter CNY this round! Limited firecrackers going on at my area also. Hubby did have some for the kids but without companions to play with, they didn't play for long either.

    1. I am sure your girls missed playing with their cousins too.


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