Monday 15 February 2021

Black Pepper Pork Rib Noodle, Curry Puffs, Fried Noodle & Nasi Lemak

We have leftover black pepper pork rib from the previous night's dinner in the fridge. After our morning walk, we returned home. I got ready to make breakfast by heating up the black pepper pork rib. 

Next, I boiled water to blanch the extra Malabar Spinach which was kept in the fridge and for cooking the noodle. While waiting for the water to boil, I mixed milo for hubby and Nescafe for me.
We used the gravy from the black pepper pork rib to mix with the noodle. It tasted great, better than having breakfast in the coffee shop.
Sky shot at 10am.
I took the snapshot of the sky when I came out to the front garden to cut some pandan leaves or screwpine leaves for boiling sweet drink or tong sui.
Sweet drink or tong sui.
Ingredients: lotus seeds, dried longan, peach gum, and rock sugar.
I also gave some to our friend and neighbour.
We had curry puffs and sweet drink for lunch.
Later, we had chilled cut papaya.
The papaya was given by my neighbour.
Fried noodle and nasi lemak with fried chicken.
We received the above food from our neighbour. In order to support her friend who lost her job because of the pandemic, she bought a few packs of food from her friend. Hubby and I shared the fried noodle and nasi lemak for dinner.
I dug out these cactus babies to plant in small containers for a friend of mine who also loves gardening. I try to give away extra plants instead of throwing them away.

Yes, if you want better insight and discernment,
and are searching for them as you would for lost money
or hidden treasure, then wisdom will be given you
and knowledge of God himself;
you will soon learn the importance of
reverence for the Lord and of trusting him.
(Proverbs 2:3-5, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I want some black pepper ribs! Such a mouthwatering meal, Nancy.

    1. The seller highly recommended it. After tasting it, we went back to buy another 2 packs.

  2. wow i love all the dishes, because i like noodle so much especially with sweet chicken saus

  3. I would love to try a curry puff with a desert of fresh papaya. What a lovely lunch.

  4. A good breakfast plus a sense of accomplishment in clearing the fridge, no doubt!

  5. That was a nice breakfast at home. I also try to clear leftovers from CNY. As of today, mostly are gone.

    1. I feel satisfied having cleared all the leftovers.

  6. Nice recipes to treat your day and I love the sky shot with clouds capping the hills.

  7. ...this winter I am missing papaya from the farmers market!

    1. I am looking forward to buying more fruits as the weather gets hotter.

  8. That looks and sounds delicious. Keep well and stay safe, Diane

  9. Love your review as always ))

  10. Looks like a nice hearty breakfast and everything else looks delicious. I love that you share your plants too!

  11. That would be great for my dinner Nancy. It looks so tasty. Stay safe my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Me encanta que regales flores. Besos.

  13. Oh my on the food. Another feast. You two eat so very well.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

  14. Everything looks so scrumptious! Especially the papaya! And we loved the shot of the beautiful blue sky! Have a most marvellously Happy Day!

    1. I need to go out to get some papaya or some juicy fruits because the weather is so hot now.

  15. I always love those curry puffs!!!

  16. OMG all this food looks so good! And love the shot of the sky.

    Allie of

  17. Your black pepper gravy definitely is super tasty when mixed into the noodles. A very satisfying breakfast with the drinks. Good to support friends by buying their food because we need to eat daily anyway. I took a long time to find the cactus in your photo. What are the other plants in the same pot?

    1. Thank you, Mun. The other plants in the same pot are balsam plants.

  18. Oh, the INTENSE blue of this sky!!

  19. That looks like a wonderful breakfast, indeed.

  20. pork rib noodles for breakfast! yummmzzz!!

  21. i think that papaya is my favourite fruit. It is ridiculously expensive here and sometimes when you get it home and cut it open it is not even good. I long to travel again to somewhere it is grown and is always fresh and juicy.

    1. To get good and fresh papaya, you will have to visit tropical countries. Sometimes, they are really sweet and juicy, sometimes they are not sweet and juicy.

  22. Another bloody interesting post for me

  23. A very satisfying breakfast with warm drinks. Very beautiful and nice sky shot, I like! Love the blue sky and white clouds.


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